View Full Version : Jeehill mcdu

10-19-2016, 08:57 AM
Question as regards to mcdu
I have a computor links to a network just for jeehill mcdu
I've loaded up the jeehill mcdu
I have 1 opencockpits key card connected to pc I have loaded opencockpits sioc on the pc as well
When I run the sioc I can see the device in the window
Question what does the sioc INI need to look like before using sioc creator so it will all work to connect to main pc containing the flightsim p3d
I would really be greatfull for any help

10-20-2016, 04:40 PM
When you run the SIOC creator it sets up a program in the FMGS folder and provides a link to that from the SIOC .ini. If you have other SIOC programs you may find the variables duplicated and you need to change those by hand and then change the pointer in the FMGS file .ini to match the new variable.

10-20-2016, 06:22 PM
Thanks for the reply Barry please could you send me
If possible An example of what the sioc ini looks like with 1 keycard
I can't find any instructions for the sioc creator any ware

10-21-2016, 03:48 PM
It's a while since I did it but it is fairly self explanatory. if you run the SIOC creator you should be able to detect and identify all your keys. When you save it creates a SIOC .ini file like this:
//SIOC script generated by SIOCcreator for JeeHellWAre A320 FMGS software
//date: 02/12/2016
Var 1, name keyfo, Link USB_KEYS, Device 0

Now if you have already SIOC in use the chances are you cannot use Var 1, in my case I changed this to 2000 so the bottom few lines of my .txt file for SIOC .ini look like this:

// Finals

Var 1926 name finals Link SOUND
Var 1927 Link FSUIPC_IN Offset 3122 Length 1 // Read outer Marker
IF v1927 = 2
&finals = 7
&finals = 0

// Welcome ////////////

Var 1930 name welcomeon Link SOUND
Var 1931 name welcomeoff Link Sound
Var 1932 Link IOCARD_SW Input 078 Type I // No smoking
IF v1932 = 1
&welcomeon = 8
&welcomeon = 0
// IF v1932 = 0
// {
// &welcomeoff = 5
// &welcomeoff = 0
// }
// end of sounds

Var 2000 name keyfo Link USB_Keys Device 0

My FMGSServer.iocp.ini looks like this


Hope this gives you a clue, the only bit I had to get advice from JL was the variable renumbering routine, the rest was a case of follow your nose! Mine works fine. Perhaps you have two MCDU's as I have. My pilot one however is not on IOKeys so has a different procedure altogether.

www.a320sim.com (http://www.a320sim.com)

10-21-2016, 03:56 PM
Also see my post dated 02-10-16 and JL's reply which sorted it for me.

10-21-2016, 06:33 PM
Thanks for taking the time to send me this barry really appreciated
I'll have a try tomorrow with mine

11-02-2016, 03:36 AM
I think i need holding bye the hand and walking through this set up because i have tried several ways
and it still does not work for me
at the moment im using the mcdu with this open cockpits keycard with pm software im using the encoder keys software with widefs successfully
im in Manchester uk if you can help you can access my pc from net if necessary

11-03-2016, 04:11 PM
I don't think I can do much with remote access, it would take some time to work out your setup.
Just looking at step by step, you need to turn off SIOC and USB keys. Start SIOC creator and the first step is to point it to your SIOC folder, If you haven't yet got one follow the instructions in setting up SIOC to create it. The information to sort out the .INI is in the instructions, I don't have it in my head but I remember it was not too difficult.
Once you have pointed to the SIOC folder click OK or whatever it is and a new window opens where you can select MCDU. Then follow the prompts, it tells you when to start SIOC and IOKeys. The program then tells you which keys to press in order, need to concentrate hard or else start again if you make a mistake. When you have identified all the keys tell it save the information.
Then follow the instructions I posted earlier and note the possible need to rename the variable depending on what SIOC you already have.
Note there is an alternative option to add your SIOC in the creator program but I never used it, I just pasted the information into my existing SIOC .ini once I had sorted the variable.
Make sure you save you SIOC .ini before you start otherwise it can be overwritten.
I am not a computer whiz but I managed to sort it out with some help from JL in earlier posts I talked about before. Do a forum search to find any other tips.

