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View Full Version : A320 FMGS B40

06-08-2015, 04:28 PM
Hello everyone,

The B40 is out.
http://www.jeehell.org/A320FMGS_B40.0.exe or using the update should work. Check the readmes for the new stuff.

Note that I did enforce a time limit in the Hardware Connect module. All incompatible addon modules will not work past the 14th of July with this version.
The application uses an internet connection to check the time. If your sim does not have internet access, incompatible modules will start working as of today...

I will lift this limitation if FScockpit fulfills his promise in due time (by the 14th of July).
Note that some of you who made homemade hardware modules fall currently in the category of "incompatible modules".

Best regards,

06-08-2015, 08:48 PM
Thank you JL -- looks like a big update, lots of new testing to do :)

I have updated the website

06-09-2015, 09:21 AM
I've performed a few flights and the software is rock stable (39.0, 40.0)

Thank you again JL.

06-10-2015, 12:24 PM
Hello. What'S mean incompatible hardware add-on? I have vrinsight fcu and cduII , anda They works perfect with jeehell. I will have problems?

06-10-2015, 12:42 PM
Hello. What'S mean incompatible hardware add-on? I have vrinsight fcu and cduII , anda They works perfect with jeehell. I will have problems?
If these modules use FSUIPC, it should not be an issue.


06-10-2015, 12:58 PM
Hello JH . Whats you mean use FSCUIPC? I think so. Vrinsight has the software that connect with many add on. One of tem is Jeehell. but i thinks that hardware programation is FSCUIPC based. I can make assigments in hardware via FSCUIPC, this means that works with FSCUIPC, right?

06-10-2015, 02:01 PM
Hello Jeehell,
since your last update b.40, I cannot use any of skalarki modules, no rotary working, no push buttons,no engine thrust. Should I downgrad to b39 or is there another way to solve the problem?

06-10-2015, 02:43 PM

@Ben: Do you have internet access on your simulator computer hosting the hardware module?
Can you paste the log of hardware connect here so I can see what's going on?

@Phpilot: I have no idea how they do it, but I believe it's out of FSUIPC so it should be fine.


06-10-2015, 02:54 PM

@Ben: Do you have internet access on your simulator computer hosting the hardware module?
Can you paste the log of hardware connect here so I can see what's going on?

@Phpilot: I have no idea how they do it, but I believe it's out of FSUIPC so it should be fine.


Hi Jeehell, I have internet connection either on server or on client, I have many HClogs ,I'll try to send you the last one.
Thanks so much

*Date of file:10/06/2015
*19:48:56*:HardwareConnect Launched
*19:48:59*:FSUIPCmodule.dll loaded
*19:48:59*:SkalarkiIO.dll loaded
*19:48:59* Skalarki JL:client connected
*19:49:00* Skalarki JL:client connected
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*19:51:12* Skalarki JL:client connected
*19:51:12* SkalarkiJL:client disconnected
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06-10-2015, 03:29 PM
Please update with the updater, it will correct the bug.
Thanks for the feedback.


06-10-2015, 03:45 PM
Hi Jeehell, thanks indeed for the quick reply, I've done the update with the updater and all skalarki modules are perfectly working again.
Great software.
Best regards.

06-10-2015, 07:04 PM
Hello JH , tanks:) what is promise of fscockpit? Sory my english:) but i don't understand. My vrinsight modules will work...right? Cheers

06-10-2015, 07:10 PM
I Went to the vrinsight homepage and my hardware connect to jeehell via FSCUIPC. It,S ok?

06-11-2015, 03:24 AM
As I said already
If these modules use FSUIPC, it should not be an issue.


06-11-2015, 04:08 PM
Hey Jl,

made the update to your last Version and flew a short leg on IVAO...
All works very nice and perfect! Amazing work! Have so much fun on my flight!
Big Big thank you for your hard work!
Did you have maybe some news about Navigraph? ;)

Cheers Florian

06-11-2015, 04:55 PM
Hello Jeehell, I have now an issue with Skalarki ECAM panel, I cannot change systems pages while acting on pushbuttons and I have no green light of system selected...Do you know what could it be?
All my best.

06-11-2015, 05:04 PM
hi jl,
just made a circuit after latest autoupdate after b40:
all skalarki hw is ok BUT ecam control panel leds are not working; buttons are sending right inputs only leds are not lighting up...asked marcin and he said he didn't touch anything there that's why i'm reporting this to u.
also SD acted strange...during approach sometimes ENG page was displayed randomly...replacing wheel page with no reason. moreover on SD during the entire flight G.LOAD 0.0 was displayed in amber: is that correct? it was not displayed in the past and from what i know it should only be displayed if a certain G load is reached.
thx a lot

06-11-2015, 05:52 PM

Hi how is Skalarki ECAM panel working exactly? Does it send pushed and released events?
I'll have a look when I get the time.

06-11-2015, 06:02 PM
yes jl: separate PUSH and RELEASE events in skalarky profiler.
i think buttons inputs were sent correctly...only leds missing....now that ben reported the missing inputs i start doubting i flew such a small amount of time i couldn't get aware of it.
btw in the past with same profiler events everything was rock solid working...

06-12-2015, 11:29 AM
Thank you JL for this version.
The new 1.15 version of CPFlight FCU is working perfectly :)
Always seen G.LOAD 0.0 on SD, but never mind...

06-12-2015, 11:34 AM

I will correct the gload at 0 soon, not a big bug.

However, I would to know who does get issues with ECAM LEDs/inputs and who does not, please specify which hardware you use.


06-12-2015, 11:55 AM

I will correct the gload at 0 soon, not a big bug.

However, I would to know who does get issues with ECAM LEDs/inputs and who does not, please specify which hardware you use.


Hi JL -- I am using an FDS ECAM panel -- the LED do not light up now, even though it is functioning with IITcreator (assigned correctly, and able to toggle on and off).

ECAM LEDs were lit up correctly with 39.0. Thank you.

06-12-2015, 12:11 PM
Also, one important thing: the LEDs should only light up when the ECAM pages are manually selected. When the ECAM automatically chooses which page to show, the relevant LED stays off.

06-12-2015, 12:37 PM
Also, one important thing: the LEDs should only light up when the ECAM pages are manually selected. When the ECAM automatically chooses which page to show, the relevant LED stays off.

My LEDs are always on and inputs work normally (Cockpitsonic)

06-12-2015, 12:49 PM
Hello Everybody,

I just remembered that I had similar problems with the ECAM keys yesterday (Opencockpits Hardware). But i had no time to make some more tests because of much workload on my online flight. Sorry i had forgotten.

On my next flight I make some more tests and explain you.

06-12-2015, 01:06 PM
Also, one important thing: the LEDs should only light up when the ECAM pages are manually selected. When the ECAM automatically chooses which page to show, the relevant LED stays off.

I will do some more testing, but from my recollection the only LEDs that light up are 'SYS' (when manually selected), and 'CLR'.

For some reason my ALL button also has a back light LED, but this is not assignable with IITCreator.

Do the TO Config, EMER CANC, ALL, and RCL buttons not light up?

06-12-2015, 05:51 PM
TO CONFIG, EMER CANCEL, RCL and ALL buttons do not have LEDs builtin in hte real aircraft.

06-13-2015, 12:03 AM
Hello JL

I have a similar problem with ECAM. Using FSCOKPIT. Some buttons work correctly others don't. EX: I press fuel and Get Hydraulics. The ALL button seems to function correctly.

On another note, My GSX does not recognise that Parking Brake is set and therefore unable to use GSX completely . It keeps requiring to SET Parking Brake.


06-13-2015, 08:10 AM
TO CONFIG, EMER CANCEL, RCL and ALL buttons do not have LEDs builtin in hte real aircraft.

Thank you for the clarification JL. I've wired up the backlight the ECAM panal now, it seems when INTEG LT brightness is turned up, all the LED buttons on the ECAM also light up. Is this the correction action, or should there really be 2 LEDs within each button (one backlights the selected ECAM, and the other led back lights the 'words' when the backlighting of the aircraft is turned on)?

more testing, and it turns out there is a brighter LED that lights up when the ECAM page is selected, so there seems to be indeed 2 LEDs.

06-13-2015, 08:32 AM
Big changes coming...thanks jeehell for your great work

06-13-2015, 08:40 AM
ben i don't know fds hardware but yes one thing is the backlighting system of the panels (backlighting is available when aircraft is energized and dimmable thru INTEG LT knob on the pedestal) and one separate thing are the green leds of the buttons of the ecam control panel lighting up when button is pressed and corresponding ecam page showed on SD.
pls note that EMERG CANC button is ALWAYS lit in red as the aircraft is energized.

