View Full Version : Pneumatic air cylinder that provide elevation of 1 meter

A320 copilot
08-24-2015, 10:44 AM
Hello guys

Can anyone help me to choose a pneumatic air cylinder that provide 1 meter of elevation to used in a cockpit of two seats ?


08-24-2015, 02:46 PM
Why do you need 1 metre of lift? Seems an awful lot :)

A320 copilot
08-24-2015, 05:54 PM
Why do you need 1 metre of lift? Seems an awful lot :)

I was thinking its the most suitable !!!!

So what do you think ? May your advice change my idea.

08-25-2015, 05:19 AM
Do you have a design or outline of what you wish to achieve?

Are you trying to emulate pitch and roll or just pitch?

How much height do you have to play with?

Is the sim on a solid ground floor or not?

Have you done a trial to assess how much angle is needed to simulate the pitch sensations. You can easily do this by sitting in a chair and getting someone to tip the chair backwards to assess the "push back" at various angles. You should find that 20 degrees is ample.

Having established the maximum angle you can then calculate the maximum throw using that angle and the distance from the fulcrum to the point of force - it will not be anywhere near 1 metre. There is another thread running on this which has useful information.


A320 copilot
08-25-2015, 09:35 AM
The sim on a solid ground yep.

The weight is about 350KG

i need to emulate both pitch and roll

The designe us square 2m X 2m.

08-25-2015, 09:57 AM
I suggest you do a lot more research before selecting components. For example if you want pitch and roll then calculate at maximum roll and maximum pitch forward where your top rear corner of your cockpit will be - you could be surprised :D

Also, are you using flat screens just in front of the windows or projection? If the latter then the projection screen will need to move with the cockpit. That will add a considerable amount to the space and particularly the height that you need. What is your available height?

A320 copilot
08-25-2015, 05:48 PM
The available height is 4 meters

08-26-2015, 05:06 AM
Great, with that height nearly all options are available to you. If you are going for wrap around projection screens then you may not need "roll" movement, just pitch. In an aircraft you rarely sense any roll movement, only sway particularly when landing in a cross wind. Visual cues provide the sense of "roll", eg when looking out of the window you "see" the ground coming nearer or further away. This is caused by your point of view being changed and will be mimicked in your FS software.

By far the most important movement is pitch and if you do not bother with roll then it simplifies the construction considerably.

Have you thought about powerful electric motors to control the movement, a number of commercial companies make these for the hobbyist market, or indeed use this novel airbag system. Hydraulic systems have health and safety concerns and pneumatic ones can be noisy, as indeed can hydraulic pumps.

There is a wealth of information out on the web that should help you decide your brief and potential solutions. It is best to do the research. I learnt the hard way, having bought a 3DOF motion base, I subsequently found out that there was insufficient height to get full motion - an expensive mistake, hence my recommendation to do adequate research in the first place:(

08-26-2015, 06:45 AM
Hi, start by looking at Youtube,
You will find a lot of info regarding the do`s and don`t,
also X-sim.de (Uk version) for controllers
and lots of info about all sorts of systems ,
air, electric 12/24 230 volts/400 volts, air , Hydraulics 2 dof 3 dof even 6 dof
regards Henk

A320 copilot
08-26-2015, 06:54 PM
Thanks fordgt40.

A320 copilot
08-27-2015, 08:36 AM
I'll use cylinders, this is my choice.

Whats the component which converts the aircraft (in simulator) movements (pitch if i am right) to the cylinders ?????

08-27-2015, 09:28 AM
You will need

A software programme to extract the Planes respective velocity values ie pitch, roll and heave if required and to convert these values into instructions to the mechanical interface

A mechanical interface that can accept electronic input signals and thereby control the pnuematic system complete with positional feedback and limit switches

A compressor and air tank to drive the pnuematic air unit


A320 copilot
08-27-2015, 07:43 PM
Can i get an example of Software programMechanical interface

08-28-2015, 01:56 AM
Have you looked at the websites you already have been given??
or understand what has been explained to you?
Your last question thinks this is not the case.

try the searchknob on this website or google, and you have enough for weeks to read about platforms ,controllers, programs and materials.

again try ( http://x-sim.de/forum/portal.php )this site is a MOTIONPLATORM website or will direct you to the right websites you really need

08-28-2015, 04:13 AM

Thanks, it is indeed time for A320 copilot to start making an effort to do his own research.


A320 copilot
08-28-2015, 06:06 AM
Thanks guys, i'll start my research.....