11-05-2016, 09:07 AM
when going as far as the programming of keys in the sioc creater set up thats it it wont go past the first lsk 1 choice?
yet the keys are being piced up bye the IOC KEYS programm
has it got something to do with my sioc ini here is a pic of card connected
this is my sioc ini file
[ Configuration file for SIOC ]
[************** SIOC ***************]

[ SIOC name ]

[ IOCP port ]

[ IOCP Timeout ]

[ Start minimized in tray ]

[ Deley needed for var. toggles (Project Magenta) ]

[ Configuration File ]

[************** VIRTUAL DEVICES ***************]

[ Enable Receive Virtual Devices yes/no ]

[ Wait time for load Virtual Devices (ms)]

[ Slave mode for SIOC Virtual Devices Server yes/no ]

[ SIOC Host/Port to resent Devices ]

[************** MONITOR MODULE ***************]

[ Remote monitor disable mode yes/no ]

[ Broadcast monitor time (seconds) ]

[************** IOCARDS MODULE ***************]

[ Disable IOCards module ]

[ Frequency divisor for delay the analogic axes. (1-999)]

[------------- CARDS CONFIG -------------]

[ English : ]

[ MASTER=(Device index),(Type),(Number of cards),(Device number) ]

[ Device index : Index used in SIOC variable like device, this is the card used for SIOC sentence ]
[ Use 0 for only one card, for this value you not need specify Device number. If you not use DEVICE parameter in a definition in SIOC script, the default index used is 0]

[ type = 0 : Master Card Emulator // OBSOLETE ]
[ type = 1 : Master Card connected directly to parallel port // OBSOLETE ]
[ type = 2 : Master Card connected throught compatibility cable to parallel port //OBSOLETE]
[ type = 3 : Expansion Card connected throught parallel port //OBSOLETE ]
[ type = 4 : USBExpansion Card used ]
[ type = 5 : Opencockpits MCP module ]
[ type = 6 : USBOutputs Card used ]
[ type = 7 : EFIS module ]
[ type = 8 : Radio COM module ]
[ type = 9 : Radio NAV module ]
[ type = 10 : Radio ADF module ]
[ type = 11 : Radio ATC module ]
[ type = 12 : Radio RMP Airbus module ]
[ type = 13 : FMC-737 module ]
[ type = 14 : USBDCmotorPLUS Card used ]
[ type = 15 : MCP V3 module ]
[ type = 16 : CHRONO B737 module ]
[ tipo = 17 : USBDimcontrol card used ]
[ tipo = 18 : Audio B737 module ]
[ tipo = 19 : FIRE ENGINES B737 module ]
[ tipo = 20 : PEDESTAL B737 module ]

[ Number of Cards = Master cards connecteds, 1 to 4 for expansion cards, 1 for a Master card directly connected or Emulator ]

[ Number of device = 0 for Emulator or first USB card detected, parallel port address, device number for specifies USBexpansion card ]

[ For example, two USBExpansion cards connected with 3 and 2 Master cards used ]

[ For example, use of Master card emulator ]

[ Use the first USBExpansion card connected with only one Master Card attached ]
[ Esta definición es para usar la primera tarjeta USBExpansion que se encuentre instalada que además llevará conectada una placa Master ]

[ Others Cards / Otras tarjetas ]

[ English : ]

[ Name_of_card=(Device index),(Device number) ]

[ Device index : Index used in SIOC variable like device, this is the card used for SIOC sentence ]
[ Use 0 for only one card, for this value you not need specify Device number. If you not use DEVICE parameter in a definition in SIOC script, the default index used is 0]

[ Number of device = 0 for first USB card of this type detected, or device number for a specifies device ]

[ Ejemplo de dos USBServos en indices 0 y 1, y números de devices 17 y 23 ]
[ Example of two USBServos for index 0 and 1, and device number 17 and 23 ]

[ USBServos=0,17 ]
[ USBServos=0,23 ]


[ Para los ejes analógicos se usan los números de devices de las tarjetas donde están alojados ]
[ For analogic axles, you use the device number of cards what allow the axles ]


[************** FSUIPC MODULE ***************]

[ Desabilitar lectura de las FSUIPC ]
[ FSUIPC disable mode yes/no ]

[ Refresco recepción FSUIPC ]
[ FSUIPC refresh ]

[************** IOCP CLIENTS MODULES ***************]