06-13-2015, 11:20 AM
Thanks for clearing that up Fil -- I have an older model FDS ECAM, LEDs are yellow ("warm white"), and not green :)

In the latest FMGS update the LED do not light up even when the page is selected.
The CLR button seems to be the only LED correctly functioning (activated by triggering TO Config when the aircraft is not fully configured for take off).

06-14-2015, 04:02 AM
Also, one important thing: the LEDs should only light up when the ECAM pages are manually selected. When the ECAM automatically chooses which page to show, the relevant LED stays off.

I'm correcting my previous post... ECAM LEDs works always, but input don't. Only ENG works as ALL. (Cockpitsonic H/W)

06-14-2015, 01:11 PM
Hello JL

On another note, My GSX does not recognise that Parking Brake is set and therefore unable to use GSX completely . It keeps requiring to SET Parking Brake.

Hi JL,
Also affecting AES, which now starts Pushback in spite of Parking Brake (=Brakes) set and does not disconnect the pushback truck when pushback is completed even when the Parking Brake of A320 FMGS is applied.
Since B40 applying Parking Brake shows "Brakes" instead of "Parking Brake set", even Ctrl + . does the same as soon as A320FMGS is running.
Can you do anything to show these tools "Parking Brake set" as before? THX!

06-14-2015, 04:35 PM
Hi JL,
Also affecting AES, which now starts Pushback in spite of Parking Brake (=Brakes) set and does not disconnect the pushback truck when pushback is completed even when the Parking Brake of A320 FMGS is applied.
Since B40 applying Parking Brake shows "Brakes" instead of "Parking Brake set", even Ctrl + . does the same as soon as A320FMGS is running.
Can you do anything to show these tools "Parking Brake set" as before? THX!

Hallo again,
me too +1 in this case. ;)

For the Ecam Issue: I had make a small Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grq2sY3PX8s) thats explain maybe the problem.

Greetings Florian

06-14-2015, 05:13 PM
Florian - your youtube video is set to private and not viewable.

06-14-2015, 05:29 PM
Ups, that's right, my fail. Sorry!
Here again: http://youtu.be/grq2sY3PX8s
Thanks Omni ;)

06-15-2015, 02:17 AM
Ups, that's right, my fail. Sorry!
Here again: http://youtu.be/grq2sY3PX8s
Thanks Omni ;)

Yes, it works now -- I have a similar problem. JL is away on holiday right now, I am sure it will be fixed when he returns.

06-15-2015, 10:57 AM
Hi JL and everybody

I have the same problem with SKALARKI ECAM Panel .



Pim van Vrijaldenhoven
06-15-2015, 12:01 PM
Hallo All,

Same here which is a shame because this week I have a real world A320 pilot (easyJet) checking out my Skalarki cockpit.

Best regards,


06-17-2015, 12:59 AM
Thank you for the latest update JL (40.1).

ECAM LEDs are working again, but I noticed the following bug (I believe this may have been mentioned previously):

When an ECAM page is not selected, and you press and hold the 'ALL' button, the page becomes stuck on the 'ENG' page.

The pages only rotate and the LED's light up when you hold the ALL button, when an ECAM page (e.g. BLEED) is selected first.

I've also noticed the cosmetic changes -- nice new MCDU startup screen :), and the rudder pedals on ground seem to be more controlled now (when testing full ruder left and right).

06-17-2015, 11:04 AM
Mine ECAM inputs worked in the begining just ENG and BLEED, but after pressing ALL once, stayed to ALL forever. :(

06-17-2015, 01:21 PM
Mine is showing the ENG page no matter which of the ECAM page buttons you press (even the STS button calls the ENG page)...
Only way to see other pages is by pressing and holding the ALL button... But even then, after releasing the ALL button, it will jump back to ENG page instead of keeping the current page.

Pim van Vrijaldenhoven
06-17-2015, 01:41 PM
Hallo JL,

Today I had the easyJet pilot in my sim and he was very impressed with both the quality of the (Vier im Pott and Salarki) hardware and your software. He showed me some stuff I was not aware of and actually is implemented. However, the ECAM is still ot working, the lights work, but I cannot get to some pages sometime.

We als tried the new performance factor, but after entering 2.6 the system became extremely slow andI think that also P3D died.

Best regards,


06-18-2015, 04:00 AM
For the ECAM bug described above, I'd like to test the SkalarkiIO.dll from B40-b (build Jun 10th) but I can't retrieve it anymore. I only have B40 installer (build Jun 8th) and it will directly update to B40.1 (build Jun 16th).

Does anyone have the SkalarkiIO.dll from Jun 10th? Just want to test if it works since there were updates to that file in every past version! Thank youuuu! :)

06-18-2015, 07:15 AM
Functionality works with the ECAM on my FDS hardware (with the exception of the ENG bug), so I am also assuming it may have to do with the Skalarki dll.

06-18-2015, 07:33 AM
I guess so.
Will test the Jun 8th version today (only the DLL, not the whole Software). If it doesn't help I'll go back to the current one from 40.1 and hope for a quick update because ECAM is unusable except for ENG page and the flight phase related page...

06-18-2015, 08:12 AM
Hi guys

I will suggest to wait for JL. Latest changes were done not only in SkalarkiIO.dll but as well inside FMGSServer, then replacing simply .dll with older version might cause other problems.
As for quick solution - maybe just defining some key press actions (in FMGS_Config) would do the trick.

Regards, Marcin

06-18-2015, 10:09 AM
Hi JL,
THX for B40.1.
Unfortunately the problem with the parking brake is still not solved. When I have parking brake engaged at PA Airbus and start A320FMS, it now does not change this, so AES starts and I´m also able to engage GSX. But as soon as I switch the parking brake with the assigned switch for JeeHell, it changes to "brakes" and I cannot engage "parking brake" again, even when assigned with FSUIPC. In effect so I can start pushback with AES by disengaging the parking brake, but I cannot reengage it when pushback is finished, and so AES does not disconnect the towing truck. GSX needs to reengage the parking brake after pushback, too.

06-18-2015, 02:53 PM
you were right - using an older SkalarkiIO.dll crashes the whole software. It doesn't work at all then. So I switched back to the B40.1 version and did two flights (EDDF-EHAM-EDDF) without any kind of problems except the ECAM stuff.
So far, the 40.1 is really good.

06-19-2015, 07:01 AM
Hello all,

I will make more tests when I get the time.
However, I did try cockpitsonic hardware and using keyboard shortcuts keys and it worked...

Make sure the profiler has the correct sw dn and sw up events. If not, you will definitely have issues. Both events are very important.


06-19-2015, 08:30 AM
What do you mean by assigning keyboard shortcut keys? How's that gonna work?

Profiler is set up correctly, that's what we checked first.

06-19-2015, 08:48 AM
"Set Correctly" : can you put a screenshot of the profiler window for some of the ECAM switches?

06-19-2015, 10:08 AM
Can someone confirm the following --

- When a button on the ECAM is toggled, the relevant page displays on the SD, and the LED of the button lights up.
- When the ALL button is pressed, after a button is selected, the ECAM pages roll through starting from the ENG page (along with the subsequent LED on the buttons light up), and stops at the selected ECAM page when the ALL button is depressed.

- If a button on the ECAM is not selected (default selection), and the ALL button is pressed and held, the SD rolls through each page selection, again starting from ENG, the LED on the buttons *do not light up*, and on depressing the ALL button, the page jumps back to the default page.

This is how my FDS ECAM connected by IITCreater is functioning with 40.1 update, and I am wondering if this is the correct representation. Thank you.

Pim van Vrijaldenhoven
06-19-2015, 10:14 AM
Hallo JL,

In the profiler there are only UP/DOWN events for the ECAM ALL and the ECAM TO CONFIG buttons.

I am using the latest version of the profiler: 4.3.3100.1000

Best regards,


06-19-2015, 11:25 AM
@Pim: what about the other buttons? (I'm away with no means to check myself directly the profiler).

@Omni: this is almost all correct, except the ALL button should stop on the shown page as well if it was earlier in "auto" mode, and LEDs should turn on as well in that case.


Pim van Vrijaldenhoven
06-19-2015, 11:43 AM
Hallo JL,

The other ECAM buttons don't have a state. For examplë: [PEDESTAL] - ECAM COND

Best regards,


06-19-2015, 12:00 PM
Hello all,
I will make more tests when I get the time.
However, I did try cockpitsonic hardware and using keyboard shortcuts keys and it worked...
Make sure the profiler has the correct sw dn and sw up events. If not, you will definitely have issues. Both events are very important.

Sorry, what and where is this "profiler"? Is this for Cockpitsonic H/W too?

06-19-2015, 12:51 PM
The "profiler" is only for skalarki hardware.
I did test a cockpitsonic panel with latest version and it worked flawlessly.


