View Full Version : Connecting push/pull throttle to slide potentiometer

03-29-2017, 10:17 AM
I have a real aircraft throttle that I'd like to incorporate into my GA copckpit build. To do so, I'm planning on purchasing the Simkits throttle controller seen here... http://www.simkits.com/product/usb-throttle-controller/


What I have a question about is how to connect from the throttle cable to the potentiometer slides. The Simkits throttle seems to connect to its potentiometer by some sort of gold clamp you can see here ... http://www.simkits.com/uploaded/thumbnails/db_file_img_325_470x627.jpg

Does this clamp that connects the wire to the potentiometer have a name? I haven't found anything else to do this, so any advice would be greatly appreciated!

04-18-2017, 12:24 AM
I'm still quite novice cockpit builder, but since so one has replied...

Have you considered parts such as a clutch cable, bike cable, or car throttle cable? You may have to mount your own "post" adjacent to the slide.

You could create the mount by forming a small piece of aluminum: fold it around a rod and drill a hold through the side so it clamps around the clutch cable. I would think parts like that would be stocked at a hardware store or car parts store.

You might be able to salvage the parts off a car.



04-18-2017, 01:46 PM
Thanks! I actually got in touch with the simkits folks and they're sending me a few of the brass barrels they use along with the USB throttle board I ordered. Assuming those work, I should be good, but I'll update when I get them.

04-30-2017, 06:49 AM
Thanks! I actually got in touch with the simkits folks and they're sending me a few of the brass barrels they use along with the USB throttle board I ordered. Assuming those work, I should be good, but I'll update when I get them.


im also making a Cessna sim out of a real airframe .
The way I did it was really easy ,I used a saitek throttle quadrant .
All I did was to connect my rods at the front of the bulkhead to the levers on the saitek
quadrant ,I connected the pots to a leo card but you don't have to do this it works a treat
regards dave

05-02-2017, 12:12 PM
Thanks - I actually received the brass barrels that TRC Sims uses - drilled one out a bit more and used it to attach the throttle cable. You can see it in this video ...