[ Retraso para inicializacion una vez conectado el cliente en milisegundos ]
[ Delay for initialization when client has been connected in mseconds ]

[************** IOCP CLIENT MODULE #0 ***************]

[ Desactivar el módulo cliente IOCP ]
[ Disable IOCP client module ]

[ IP del servidor donde debe de conectar el cliente ]
[ IOCP client host name ]

[ Puerto de envio del protocolo IOCP cliente ]
[ IOCP client port ]

[************** IOCP CLIENT MODULE #1 ***************]

[ Desactivar el módulo cliente IOCP ]
[ Disable IOCP client module ]

[ IP del servidor donde debe de conectar el cliente ]
[ IOCP client host name ]

[ Puerto de envio del protocolo IOCP cliente ]
[ IOCP client port ]

[************** SOUND MODULE ***************]

[ Ficheros de sonido ]
[ Sound Files ]

[ Desactivar el módulo de sonido ]
[ Disable Sound module ]

[ Volumen general de los sonidos 0-100 ]
[ Master Volume 0-100 ]

[ put '*' first filename for loop Sound ]
[ anteponer '*' en el fichero para bucle continuo de sonido]

[ Sound=wav_file,frequency,volume,pan ]
[ frequency=100 to 100000 0=original -1=current ]
[ volume=0 to 100, -1=current ]
[ pan=-100 (left) to +100 (right) 0=center -1=current ]

[ Sound=Fichero_wav,frecuencia,volumen,balance ]
[ frecuencia=100 hasta 100000 0=original -1=Por defecto ]
[ volumen=0 hasta 100 -1=Volumen por defecto ]
[ balance=-100 (Izquierda) hasta +100 (Derecha) 0=centro -1=Por defecto ]

[ #1 ]

[ #2 ]

[ #3 ]

[************** KEYBOARD EMULATOR MODULE ***************]

[ Nombre exacto de la ventana donde se enviarán las teclas ]
[ Name of window for key send ]
[window = "Project Magenta Glass Cockpit - Build 396" ]

window =a.txt - Bloc de notas

[ Asignación de teclas ]
[ assign youe keys ]


[ --- SIOC Autoconfig Devices Ver 5.0 B5 ==> 2014-06-27 21:53:26 <== ----]

[ --- SIOC Autoconfig Devices Ver 5.0 B5 ==> 2014-06-27 21:53:52 <== ----]

11-05-2016, 11:28 AM
I can't see anything obvious but then although I have got my stuff all working I cannot say I understand how other than I try to follow the instructions.
Your SIOC splash screen looks much like mine except that I have another device (Master card) in top right.
Nothing strikes me about you .ini file but it is so much different to mine which I am pasting below.
I just ran my creator again up to the point of key detection and it works fine so I don't know.

[ fichero de configuracion para el SIOC ver. 3.41 ]
[ Configuration file for SIOC ]

[************** SIOC ***************]
[ Puerto del servidor IOCP ]
[ IOCP port ]
[ Tiempo de respuesta máximo de los paquetes IOCP ]
[ IOCP Timeout ]
[ Arranque minimizado en la barra ]
[ Start minimized in tray ]
[ Retraso necesario para las variables toggles (Project Magenta)]
[ Deley needed for var. toggles (Project Magenta) ]
[ Fichero de configuracion ]
[ Configuration File ]