06-19-2015, 02:30 PM
My Ecam with Opencockpits Hardware has also similar Problems. Only the ENG LED works... when i push the other buttons like Hydraulic etc. there nothing happens on the EWD/SD. Made a new Video by the time. I think it´s better for explain.


06-19-2015, 04:44 PM
Hi guys again.
After consulting with JL, we came to the point that issues are related to missing dual state of buttons which should be defined for each button.
I will add both events UP and DOWN to each ECAM buttons. Today I will do changes and will test tomorrow morning. Then once all is working back I will publish new Profiler version.

Stay tuned, some news around mid day tomorrow.

Regards, Marcin

06-19-2015, 09:39 PM
Hi all -- is reprogramming the FROM/TO page on the init section of the MCDU a big 'no no' when in the air?

When this is done it the whole system resets with FMGS -- is this what happens in the real world systems, or is there a fail safe option?

What is the best way to program in an alternative destination while in the air (e.g. if there is an emergency, and your list of destination is not in the alternative airport page, and you need to do an immediate landing).

06-20-2015, 01:29 AM
The "profiler" is only for skalarki hardware.
I did test a cockpitsonic panel with latest version and it worked flawlessly.

Weird... I've reinstalled B.40.1 without success! What else could I try?

06-20-2015, 02:05 AM
ben the alternate is always present in the flight plan and inserted when programming the route (altn field in init a page).
should u divert to a different alternate while enroute (emergency) best way is making a LAT REVISION of the next waypoint and inserting the alternate icao in the NEW DEST field from there.

06-20-2015, 06:22 AM
Ok guys, looks like we have ECAM issue fixed. In 15-30 minutes I will publish new version of SkalarkiIO Profiler which will be available through autoupdater version or by direct download from this link (http://skalarki-electronics.eu/downloads/updates/SkalarkiIOProfiler.Setup.msi). Latest build will be "4.3.3105.1000". Actually there will be only change in JLFMGS. Release notes can be found here (http://skalarki-electronics.eu/pages/skalarkiio-profiler/release-notes/206-jlfmgs-dll-relese-notes).
What was changed?
I have added/changed events for each ECAM button. Now each button needs two actions DOWN and UP defined. Users with P&P ECAM as well as users with older version of hardware (non P&P) needs to use Edit Profile feature and appy changes to all ECAM buttons.

For P&P hardware ONLY! - It is possible as well to replace piece of .xml file. Please find all ECAM related switches inside .xml file and replace with this:

<switch name="[ECAM] ALL" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="22" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM ALL DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM ALL UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] APU" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="36" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM APU DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM APU UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] BLEED" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="33" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM BLEED DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM BLEED UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] CLR1" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="35" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM CLR DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM CLR UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] CLR2" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="23" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM CLR DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM CLR UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] COND" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="34" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM COND DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM COND UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] DOOR" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="25" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM DOOR DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM DOOR UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] ELEC" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="29" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM ELEC DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM ELEC UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] ENG" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="37" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM ENG DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM ENG UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] F/CTL" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="30" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM F/CTL DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM F/CTL UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] FUEL" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="21" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM FUEL DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM FUEL UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] HYD" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="31" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM HYD DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM HYD UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] PRESS" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="24" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM CAB PRESS DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM CAB PRESS UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] RCL" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="27" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM RCL DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM RCL UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] STS" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="26" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM STS DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM STS UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] T.O CONFIG" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="32" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM TO CONFIG DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM TO CONFIG UP" />
<switch name="[ECAM] WHEEL" group="ECAM" device="ECAM" index="28" actAsPushbutton="False">
<on module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM WHEEL DOWN" />
<off module="FSX JEEHELLAirbus" function="[PEDESTAL] - ECAM WHEEL UP" />

Please report behaviour after upgrade.

Pim van Vrijaldenhoven
06-20-2015, 07:17 AM
Hallo Marcin,

Just installed the new Profiler and fixed-up the .xml file. On the ground all seems to be working fine. I'll make a flight later on.

Thanks for the expedient support.

Best regards,


06-20-2015, 08:24 AM
thx for your support both JL and MARCIN.
sorry for my bad memory about up & down events...programmed it years ago :) didn't remember only few buttons had both events in the older version!
thx again

06-20-2015, 09:55 AM
ben the alternate is always present in the flight plan and inserted when programming the route (altn field in init a page).
should u divert to a different alternate while enroute (emergency) best way is making a LAT REVISION of the next waypoint and inserting the alternate icao in the NEW DEST field from there.

Thank you Fil, using the lateral revision seems to have done the trick :)


06-20-2015, 11:31 AM
always welcome sir! :)

06-20-2015, 04:09 PM

in my configuration i use FSUIPC Offsets to Change the ECAM Pages and i have the same issues. I can only set the Engine Page with Offset 78ED, Value 5. The other Values doesn´t work anymore...

Any Ideas??


06-20-2015, 07:00 PM

I corrected the SIOC module which had a similar behavior.
Regarding the FSUIPC module, I will have to make a compromise, as the number of offsets possible does not make it easy to have pushed/released buttons easily. I'll correct that module later on.

@leonidas : can you elaborate?


06-21-2015, 01:38 AM
@leonidas : can you elaborate?

When it starts it works as auto. It changes screens normally by itself (eg when I start APU, it shows APU screen). But if I press any button it shows ENG page and stays there, except I press ALL, it plays ALL changing pages every 1-2 sec and I can't stop it.

06-21-2015, 09:51 AM
How are you guys setting up your Parking Brake?

Should you be saving the state of the aircraft with the parking brake turned on in the software, and programming the parking brake as an on/off switch or toggle?


06-22-2015, 02:51 AM

my CPFlight FCU is connected to Com Port 3. I have updated the firmware on JeeHell
Release 115. In the ini file I have insert Com Port 3.
In hardware connect my FCU does not connect.
If I test my FCU with the CPFlight test programm, all works right.
Has anyone else this problem in B40.1?


06-22-2015, 04:28 AM
my CPFlight FCU is connected to Com Port 3. I have updated the firmware on JeeHell
Release 115. In the ini file I have insert Com Port 3.
In hardware connect my FCU does not connect.
If I test my FCU with the CPFlight test programm, all works right.
Has anyone else this problem in B40.1?

Hi Fritz
I have same FCU, same firmware and with 40.1 works fine.

06-22-2015, 05:23 AM
I have completely relaunched my system.
Do you have a driver for the fcu installed ?

06-22-2015, 05:49 AM
I have completely relaunched my system.
Do you have a driver for the fcu installed ?

No, I don't. No driver needed, except Jeehell DLL file included in B.40.1

06-22-2015, 01:41 PM

I corrected the SIOC module which had a similar behavior.

HI Jl,

ECAM seems to works now again only the HYD LED doesn´t work. But big thanks! ;)

06-22-2015, 02:31 PM
No, I don't. No driver needed, except Jeehell DLL file included in B.40.1 I have deinstalled the hardware an connected the fcu again. I installed the cpflight usb driver. When I run FMGS it shows the following. Hardware connect says Port ist open, cpflight is "connected". FMGS Server says "not connected". Any idea what could be the problem?

06-22-2015, 03:22 PM
I have deinstalled the hardware an connected the fcu again. I installed the cpflight usb driver. When I run FMGS it shows the following. Hardware connect says Port ist open, cpflight is "connected". FMGS Server says "not connected". Any idea what could be the problem?

Are you sure you start EXT PWR or APU?

06-23-2015, 05:18 AM
Are you sure you start EXT PWR or APU?
Do you mean that the FCU in FMGs server gets only the status connectet
if Ext Power or the APU is on?
That not happend in earlier releases.
Will test it.

06-23-2015, 06:04 AM
Do you mean that the FCU in FMGs server gets only the status connectet
if Ext Power or the APU is on?
That not happend in earlier releases.
Will test it.

No, but in my case sometimes while it shows "not connected", works properly!
If you want to be sure turn on EXT PWR. Then FCU should start.

Pim van Vrijaldenhoven
06-23-2015, 12:09 PM
Hi All,

I think that the status connected is with respect to the software JH FCU module, just like the ND, PFD etc.

Best regards,


06-23-2015, 02:53 PM
I have tested now. When I started the APU then the FCU switched on . Thanks for the tip.

06-24-2015, 03:44 AM
Good morning everyone,

is anyone using FMGS with the throttletek A320 flight box and could comment on it ?
Also I´m intersted in the overehad from vrinsight, anyone using it ?
BRgds, Toulouse

06-25-2015, 05:19 PM

I updated today to v40.1 and ioprofiler too, but now I have a problem with the connection between ioprofiler and fmgs. See log:

Do you have an idea?

