View Full Version : Friendly greetings from Hungary!

05-10-2017, 03:38 PM
Hello everybody,

My name is Dávid, and I'm from Hungary. :) I've been a MyCockpit lurker and a flight simmer (FSX:SE) for almost 3 years now.
I decided to join this site because I'd love to help others, share my projects, make friends, and learn about different techniques that I could use when crafting stuff (be it a panel or a mechanical contraption, like rudder pedals).

I'm interested in building my own A320 without pre-assembled stuff, using custom electronics and software. I chose this route because I want to keep the costs low, and because this way I can ensure that my parts have a full lifetime warranty and immediate "troubleshootability" (since I developed them). :D
Accuracy and modularity are also key factors in my plans. Accuracy is important to me because I want to be able to combine my replicas with real components if I ever find affordable A320 parts, while modularity is important because I want to start out small, and be able to incorporate the things I've already made into larger projects, like a pedestal or overhead.
Easy disassembling, transporting and reassembling is also a must! ;)

I hope we'll get to help and know each other a bit more in the future! : )

Kind regards,