[************** IOCARDS MODULE ***************]
[ Desactivar el módulo de las IOCards ]
[ Disable IOCards module ]
[------------- CARDS CONFIG -------------]
[ IOCard Master ]
[ Spanish : ]
[ MASTER=(Indice device),(Tipo),(Número de tarjetas),(Número device) ]
[ Indice Device: Índice usado en la variable SIOC como device, para indicar a que tarjeta se hace referencia ]
[ Se usa 0 en el caso de que sólo haya una tarjeta y no se tenga en cuenta el número de device, por defecto un script en SIOC cuando no se pone parámetro DEVICE, se hace referencia al índice 0]
[ tipo = 0 : Emulador de Master Card ]
[ tipo = 1 : Tarjeta Master conectada al puerto paralelo directamente ]
[ tipo = 2 : Tarjeta Master conectada al puerto paralelo mediante cable de compatibilidad ]
[ tipo = 3 : Placa de expansión por puerto paralelo ]
[ tipo = 4 : Tarjeta USBExpansion usada ]
[ tipo = 5 : Modulo MCP de Opencockpits ]
[ Número de tarjetas = Número de placas Master usadas, 1 a 4 para uso de placas de expansión, 1 para conexión de placa Master directa o del Emulador ]
[ Número de device = 0 en el caso del Emulador o primera tarjeta USB detectada, Dirección del puerto paralelo (por ejemplo $0378), o número de dispositivo USB ]
[ Por ejemplo para una Master conectada al puerto paralelo : ]
[ MASTER=0,1,1,$0378 ]
[ Un ejemplo de 2 USBExpansion conectadas con 3 y 2 placas Master ]
[ MASTER=0,4,3,22 ]
[ MASTER=1,4,2,24 ]
[ Un ejemplo de conexión a simulador ]
[ MASTER=0,0,1,0 ]

[ English : ]
[ MASTER=(Device index),(Type),(Number of cards),(Device number) ]
[ Device index : Index used in SIOC variable like device, this is the card used for SIOC sentence ]
[ Use 0 for only one card, for this value you not need specify Device number. If you not use DEVICE parameter in a definition in SIOC script, the default index used is 0]
[ type = 0 : Master Card Emulator ]
[ type = 1 : Master Card connected directly to parallel port ]
[ type = 2 : Master Card connected throught compatibility cable to parallel port ]
[ type = 3 : Expansion Card connected throught parallel port ]
[ type = 4 : USBExpansion Card used ]
[ type = 5 : Opencockpits MCP module ]
[ Number of Cards = Master cards connecteds, 1 to 4 for expansion cards, 1 for a Master card directly connected or Emulator ]
[ Number of device = 0 for Emulator or first USB card detected, parallel port address, device number for specifies USBexpansion card ]
[ For example, a Master Card connected directly to parallel port : ]
[ MASTER=0,1,1,$0378 ]
[ For example, two USBExpansion cards connected with 3 and 2 Master cards used ]
[ MASTER=0,4,3,22 ]
[ MASTER=1,4,2,24 ]
[ For example, use of Master card emulator ]
[ MASTER=0,0,1,0 ]
[ Use the first USBExpansion card connected with only one Master Card attached ]
[ Esta definición es para usar la primera tarjeta USBExpansion que se encuentre instalada que además llevará conectada una placa Master ]

[ Others Cards / Otras tarjetas ]
[ Spanish : ]
[ Nombre_de_tarjeta=(Indice device),(Número device) ]
[ Indice Device: Índice usado en la variable SIOC como device, para indicar a que tarjeta se hace referencia ]
[ Se usa 0 en el caso de que sólo haya una tarjeta y no se tenga en cuenta el número de device, por defecto un script en SIOC cuando no se pone parámetro DEVICE, se hace referencia al índice 0]
[ Número de device = 0 para usar primera tarjeta USB de este tipo detectada ó número de dispositivo USB ]

[ English : ]
[ Name_of_card=(Device index),(Device number) ]
[ Device index : Index used in SIOC variable like device, this is the card used for SIOC sentence ]
[ Use 0 for only one card, for this value you not need specify Device number. If you not use DEVICE parameter in a definition in SIOC script, the default index used is 0]
[ Number of device = 0 for first USB card of this type detected, or device number for a specifies device ]
[ Ejemplo de dos USBServos en indices 0 y 1, y números de devices 17 y 23 ]
[ Example of two USBServos for index 0 and 1, and device number 17 and 23 ]
[ USBServos=0,17 ]
[ USBServos=1,23 ]

[ Para los ejes analógicos se usan los números de devices de las tarjetas donde están alojados ]
[ For analogic axles, you use the device number of cards what allow the axles ]

[************** FSUIPC MODULE ***************]
[ Desabilitar lectura de las FSUIPC ]
[ FSUIPC disable mode yes/no ]
[ Refresco recepción FSUIPC ]
[ FSUIPC refresh ]