06-26-2015, 05:16 AM
Hi All, Would anyone help with with 2 little problems in PM's (I'm sure it's just user error and so don't want to waste public thread).

1) I can't get Aerosoft Navdata installed, I have had it working with an old version of JH where it had it's own app, but since the version where it doesn't have it's own helper app I just can't get it to be seen by JH.


2) I can't get sound working on the aircraft. I have the Skyhigh Systems Soundpack/A320_CFM52 sound pack and the entry in the sound.cfg looks good. I've copied the SHS directory to everywhere I can think the alias might reference, but still no sounds.

Running JH40.1, with FMGS on one client, MIP on another client and server obviously, running on the main PC.

All help appreciated. Skype possible.

Thanks in Advance.

06-26-2015, 07:48 AM
Hi All, Would anyone help with with 2 little problems in PM's (I'm sure it's just user error and so don't want to waste public thread).


2) I can't get sound working on the aircraft. I have the Skyhigh Systems Soundpack/A320_CFM52 sound pack and the entry in the sound.cfg looks good. I've copied the SHS directory to everywhere I can think the alias might reference, but still no sounds.

Thanks in Advance.

Your sounds should be installed in this directory:


Of course substitute the drive letter, and either the directory to fsx or prepar3d .

06-26-2015, 08:00 AM
Hi Ben, Where you say A320_CFM56_sound I assume this is the Aircraft model directory?

Aircraft\JH ASoft A320\sound\Skyhigh Sound Systems\A320_CFM56...\soundfiles.avi


Aircraft\Skyhigh Sound Systems\A320_CFM56...\Soundfiles.avi


Aircraft\JH ASoft A320\Skyhigh Sound Systems\A320_CFM56...\Sounds.avi

All of which I have installed.

06-26-2015, 10:41 AM
Take out all the *.wav files (why are your sounds in *.avi?) and the .cfg file in the directory you installed them and install it in

SimObjects\Airplanes\A320_CFM56_sound\sound\ as I have mentioned above.


Hm, I just realised with the latest JL install files audio files are also installed into a320 FMGS JH Project Airbus A320-214\sound
and it no longer redirects to A320_CFM56_sound\

I have to do some further investigations and get back to you.


Okay, if you do not want to use the included *.wav files with the JL install, you will need to redirect the sounds using an alias --

Create a new sound.cfg (back up the old one) in SimObjects\Airplanes\a320 FMGS JH Project Airbus A320-214\sound

In the file insert this --


Your new sounds need to go in the folder -- SimObjects\Airplanes\A320_CFM56_sound\sound

06-27-2015, 03:12 AM
They were avi because for some strange reason I couldn't remember what the format was ;)

Well I haven't had any luck with SHS soundpack, and I can't find any sounds that seem to come with the model, but what has worked is changing sound.cfg to A321 model. Now I have great sounds.

So that will do for now, one step closer, now I just need to fix the navdata problem.

Thanks for your help Ben.

06-27-2015, 04:07 AM
TTS also brings out a good sound pack http://www.turbinesoundstudios.com/product.php?ref=airbus-320-fsx-2

The easiest is to just replace all the files in the sound directory of the JL aircraft.

06-27-2015, 04:42 AM
TTS also brings out a good sound pack http://www.turbinesoundstudios.com/product.php?ref=airbus-320-fsx-2

The easiest is to just replace all the files in the sound directory of the JL aircraft.

It´s the same included in AXE.

06-27-2015, 04:52 AM
... I updated today to v40.1 and ioprofiler too, but now I have a problem with the connection between ioprofiler and fmgs. ...
Edit: Solved, see next post!
Same at me, just updated 40.1 to new version 273.
Skalarki IO Profiler v. 4.3.3105.1000 gives error message as attached for installed FCU, logfile sais "Received input report (0x47 0x00 0xDF 0xFB) from unknown device '0x47' on IO Glare. Check Your hardware configuration and application settings."
Skalarki IO Profiler v. 4.3.3100.1000 works as usual.
Same result with previous version of A320 FMGS B 40.1 version 272.
Is it perhaps a problem of the new Skalarki IO Profiler and not one of A320 FMGS?
Regards Rainer

06-27-2015, 06:10 AM
Same at me, just updated 40.1 to new version 273.
Skalarki IO Profiler v. 4.3.3105.1000 gives error message as attached for installed FCU, logfile sais "Received input report (0x47 0x00 0xDF 0xFB) from unknown device '0x47' on IO Glare. Check Your hardware configuration and application settings."

Hi Rainer
This error is only for information and it doesn't mean that anything is wrong really. This log it is left for debugging purpose.

Skalarki IO Profiler v. 4.3.3100.1000 works as usual.
Same result with previous version of A320 FMGS B 40.1 version 272.
Is it perhaps a problem of the new Skalarki IO Profiler and not one of A320 FMGS?
Regards Rainer

This error means that you haven't installed JLFMGS library during software installation/upgrade. You need to use Custom install and pick from the list JLFMGS library.

06-27-2015, 10:33 AM
This error is only for information and it doesn't mean that anything is wrong really. This log it is left for debugging purpose.
This error means that you haven't installed JLFMGS library during software installation/upgrade. You need to use Custom install and pick from the list JLFMGS library.

Hi Marcin,
done and all works fine. THX for instant reply!
Regards Rainer

06-28-2015, 06:51 AM
Hi Marcin, I also had this problem when upgrading from the system. I realised what was wrong from the error and uninstalled/reinstalled, this time making it install the required libs.

I was a little surprised that the installer didn't pick up what had already been installed and automagically installed the appropriate library. Maybe a little feature request here because maybe a few people will get caught out on this.

06-28-2015, 01:03 PM
Hello. I did today the last update of v 40.1, to correct parking brake problem. Now the parking brake appear , but when i realise them i can´t engage anymore them. Somebody has this problem?

06-28-2015, 01:23 PM
After last update I tested ECAM again. So, if I don't push STS or ALL buttons, all work fine, but if I press one of them, ECAM stops working properly anymore.

06-28-2015, 01:51 PM
Hello. I did today the last update of v 40.1, to correct parking brake problem. Now the parking brake appear , but when i realise them i can´t engage anymore them. Somebody has this problem?
+1, as said above post#49, and krähe post #50, too, so we don't get rid of the towing car without cancelling pushback when using ASE or GSX. But we should be patient, the ECAM switcher problem may be more important.

06-28-2015, 02:37 PM
....and after you flight How do you stop you aircraft? When i press Parking brake he appear in SW but not in screen and don t take action in aircraft . So in end of flight i can,t stop plane. I have a FDR of my virtual airline, and just after Parking brake and can send the pirep of flight.

06-28-2015, 03:27 PM
....and after you flight How do you stop you aircraft? When i press Parking brake he appear in SW but not in screen and don t take action in aircraft . So in end of flight i can,t stop plane. I have a FDR of my virtual airline, and just after Parking brake and can send the pirep of flight.
I don't have probs with stopping, as applying parking brake of A320 FMGS engages both (pedal-) brakes of FSX (Do you really stop your plane with the parking brake? You should stop it using pedal brakes, parking brake is only to prevent rolling after aircraft has stopped, same as parking brake in your car.). The only thing is, that FSX's parking brake is not engaged and every program, which needs that to trigger the next action, as GSX and AES and probably your FDR as well, stops. A320 FMGS's parking brake seems to trigger the normal brakes of FSX since B 40.0. Seems JL repaired that for the startup situation in B 40.1, but still not from when A320 FMGS's parking brake is engaged first time. We will have to wait for future update.

06-29-2015, 08:17 AM
Thank you for the update JL.

The parking brake no longer flickers. I learn something new about your software (and the airbus) everytime I setup new hardware.

For example, today I setup the upper and lower ECAM display dimming potentiometers; I did not know that dimming the upper display all the way to the OFF position flicks the upper display to the lower display. Its the details like this that makes FMGS so interesting!

For those that are using GSX, have you figured a way to enable 1 button pushback without the FSX/P3D console displaying?

07-01-2015, 11:48 AM
After today's update my Cockpitsonic ECAM's functions remain almost the same. It plays ENG, TO CONFIG, RCL and unstoppable ALL only.

07-01-2015, 03:31 PM
Hello Leonidas,

Just put a new update again, please try it.


07-02-2015, 09:36 AM
Hello Leonidas,
Just put a new update again, please try it.

Sorry JL, almost the same (ENG BLEED ALL) :(

07-02-2015, 10:18 AM
Page does not stick when ALL is held down in the latest update JL (fds hardware)


07-03-2015, 06:24 AM
Hi JL,
THX for working on brakes. Sry, problem still not solved: I still cannot apply FSX´s parking brake when A320 FMGS is running as soon as I moved A320 FMGS´s parking brake first time. Therefore I still cannot start/stop AES´s resp. GSX´s actions.
Regards Rainer

07-04-2015, 04:45 AM

I do not have any issue with PRKG BRK. I can set it and release without any issues at all. What do you to set the PRK BRK? FSUIPC offset, hardware, keyboard shortcut?


