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07-14-2017, 04:09 AM
Hey Everyone (and MYC Staff),

It seems that the classifieds is barely on life support and in serious need of some CPR...meaning, CLASSIFIEDS PLEASE REPAIR?

Not sure what has happened, but I usually check MYC site, as well as the classifieds daily and it has been disheartening too see member's classifieds ads not posted after many days from the submission date or if at all. In the past, the classifieds was humming along with new ads posted almost daily, along with seperate forum posts from the sellers/buyers that provided a lot of details or info that helped start other conversations/posts. Or, there would be postings in the forums that helped drive people to the classifieds for something else to look at, but with it being sort of DOA lately, I am left wondering what's going on...?

Plus, in the near future, I plan to reduce the amount of flight simulators in my hanger and I'll need the MYC classifieds too help me out. Therefore, will someone on the MYC staff get this repaired please? Not sure who handles the classifieds section, but I am respectively asking for someone to let this person know that it needs fixed asap...please?

Best Regards,


Geremy Britton
07-15-2017, 02:17 PM
You will need to pass the issue onto Matt Olieman, via private message. I have looked at this before and it appears the issue lies a little deeper than my authority and expertise will allow.

07-18-2017, 04:58 AM
I've e-mailed Matt in the past about this issue -- no response -- is everything okay?