[************** IOCP CLIENTS MODULES ***************]
[ Retraso para inicializacion una vez conectado el cliente en milisegundos ]
[ Delay for initialization when client has been connected in mseconds ]
[************** IOCP CLIENT MODULE #0 ***************]
[ Desactivar el módulo cliente IOCP ]
[ Disable IOCP client module ]
[ IP del servidor donde debe de conectar el cliente ]
[ IOCP client host name ]
[ Puerto de envio del protocolo IOCP cliente ]
[ IOCP client port ]

[************** IOCP CLIENT MODULE #1 ***************]
[ Desactivar el módulo cliente IOCP ]
[ Disable IOCP client module ]
[ IP del servidor donde debe de conectar el cliente ]
[ IOCP client host name ]
[ Puerto de envio del protocolo IOCP cliente ]
[ IOCP client port ]

[************** SOUND MODULE ***************]
[ Ficheros de sonido ]
[ Sound Files ]
[ Desactivar el módulo de sonido ]
[ Disable Sound module ]
[ Volumen general de los sonidos 0-100 ]
[ Master Volume 0-100 ]

[ put '*' first filename for loop Sound ]
[ anteponer '*' en el fichero para bucle continuo de sonido]
[ Sound=wav_file,frequency,volume,pan ]
[ frequency=100 to 100000 0=original -1=current ]
[ volume=0 to 100, -1=current ]
[ pan=-100 (left) to +100 (right) 0=center -1=current ]
[ Sound=Fichero_wav,frecuencia,volumen,balance ]
[ frecuencia=100 hasta 100000 0=original -1=Por defecto ]
[ volumen=0 hasta 100 -1=Volumen por defecto ]
[ balance=-100 (Izquierda) hasta +100 (Derecha) 0=centro -1=Por defecto ]
[ #1 ]
[ #2 ]

[ #3 ]

[ #4 ]

[ #5 ]
[ #6 ]
[ #7 ]
Sound=9_On Final_Capt Marcus.wav,-1,60,-100
[ #8 ]
[************** KEYBOARD EMULATOR MODULE ***************]
[ Nombre exacto de la ventana donde se enviarán las teclas ]
[ Name of window for key send ]
[window = "Project Magenta Glass Cockpit - Build 396" ]
window =a.txt

[ Asignación de teclas ]
[ assign youe keys ]
[ End of File ]

11-05-2016, 09:28 PM
Just browsing your sioc.ini and see you have the following:

I think it should be : usbkeys=0,22

Brackets around statement usually means it has been commented out and thus
not going to be recognised by Sioc.
Look at barry's .ini and see those brackets are missing.

Try it see if it helps.

11-06-2016, 05:39 AM
I have always found SIOC the spawn of the devil and have managed to get all my stuff working without fully understanding it. It is not helped by the downloaded script which incorporates the manual for everything in two languages. I have found a lot of help in Nico Kaan's excellent guides and examples http://www.lekseecon.nl/howto.html#init . It must be possible to strip out a lot of rubbish and end up with a small file which would be easier to trouble shoot. Looking at your point Les it would appear that in addition to activating the USB keys line I also have activated a lot of other stuff I do not use.
I have been migrating from AST to JH and therefore I have a lot of redundant stuff in the sim which perhaps I should make a winter project to clear out but on the other hand if it works I have learnt to leave alone.
Hope Les's point helps Mike.

11-06-2016, 01:41 PM
Hi Barry,
I agree with you on O/C docs. Would have to be the worst i've come across.
I still struggle with it and if i get it to work i leave it alone. I'm afraid to strip
out to much in case i remove something i shouldn't.


11-06-2016, 02:05 PM
thanks again
for all the time taken to help
i have already tryed usbkeys=0,22
i'll going to read link carefully to see where im up to it would be great if we had a step bye step guide for future people going to start using jeehell
i want to use just one opencockpits keycard for one mcdu cant imagine what its like using outher cards as well in sioc

11-06-2016, 02:25 PM
Problem is Mike that sims are all different, it sounds like you have a simple setup but I have a USB card, two Master Cards, three display cards, one OC multi radio and the USB keys in addition to two Interfaceit cards, two Bodnar joystick cards, one Bodnar button box card, an FDT Keyboard card and a Skalarki card.
A step by step guide would be great but I doubt anyone will write me one!

11-06-2016, 03:29 PM
i'm a bit confused with what your setup is. Please bear with me and i will try to help.
No expert on SIOC but just coupled up a remote pc with o/c hardware.