07-05-2015, 05:46 AM
Hi JL -- I understand you are probably very busy -- if have time would it be possible to implement the following functionality on the MCDU MENU page --

1. EXT PWR ON/OFF (so we do not have to toggle from the menu bar)
2. Fuel -- entering a custom amount refills the aircraft
3. Pushback on/off (toggle function) or Push back straight/left/right for a specified amount.

Thank you again for your ongoing support.

07-05-2015, 08:45 AM
Let me to tell you my ECAM CP behaviour more precisely, hoping it will help.
When it starts works normally in Auto mode. I can press any button, but after that I must press the same button again, in order to enter to Auto mode again. So, I should press like this order: FUEL-FUEL-ENG-ENG-ELEC-ELEC... etc. I shouln't press like this order: FUEL-ENG-ELEC... because it sticks to the first one, in this case in FUEL.

07-05-2015, 08:54 AM
Leonidas, you maybe have an old version of the EHID driver from UweSchneider.
Please go to c:\program files\EHID (or wherever you installed the EHID driver), and open the file EHID.ini then check you have the line:
under the [SETTINGS] section.


07-05-2015, 10:48 AM
Leonidas, you maybe have an old version of the EHID driver from UweSchneider.
Please go to c:\program files\EHID (or wherever you installed the EHID driver), and open the file EHID.ini then check you have the line:
under the [SETTINGS] section.

YES!!! JL Indeed!!! Perfect support as usual!
Is this the only difference between two drivers?

07-05-2015, 12:22 PM
As far as I know, this more like bug fixes and this "breakevent" thing.


07-06-2015, 03:43 AM
Hello JL,

I have a problem with the last two Versions (Updates) of BEta 40.0 and 40.1.

Navdata is installed on ServerPC and copied as recommended as well into the client PCs.
MCDU does not showing any SID or STAR for the entered Airports. But when I enter a single Waypoint, no matter which one (e.g. one of a SID) MCDU shows this waypoint and I am able to enter it into flightplan.

So what did I wrong? Is it mayby a bug in MCDU or a fault on myside?

After each update I delete all navdatafiles (.dat and scenery file) and let the server create it new, after that i copy this new files to each client.

Thanks for help.

Best Regards. Marco

07-06-2015, 09:02 AM

I do not have any issue with PRKG BRK. I can set it and release without any issues at all. What do you to set the PRK BRK? FSUIPC offset, hardware, keyboard shortcut?

Hi JL,
THx for reply.
I think this is a misunderstanding:
The parking brake of A320 FMGS works normally. I have assigned a pushbutton via your config tool. The pushbutton is connected with a Bodnar BU. I do get the normal Park Brake message on the ECAM. And the aircraft is secured by the brakes, too.
That is not the problem we have.
The problem is the parking brake of FSX. Before B 40.0 the parking brake of A 320 FMGS tiggered the FSX parking brake, too. The red remark on the left lower side of the screen appeared (one can disable the remark in fsx.cfg, I did not do that). GSX same as ASE needs that (the FSX parking brake action, not the red remark) to start the next action, "parking brake release" to start pushback and "parking brake set" to disconnect towing car after pushback. GSX and AES do not recognize the parking brake action of A 320 FMGS. Therefore since B 40.0 one can wait eternally for pushback to initiate or for towing car to be disconnected.
I tried to trigger FSX parking brake with the normal keystroke combination "CTRL+.". But as soon as A320 FMGS is running, that has no effect, the parking brake remark of FSX does not change and therefore GSX and AES cannot be triggered to their next action.
From my point of view there is something new in A 320 FMGS that inhibits FSX parking brake to be applied, whilst formerly A320 FMGS used FSX's own parking brake.
As two other users told the same it seems not to be a problem of only my setup.

07-06-2015, 01:56 PM
I sincerely believe you missed an update somewhere, I do not know how or why though.
I can set the PRK BRK in P3D while my software runs, I did that in B40.1.
Please try to reinstall and update all again.
Or maybe it is only FSX related, I did no try?


07-07-2015, 01:55 AM
simstar: u have to copy not only the dat files but also ALL the .bin files created on server after first fmgs start.

07-07-2015, 08:23 AM
simstar: u have to copy not only the dat files but also ALL the .bin files created on server after first fmgs start.

Hello Fil, I did copy all the files, as well as the folders to each cleint pc, but still no SID available

looks like this


any idea why it does not work?

07-07-2015, 08:47 AM
Can you post the FMGSserverlog.txt ?

07-07-2015, 10:44 AM
Her is the Serverlog.

07-07-2015, 12:16 PM
nothing wrong here, now I'll need the navdata\logNDB.txt file ?

07-07-2015, 12:16 PM
By the way, you do run the software with admin rights?

07-07-2015, 12:34 PM
By the way, you do run the software with admin rights?

You mean the Server or as well Clients?
next file coming soon...

07-07-2015, 01:08 PM

*14:10:48* Navdata module launched Server*14:10:48*
*14:10:50* Navdata1:
*14:10:50* -ARPTliste:15376
*14:10:50* -NavaidListe:18173
*14:10:50* -FIXliste:187354
*14:10:50* -AWYsegments:97807
*14:10:50* -MarkerList:2492
*14:10:50* Navdata2:
*14:10:50* -ARPTliste:15376
*14:10:50* -NavaidListe:18173
*14:10:50* -FIXliste:187354
*14:10:50* -AWYsegments:97807
*14:10:50* -MarkerList:2492
*14:10:50* server started on port:8006
*14:11:01* Client connected:
*14:11:03* Client connected:
*14:39:21* Module stopped normally

07-07-2015, 05:49 PM
Nothing looks off here as well...

All applications should be running with administrator rights. If you use the starter, running by right click -> run with admin rights should be enough. On clients and servers.


07-09-2015, 03:13 PM
Nothing looks off here as well...

All applications should be running with administrator rights. If you use the starter, running by right click -> run with admin rights should be enough. On clients and servers.


Hello JL,

I did checked all pcs and setted all executables to run with adminrights each startup.
But problem still remain.
So maybe some files of NavData are in the wrong folder?
Can you post the NavData folder structure and files, which has to be in the folders?

Thanks Regards Marco

07-09-2015, 03:32 PM
On server computer, you should have in the FMGS\navdata folder:
- navdata1 and navdata2 folders. In each of these, you should have navrecord.dat
- navdb.dll
- the bin files (arpt, awy, fix, mkr, navaid, navdb, proc1, proc2 )
- fsscenery.cfg (make sure it has the correct IP of the server computer, and the correct paths for P3D/FSX main path and also the scenery.cfg path, depending on your installation of FSX, P3D V1.X or V2.X)

on clients, the easiest is to copy the server folder.

07-11-2015, 10:09 AM
ECAM seems to be fixed with the latest update 40.2 -- thanks JL.

Here is something I noted which I am not too sure if it is the correct logic --

Default ECAM page (no ECAM page selected - no LEDs lid up).
Press 'TO CONFIG' to test
When TO CONFIG is let go, 'DOOR' page is selected, LED lights up.

07-11-2015, 10:52 AM
What do you use as means to switch the ECAM pages? HArdware, keyboard keys on the SD/EWD window, else?


07-11-2015, 11:51 AM
What do you use as means to switch the ECAM pages? HArdware, keyboard keys on the SD/EWD window, else?


Using FDS Hardware based ECAM configured with IITcreator.

07-12-2015, 03:46 AM
Hey JL, same problem here with ECAM Panel switche LEDs. I am using SKALARKI Hardware. LEDs not light up when pressing button.

Problem occurs since Beta 40.1

07-12-2015, 08:04 AM
When starting FMGS approximately after 10 minutes the APU stops. I realize that suddenly no more fuel is then available. I guess the overhead then continuously connects and disconnects. This is not shown on the FMGS Server but I hear a sound from the server that something is conneting and disconnecting. When I turn off the clients, the sound is gone.
Is it still necessary since Release 4.02 that the overhead module runs on the clients for the overhead logic?
I have the overhead module running on two clients.
Client 1 with FDS Hardware for overhead
Client 2 with Opencockpit Hardware for some switches and the digits.

07-12-2015, 01:42 PM
I sincerely believe you missed an update somewhere, I do not know how or why though.
I can set the PRK BRK in P3D while my software runs, I did that in B40.1.
Please try to reinstall and update all again.
Or maybe it is only FSX related, I did no try?


