View Full Version : JeeHell Pitch Trim

07-03-2015, 05:10 PM
Hi all,

I use JeeHell A320 FMGS with Skalarki Hardware and a Cockpitsonic throttle.
After calibration all controls everything works fine. The throttle also via EHID.
But the motorized trim wheels does not move. I also noticed in ECAM flt/ctl page, that trim value is always on UP13.5. When moving the trim wheels manually the trim value does not change?!

I calibrated all EHID axes correctly and set trim4down and trim135up value in cockpitsonic.ini.
I am using prepar3d v2.5. Can anyone help me? How to activate pitch trim axis??

07-04-2015, 04:44 AM

Latest version of my cockpitsonic driver is a bit different, you need to use these entries in the cockpitsonic.ini:
MinTrimPos= (put here the value read from the calibration in EHID)
MaxTrimPos= (put here the value read from the calibration in EHID)


04-17-2020, 10:01 AM
Hello, I also have problem to calibrate my motorized cockpitsonic trim wheels in 52.5.6. The wheel is on the right trim number, but it moves shortly and then backwards again, without changing trim. I think, it is not calibrated on the right way. Please, could anybody explain to me, how I have to calibrate the wheels. Thanks and please stay healthy. Thorsten

05-08-2020, 02:08 PM
Some people on Facebook have the same problem. I asked cockpitsonic, but they couldn't help…...

06-01-2020, 10:46 AM
My problem is solved. I took an older EHIDmodule.dll, found here in the forum. The up and down of the wheels has gone.