Am i right in saying that MCDU is on a seperate PC to P3d?.
Have you established a network link for SIOC between the two pc's?.
You wont get anything happening in JL soft untill you do.

Let me know please.


11-06-2016, 04:42 PM
hi barry yes i also have interface fds board and simboards
IWIK yes my mcdu is on seperate pc main sioc is on fs pc is that correct ? when using sioc creator im pointing to sioc exe on across network to sioc on fs pc
but then it wont go as far as lsk 1 when programming the keys hope im clear
dont no if sioc on fspc is seeing keycard on mcdu pc but it does see it when i load sioc on mcdu pc

11-06-2016, 04:47 PM
When talking to barry i loaded sioc main on mcdu pc to make it easy with sioc creator

11-06-2016, 06:00 PM
My SIOC is on the MCDU PC but I don't think it has to be. Do you have the sharing set up ok? I tend to share everything with everyone on the sim network.

11-06-2016, 06:05 PM
Ok so main sioc does not have to be on the fspc ?
Sharing is set up ok

11-06-2016, 07:18 PM
I dont know if this helps. Here is how i run my o/c cards on a remote pc.
Sioc and hardware scripts along with Widefs on Remote pc. On Fsx pc i run
Sioc and in my case as there is no hardware no scripts run here.
On your Remote PC do you see it showing the IP address of your P3D PC.?

11-07-2016, 04:46 AM
No, my SIOC has never been on the FS PC, I have it on the PC where all the SIOC dependent cards are plugged in.

11-07-2016, 07:13 AM
just let me put you in the picture as regards to my set up
i have 5 pc networked to a main pc that carry's p3dv3 at the moment im using the project majenta a320 with wide fs no problems
now as regards to the advance of jeehell im swaping over to seems to be well in advance of pm
ive loaded all the jeehell software on each seperate computor as regards to the needs ie cap side fo side etc
i have got jeehell overhead working with my fds interface it card with the interface it choice in jeehell software
i have ordered fcu and efis skalarki his interface should hopefully sort that

in my pedestal i have been using simboards for years but jeehell does not recognise them so im planning to buy new boards for that also with potentiometer imputs for my flap lever and throttle etc(dont no if you can recommend any boards that work well with jeehell with imputs and outputs potentiometer rotary encoders
i do have my home made throttle connected to an open cockpits joystick card
i dont no if jeehell is going to recognise that ? ive not even tryed my new throttle yet so
and finally my mcdu pc with my opencockpits keycard over hopefully over network which i have been using with pm and the normal keycard software successfully with widefs

so which is the best way to use the mcdu jeehell sofware with jeehell so this is my first try with sioc
so am i best using sioc on p3d pc or on mcdu pc is it is on the mcdu pc how does sioc talk to main p3d pc

11-07-2016, 09:14 AM
You and I are going through near identical processes, I am moving from AST to Jeehell, I have had to engineer out simboards ( shame because they were good), I have got the encoders etc all working with Jeehell. I am happy to share all with you but suggest we do not bore the forum with it, you can contact me through my website below and follow up by e-mail. I think you are in Manchester and I am East Riding so not a long trip if you want to come and play. There is another A320 nearby using PM and will probably migrate soon. I fly regularly online with another builder in Manchester so you might like to share views with our little informal group.
My website gives you an overview of where I have been but it is not up to date with all the migration steps, I need to do that soon.

11-07-2016, 03:19 PM
Barry: Love your setup and visit your site regular. Not quite up to setting up JH yet but near.

What have you installed on the PC containing the MCDU?.
You will need some sort of Server/Client setup. JH obviously has this built in
for his modules so the pc containing the mcdu will have to have this network
setup. As you say PM used Widefs and this is what i have to use to get my setup
So you will have to see what is needed on the MCDU PC.