I made a clean install of B 40.2, it did not help. So it seems to be FSX-related. Not that important fpr me as I will switch to P3D soon.
@Fred/phpilot @Ronny/krähe: Do you still have the parking brake problem with B40.2 ? German translation for Ronny: Hast Du das Problem mit der Parkbremse nach Update auf B 40.2 auch noch?
Another problem I realized now with B 40.2/FSX: Parking Brake, even when engaged (with remarke Park Brake in ECAM) does not have any effect, Aircraft accelerates and taxis as without brake. Left / right pedal brake work normal.
Do others using FSX have the same?
Regards Rainer

07-12-2015, 05:50 PM
@Simstar: Skalarki made a fix for the ECAM some days ago, do you have it?

@Fritz: graphical OVHD is not needed if you have hardware. You should run only one instance of it. There is also a kown issue at least with Teamviewer: if you access the main PC with teamviewer, it breaks the simconnect connection (i do not know why). The first visible effects of the connection being broken are fuel=0 and IAS=0.

@Rainer: this is possibly a bug in FSX only (PKG BRK issue in simconnect which may have been solved in P3D...). I will try to correct that if I can get some time some day.


07-12-2015, 10:29 PM
Rainer, how are you setting up the parking brake in the FMGS config tool?

Toggle button?
Push and release?

I initially had issues with the parking brake, but that was fixed when I selected the correct method of setting up the brake.

I made a clean install of B 40.2, it did not help. So it seems to be FSX-related. Not that important fpr me as I will switch to P3D soon.
@Fred/phpilot @Ronny/krähe: Do you still have the parking brake problem with B40.2 ? German translation for Ronny: Hast Du das Problem mit der Parkbremse nach Update auf B 40.2 auch noch?
Another problem I realized now with B 40.2/FSX: Parking Brake, even when engaged (with remarke Park Brake in ECAM) does not have any effect, Aircraft accelerates and taxis as without brake. Left / right pedal brake work normal.
Do others using FSX have the same?
Regards Rainer

07-13-2015, 02:01 AM
@Simstar: Skalarki made a fix for the ECAM some days ago, do you have it?


Hey JL,

you mean a new profiler version? if yes, all applications and files are up to date.

07-13-2015, 02:14 AM
Hi JeeHell,

On the server is also a overhead program running, although I did not have installed the overhead module on the server. I suspect this program is required for overhead logic if the overhead is installed on a client. I was not sure if it is still necessary to install the overhead modul for the overhead logic.
I will remove the overhead module to client 2 and still run only 1 instance.
Yes I also use TeamViewer, that speaks for your assumption.

07-13-2015, 08:47 AM
Latest update -- ECAM seems to be fixed.

APU page on startup also seems to be fixed, but I'll need to do more testing. Thank you for the quick update JL.

07-13-2015, 06:37 PM
Nein seitdem Update auf 40.2 kein Problem mehr mit der Parkbremse :-)
...Hello. I have the version 40.2 and i still have the same problem with Parking brames... I use p3d , not fsx.this is not a fsx only..

07-15-2015, 05:01 AM
can anybody tell me the offset (Jeehell) which I could use in my SIOC code to execute the same command as I'd use the EXT PWR item within FSX menu (in order to have EXT PWR AVAIL direct after starting SIOC).

07-15-2015, 10:02 AM
Rene: Check on the website for offsets document (check my signature).

JL - APU startup page is fixed. There is a new bug now with the latest release -- the ELEC page activates and is a selected page throughout the whole pre-flight, flight, and landing procedure. No SYS warnings.

07-15-2015, 10:33 AM
Hello Jeehell, today I updated again FMGS and SKALARKI Profiler.

ECAM LED issue is now soleved. I can confirm Hardware is now working again.
Comes to parkingbrake issue. As soon as I start the engines or APU, which means as soon as hydraulic power is available, something happens in FMGS occuring this issue.

1. engines and APU off, no braking action. release and set parking brake works.
2. hydraulic power is available, there is a braking action. set and release parking brake works. Now we have to press both brakes (Captain and FO side) to fixx this issue. After moving pedels both sides, there is no braking action anymore when releasing parking brake.

Now comes to NavData. still no SIDs shown. I found a bug in scenery.cfg, which I fixed. But still not working.

Here is may scenery.cfg

[Scenery]scenery.cfg=C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\scenery.cfg
FSfolder=C:\Games\Prepar3D v2.5

maybe there is still something wrong?

Best regards Marco

07-15-2015, 11:28 AM
OmniAtlas Thanks! I've already got this list and tried $78EE with value 79. Didn't work but I'll try again. I think it shoul be this Offset.

07-15-2015, 04:22 PM
MCDU panel "MCDU display problem please report issue." error.

07-15-2015, 04:50 PM
@ALL : there is a little issue in the joystick system from windows (this affects only regular HID joysticks like logitech, sidewinder, or even probably joysticks using emulation like leo bodnar's). Unless any axis is moved after the FMGS initialization (and it's access to the joysticks readings in windows), it will see all axis in an undefined position, usually centered on the axis course.
This means that brakes will be seen as braking, even if the pedals are released.
I will try a work around, but this won't be perfect I'm affraid... and there is apparently no way to force windows do a full joystick rescan...

@Romeow: look at 78ED value 33 ...

@Omniatlas: are you sure you did not have anything wrong with the ELEC system? Even a transient issue? Did you try to switch the ECAM back into auto mode? (select another page twice to put it back in auto mode, usually pages like HYD is never called automatically in any flight phase, so you display it once, then push the HYD button again and it goes back in auto mode). I cannot reproduce this, so for now I do not consider that as a bug.

@SimStar: did you recompile the navdata bin files after changing the scenery.cfg?

@yaarslan : That is a shame I broke my crystal ball.

07-16-2015, 09:47 AM
My apologies JL -- everything seems to be working now. There was an electronic board issue...cheers.

07-16-2015, 09:47 AM
@SimStar: did you recompile the navdata bin files after changing the scenery.cfg?

Yes this I did, but nothing happens?

So would you be so kind to describe hwo to install new navdata, as well as which paths has to be in the scenery.cfg?

Thanks a lot. Best regards! Marco

07-16-2015, 03:23 PM
Thanks Jeehell for the offset. It seems to be my lack of experience with SIOC which caused the problems. In my last code 78ED/33 worked but after rewriting the script this offset stopped working. So I wonder if there was any change. But as I said it was my own incompetence.
Regards, René

07-16-2015, 04:25 PM
Yes this I did, but nothing happens?

So would you be so kind to describe hwo to install new navdata, as well as which paths has to be in the scenery.cfg?

Thanks a lot. Best regards! Marco
there is nothing more than what you seem to have already done, I do not what happens on your setup, you're the only one who seems to have that issue...
Try again all from scratch:
- install in a new folder,
- copy the navrecord files in navdata\navdata1 & 2 folders (only required on server PC).
- check the fsscenery.cfg is correct
- run the fmgs server and let it wait for some minutes before trying to check anything on the navdata

07-16-2015, 04:31 PM
1-Aerosoft Airbus X AIRAC cycle
2-PSS AIRAC cycle native
3-leveld AIRAC cycle

AIRAC which will be installed inside the navdata?

07-16-2015, 05:06 PM
MCDU panel "MCDU display problems please report issue." error,
After re-flap correct caliber.

07-16-2015, 06:34 PM
Yaarslan: as mentioned in the FMGS documentation, only aerosoft data is used.

Regarding your error - you need to provide more information - location, sequence of steps, what you are inputting on the mcdu at the time of the error. Etc.

07-16-2015, 06:56 PM
LTBA/LTFH - Not in database.

07-17-2015, 09:22 AM
Hey Jl,

I know you are very busy but maybe you have some news about the implementation of the Navigraph Airacs? :)
I only can pick up the new Navigraph Charts App until the Navigraph Airacs runs with Jeehell.
So, I´m sitting on hot coals. :D


07-17-2015, 11:35 AM
Hey Jl,

I know you are very busy but maybe you have some news about the implementation of the Navigraph Airacs? :)
I only can pick up the new Navigraph Charts App until the Navigraph Airacs runs with Jeehell.
So, I´m sitting on hot coals. :D


Hey Florian

I have the Navigraph App for the IPad and this costs about 50 bugs / year. If you add the Aerosoft AIRAC and you are using the 3 times Update / year (I think this is very enough for privat sim's) its additional only 15 bugs or something..... Not that much :-) And as JL mentioned several times, (and as i understand it correct) its Navigraph's job to provide the AIRAC not JL's.


07-17-2015, 12:34 PM
Hey Florian

I have the Navigraph App for the IPad and this costs about 50 bugs / year. If you add the Aerosoft AIRAC and you are using the 3 times Update / year (I think this is very enough for privat sim's) its additional only 15 bugs or something..... Not that much :-) And as JL mentioned several times, (and as i understand it correct) its Navigraph's job to provide the AIRAC not JL's.


Hallo Daniel,

For explanation:
Sometimes ago before the app has released i asked Richard from Navigraph about this problem. So there was not really a problem but only a misunderstanding. Please read the following posts from #10: http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php?t=29393&p=156814&highlight=#post156814

I KNOW that this is not JL´s Job to provide this, but this is actually in work and I just wanted to ask if there in the meantime something new from Richard/Navigraph. I asked this Richard in a another Forum also! ;)

But thank you for the note with the smaller package. Due to the fact that I fly online... this will probably disappear.


07-17-2015, 01:14 PM
Hallo Daniel,

For explanation:
Sometimes ago before the app has released i asked Richard from Navigraph about this problem. So there was not really a problem but only a misunderstanding. Please read the following posts from #10: http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php?t=29393&p=156814&highlight=#post156814

I KNOW that this is not JL´s Job to provide this, but this is actually in work and I just wanted to ask if there in the meantime something new from Richard/Navigraph. I asked this Richard in a another Forum also! ;)

But thank you for the note with the smaller package. Due to the fact that I fly online... this will probably disappear.

Nothing new on my side...


07-18-2015, 05:28 AM
Ok thanks JL,
i doing a little pressure to Richard and write to him.

07-18-2015, 07:45 PM
Ok thanks JL,
i doing a little pressure to Richard and write to him.

Whats his e-mail address - please private message it to me and I'll send him an e-mail as well.


07-19-2015, 05:04 AM
Hey Omni,

i did´t have his Private Emailadress I Contact him over the German flightx.net Forum. This is his Information Page: http://flightx.net/user/114-navdata/
There you can write him a PM or Skype (richard.stefan.navdata). Or maybe direct via navdata.at?


07-20-2015, 03:23 AM
Hi Jeehell, I have a landing checklist showing on ECAM when just airborne for departure. Is that an error?

07-20-2015, 05:40 AM
Masterp: which version of the software do you use?

07-20-2015, 05:45 AM
Hi, I am using v40.2, I think it is the latest ?

07-20-2015, 05:52 AM
This is probably a bug, I'll try to reproduce it.


07-20-2015, 05:53 AM
for more information, Route is VVTS DONXO BMT PLK MISIN VVDN
SID DONXO1A/25L, STAR MISIN1D/ILS.Y.35R. Arrival has been programmed at departure airport already.
Thank alot

07-20-2015, 05:54 AM
oh Thanks so much for quick response Jeehell ;)

Pim van Vrijaldenhoven
07-21-2015, 07:53 AM
Hallo Vu and JL,

Since I have never "flown" in Vietnam I did the same flight. I did not see the landing checklist soon after takeoff. I found some other strange things:

1) The UTC on the displays is 5 hours off
2) At FL 270 the SAT was -15 and the TAT +16 (is that right?)
3) During descent that cabin pressure when up to -2000 ft and came later back down a bit

It was was an enjoyable flight with nice mountains with some lingering haze. (P3D + FTXGlobal, OPUSFSX)

Best regards,


07-21-2015, 09:20 AM

1) UTC time is the one taken from FS/P3D directly, so in your P3D the time was off by 5 hours (anyway, off to which reference?)
2) does not seem off... maybe SAT is a bit hot (around ISA+25°), but TAT is coherent with SAT. In July with real WX, I guess ISA+25° is pretty much normal around Vietnam...
3) I'll check that if I can reproduce it.


Pim van Vrijaldenhoven
07-21-2015, 11:46 AM
Hallo JL,

Just checked the UTC issue:

1) Started P3D and set airport VVTS
2) Checked UTC: 15.35
3) Started JH FMGS
4) Time reported in ECAM: 10.36
5) Checked local time at VVTS: 22.36 via AeroWeather.

Please check.

Best regards,


07-21-2015, 03:35 PM
I did check again out of curiosity, and everything works correctly. When changing the location, the UTC time does not change and stays at the UTC time of P3D when first launched (+/- a few minutes due to loading scenery etc...).
So I will not waste my time further on that non issue...


07-21-2015, 11:07 PM
My UTC time works correctly.
For the Landing checklist showing up after takeoff, I will check again on some other flights. Yesterday I made LOWW Vienna to Innsbruck LOWI with same MCDU programming's procedure and Ecam works fine. (except entering Destination WX data)

Oh, maybe on last VVTS-VVDN flight, I entered Destination data (QNH, Temp, Wind) at departure airport, that caused MCDU considering we are on landing phase :D ?


Pim van Vrijaldenhoven
07-22-2015, 04:54 AM
Hallo JL,
Sorry if I offended you. If FMGS is connected before I change airport to VVTS then UTC does not change as you stated. However, if I change the airport after a restart of P3D then UTC is not correct. I double-checked this again this morning.

Best regards,


07-22-2015, 05:34 AM
@Masterp: the arrival data shuld not be the reason you have the LDG checklist on display, unless you switched on the APPR PHASE manually in the MCDU?

@Pim: this is not about any offence... it just works. I do not understand your steps to supposedly reproduce any bug with UTC time. Try this other way: in P3D go to world menu -> time and season. And set the UTC (or even local time) yourself there and compare with what you should get...
My sofware reads the UTC time P3D gives, no more no less. If P3D is not synchronized with actual UTC time, then it will display a non-synchronized time... Particularly, loading a flight may desynchronize the time...


07-23-2015, 11:36 AM
Hi JL i ve just made another flight VVVH VVNB and LDG checklist was not shown up on departure.
However try again with VVTS VVDN route, LDG checklist showing up a few seconds then back to normal :mrgreen:
So i suggest to ignore this, it just random. Thanks for your help. Vu

07-23-2015, 06:05 PM
Aerosoft Airbus X AIRAC cycle within Navdata1 and Navdata2 1508 installed ..
Navdata1: PROC-Airports-throw-cycle-cycle-info-navaid waypoints
Navdata2: PROC-Airports-throw-cycle-cycle-info-navaid waypoints
Home on my computer, prepar3d FMGS server and A320 have 2.5 installed.
Second on my computer, FMGS A320 wide client installed.
I start my main computer, and then the A320 Simulator FMGS.
Everything is going great.
Second on my computer, I start FMGS A320.
Batteries çalıştırıyorum.sist comes up full of energy.
But MC "Active Base data NAV" 0000
Second NAV 0000 data base.

07-23-2015, 06:10 PM
Aerosoft Airbus X AIRAC cycle within Navdata1 and Navdata2 1508 installed ..
Navdata1: PROC-Airports-throw-cycle-cycle-info-navaid waypoints
Navdata2: PROC-Airports-throw-cycle-cycle-info-navaid waypoints
Home on my computer, prepar3d v2.5 and A320 FMGS server have installed.
Second on my computer, FMGS A320 wide client installed.
I start my main computer, and then the A320 Simulator FMGS.
Second on my computer, I start FMGS A320. Batteries .sistems comes up full of energy.
But MC "Active Base data NAV" 0000
Second NAV 0000 data base.

07-24-2015, 03:50 AM
Aerosoft Airbus X AIRAC cycle within Navdata1 and Navdata2 1508 installed ..

And why on earth do you install AS Airbus X AIRAC with A320FMGS and not the database for Jeehell?

07-24-2015, 08:10 PM
Hi JL i ve just made another flight VVVH VVNB and LDG checklist was not shown up on departure.
However try again with VVTS VVDN route, LDG checklist showing up a few seconds then back to normal :mrgreen:
So i suggest to ignore this, it just random. Thanks for your help. Vu

Make sure your throttle detents and dead zones are setup correctly. When my dead zones were too small I triggered the LDG checklist for some reason.

07-25-2015, 03:53 AM
I have a problem with the nose wheel steering. If I give a little thrust, then the nose wheel always moves to the left. I have adjusted the tiller and flight stick several times. On the flight control page I cannot realize that something steers to the left. With the tiller I can correct a maximum to the center position. After I steer the Airbus in the trees, P3D loaded the default Cessna - the same phenomenon. In P3D without FMGS I can easily control the nose wheel. It seems the problem is not caused by aircraft model or P3D. Anyone had the same problem?

07-25-2015, 04:19 AM
You're controlling the nose wheel in P3D without FMGS -- this means your tiller is programmed to interface directly with P3D! You should disable joystick inputs in P3D and in FSUIPC.

Program the tiller only in FMGS Config.

07-25-2015, 05:15 AM
Thanks for the tip, but I've already done (disabled controllers in P3D and made no assignments in FSUIPC). No Difference.

07-25-2015, 04:24 PM
Fritz, if you have several joysticks plugged in the computer, maybe their initial state is not correct. This can affect all axis (tiller, rudders, brakes). So first make sure you have moved at least once all your axis before taxiing, to reset them in the soft.