11-07-2016, 04:29 PM
That would be great also would love to visit your sim at some point
Also been inspired by your sim on the website I also have a love for engineering and have built many of my sim parts
I need to use sioc creator for my opencockpits keycard5 with sioc to jeehell offsets but for some reason it's not working suspecting my main sioc ini settings not right

11-07-2016, 05:53 PM
I have two MCDU's. The first I bought from FDS ready built when I started the sim around 2007. This has a keyboard emulator card so is in fact just a typewriter, I can write in notepad with it. AST then provided a little utility which enabled one to allocate the keys to the page functions. In JH I can use it the same way but I had some help from JL to make the .ini file for the MCDU and it works fine. A while later I wanted a second MCDU and bought the panel from Open Cockpits and chopped up a Sony PlayStation for the screen. I used the USB keys interface card and software from Open Cockpits which as we know works with SIOC. This worked fine with AST but I had to look again for JH. To allocate the keys I used JL SIOC creator but could have equally have used the SIOC program but the former is a bit more user friendly. I have the MCDU' s on different PC's as each one needs focus to be able to type into it.
I run FSUIPC And WideFS as the primary network for SIOC but all the OC devices are on the same PC as the SIOC program. JH is also a parallel network of course and until recently I also used FS Communicator but I doubt it is compatible with JH, pity as it was a superb emulation of the Airbus FBW and it would work alongside AST.
The other ready built part I bought with the original build was the FDS FCU which ran via the Tekworx G2 card. It has never worked properly because AST wrote the interface software but I was the only one to buy it and it has never been sorted. The FCU would probably work fine with PM but will not work with JH so have just bought the Skalarki unit and it works a treat.
Mike, I am sure your problem is something simple but I can't spot it. I got mine working easily.

11-07-2016, 06:19 PM
ok so you are using main sioc on mcdu pc where all the boards are using widefs for connection to FSUIPC on sim pc
ill try sioc creator again
cant wait for my skalarki fcu and 2 efis should be at the end of month was the profiler easy to use with jeehell?
thinking of using arduino and mobiflight for some simple imputs to jeehell have you heard of? cheap as well

11-07-2016, 06:50 PM
Skalarki profiler easy, Jeehell profile is already created so just plug in and go.
Two small issues, baro settings work wrong way round and QNH/ QFE lights both lit one side. Need to edit profile but have reported to Skalarki.
I don't use those cards, I got Bodnar button box cards for encoders and their joystick card for pots, these items left homeless when I took Simboards out. Dead easy to use.

11-07-2016, 07:03 PM
I would recommend using latest SIOC as it has network monitoring. It may help you
sort your problems out.

11-08-2016, 07:24 PM
1 iwik i have the latest sioc still having trouble with sioc creater
2 barry does jeehell recognise bogner cards as imputs eg buttons potentiometers for throttle etc

11-09-2016, 04:51 AM
The Leo Bodnar cards do all that but more important there is a facility to handle encoders. I put one joystick card and one button box card to replace the functions lost when the good old Simboards were taken out.

11-09-2016, 10:43 AM
When your setting up throttles flaps etc in jeehell software will the bognar card show up as a joystick ?

11-09-2016, 02:10 PM
Yes, throttles, speed brake, flaps etc onto joystick card. Calibrate in JH. Encoders (radio tuning etc) onto Bodnar Button Box using the facility in the software which enables setup in FSUIPC. Detect as switches and then select function for drop down menu. Do twice for each encoder, one clockwise and second anti-clockwise. Can also put switches onto both boards if the capacity is needed.

11-12-2016, 06:01 AM
Thanks for the info Barry
This morning i have received my skalarki fcu efis wow i think im in heaven
so this morning ive got a lot of work to do takin out my old fcu powered by simboards for must be 10 years credit to them i never really had an issue with simboards
so my questions might also go to skalarki stuff as well
have a great one

11-19-2016, 11:15 AM
When programming open cockpits keycard INI
JEEHELL mcdu choices
EG LSK1 is F1 ON keyboard how is that wrote in INI is it #8=1\K\2 (number 8 meaning the key itself then 1 meaning shift then k meaning F1 then 2 meaning shift up
how about
DIR button how is that wrote jeehell wants shift and F1 how is that wrote
any help will be most welcome

11-21-2016, 05:58 AM
When programming open cockpits keycard INI
JEEHELL mcdu choices
EG LSK1 is F1 ON keyboard how is that wrote in INI is it #8=1\K\2 (number 8 meaning the key itself then 1 meaning shift then k meaning F1 then 2 meaning shift up
how about
DIR button how is that wrote jeehell wants shift and F1 how is that wrote
any help will be most welcome
I have sorted this bit out thanks