07-26-2015, 12:22 AM
Can someone pls confirm the spd mach button on the FCU is no longer functioning? Thank you.

07-26-2015, 06:18 AM
After a completely new configuration of the control instruments, I found what caused the problem. The FO tiller always steers to full left, when I run FMGS. On FMGS_Config calibration, the tiller seems to work. If I run FMGS then he always steers to full left.
When I go then to FMGS_Config, I see in the calibration window that the Tiller fully controls to the left. I set up again and then everything seems to be fine again. It may be a hardware problem. I have to examine that.

Pim van Vrijaldenhoven
07-26-2015, 08:15 AM
Can someone pls confirm the spd mach button on the FCU is no longer functioning? Thank you.


Just tried it on the ground and it works fine.

Best regards,


07-27-2015, 04:23 AM

Just tried it on the ground and it works fine.

Best regards,


Thanks Pim. For some reason I could not toggle the spd mach button -- I will attempt again.

I am trying to display the MACH SEL on the PFD as shown here --


07-27-2015, 01:52 PM
Hi to all
I'd like to report three issues.

1. When I set Flaps 2 for takeoff on MCDU (short runways), ECAM memo FLAPS T.O. change from blue to green when I set the flaps in position 1. I think that it should become green, only when the flaps be in potition 2.
2. When A/C inserts in cruise phase, a red message appears always on MCDU: "INSERT DESTINATION DATA", but my flight plan is complete...
3. Many times during landing, when I press the red button on side stick to disengage AP, Master Caution doesn't stop to flash, so I press it, it stops, but in that case a red AP INOP message appears on SD STATUS page.


07-27-2015, 07:14 PM
1. Do you mean it should be in blue while in transition, and only turn green at final position?

2. You need to enter more information into the DEST page (not fix points) -- on this page you put in the BARO settings, DH/MDA, winds (although FMGS does not use this information for now). It has nothing to do with your route, and is triggered as you are nearing your destination/approach phase.

07-28-2015, 04:28 AM
1. Do you mean it should be in blue while in transition, and only turn green at final position?

No, I'm talking about ECAM MEMO T.O. check list on lower ECAM. It shows flaps T.O. green, while I set flaps levers to 1 position and MCDU setting is flaps 2 for takeoff.

07-28-2015, 04:32 AM
2. You need to enter more information into the DEST page (not fix points) -- on this page you put in the BARO settings, DH/MDA, winds (although FMGS does not use this information for now). It has nothing to do with your route, and is triggered as you are nearing your destination/approach phase.
OK, but I'm not near destination. I'm just entering cruise phase! I think is too early for that message.

07-28-2015, 05:03 AM
Hi Leonidas,

1. The MCDU and the ECAM are not linked. So it cannot know if you decided to do F1 or F2 takeoff.

2. This happens when you're less than 200NM from destination.

3. Cannot reproduce this one. You did set bopth pressed and released events on this button?


07-28-2015, 05:13 AM
Hi Leonidas,
3. Cannot reproduce this one. You did set bopth pressed and released events on this button?

No, just press event. Should I set release too? If yes, with what event?

07-28-2015, 05:21 AM
Each button has two states pressed (you're pushing the button with your finger) and released (you're no longer pushing with your finger). For the same action (take over button for example).


07-28-2015, 11:09 AM
For all you guys, who like that Navigraph supports Jeehell in the future with the Airacs... and make a little pressure to Navigraph!
I opened a Thread (https://www.navigraph.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=2665) where you can ask Navigraph to support Jeehell in future. Looking forward, if some of you here support this Thread (https://www.navigraph.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=2665). ;)


07-28-2015, 11:57 AM
Each button has two states pressed (you're pushing the button with your finger) and released (you're no longer pushing with your finger). For the same action (take over button for example).

I set both to CPT_APTO, try once and It seems to be OK for now. Thanks.

Let me tell you another minor issue about ground power button on OVHD panel. This has two potitions: OUT (where green AVAIL lights up when you select EXT PWR from addons) and IN (where blue ON lights up when you push it to get that power). But in my case (and just for that button), the state changes when I push it IN and doesn't change when I push it OUT. So, I should press twice in order to change from AVAIL to ON and vice versa! I've tried all these options on picture, but nothing changed. I use FDS card.http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=10432&stc=1

07-28-2015, 12:03 PM
I have also one question about EXTERNAL POWER: Is there any way to activate the external power without using the P3D menu?


07-28-2015, 12:51 PM
@Leonidas: in the real ACFT, this switch is spring loaded: it cannot stay pushed down...

@Stefangr: look for the fsuipc offsets

07-28-2015, 04:31 PM
Hallo JL,
today i try to implemet the F/O RMP but had some problems.
The Following:
*For the Captainside i use the RMP from Opencockpits with the EHID Modul
*The F/O Side is selfbuild and programmed via the SIOC_Creator

So far so good. I had the problem that i cant adjust the Frequencies of the F/O RMP. The Encoder works in the SIOC Monitor and there was no problem. But when i change the Frequencies on the CPT. RMP the Frequencies on the F/O Side also changed. Is this normal?

I discovered also two bugs in the SIOC_Creator.

1. SIOC_Creator doesn´t save the IDX for the F/O MCDU. I must submit everytime again after I open the saved config.

2. I have the following script for my LED BAR´s in the FCU. You remember?

Var 1000, name LVLCH_BAR_ONE, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 1, Digit 65, Numbers 1{

Var 1001, name HDG_BAR, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 1, Digit 79, Numbers 1

Var 1002, name TK_BAR, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 1, Digit 64, Numbers 1

Var 1003, name SPD_BAR, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 1, Digit 77, Numbers 1

Var 1004, name MACH_BAR, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 1, Digit 78, Numbers 1

Var 1005, name HDGVS_BAR, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 1, Digit 66, Numbers 1

Var 1006, name TKFPA_BAR, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 1, Digit 67, Numbers 1

Var 1007, name VS_BAR, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 1, Digit 70, Numbers 1

Var 1008, name FPA_BAR, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 1, Digit 71, Numbers 1

Var 1009, name LVLCH_BAR_TWO, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 1, Digit 68, Numbers 2

Var 1010, name LVLCH_BAR_THREE, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 1, Digit 69, Numbers 1

When i push "Apply Configuration" SIOC-Creator says:

Phase 2ERROR! -
Line: 1081 Var 1010, name LVLCH_BAR_THREE, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 1, Digit 69, Numbers 1

Ok, then i delete the Lines "&LVLCH_BAR_THREE = &LVLCH_BAR_ONE" in VAR 1000 and the complete VAR 1010. Press the Apply Button and it works. After this I add the deleted rows again press again Apply and it works too. Thats a little bit strange! Do you have a Idea about this?

King regards

07-28-2015, 05:43 PM

@Romeow: look at 78ED value 33 ...

Copied from Jeehell's post #149


07-28-2015, 09:35 PM
I have also one question about EXTERNAL POWER: Is there any way to activate the external power without using the P3D menu?


You can assign a joystick button.

07-29-2015, 02:17 AM
Hallo JL,
today i try to implemet the F/O RMP but had some problems.
The Following:
*For the Captainside i use the RMP from Opencockpits with the EHID Modul
*The F/O Side is selfbuild and programmed via the SIOC_Creator

So far so good. I had the problem that i cant adjust the Frequencies of the F/O RMP. The Encoder works in the SIOC Monitor and there was no problem. But when i change the Frequencies on the CPT. RMP the Frequencies on the F/O Side also changed

Hi Florian !

It is the same on my RMP's. I think its ok?


Stephan Schwarz
07-29-2015, 03:38 AM
I do not own a second RMP, but I would have also expected this behaviour as Florian described.
Why should the FO Radio be able to set frequencies independent from the CPT Radio?


07-29-2015, 07:36 AM
Hi Florian!

The length of SIOC names is limited to 14 characters!


07-29-2015, 08:06 AM
Hi all,

is the parking brake issue solved? I still have the problem that my Skarlarki parking brake switch does not give FSX any status change (off or set), on ECAM it works fine. Does someone have this issue too?

Thank you for a hint.
Best regards

07-29-2015, 08:16 AM
Hi Florian!

The length of SIOC names is limited to 14 characters!



@Chris: Thank you for this hint! ;) thumps up!

Because of RMP: I think it's a little bit strange when only the CPT. Can adjust the frequencies.

07-29-2015, 09:39 AM
So far so good. I had the problem that i cant adjust the Frequencies of the F/O RMP. The Encoder works in the SIOC Monitor and there was no problem. But when i change the Frequencies on the CPT. RMP the Frequencies on the F/O Side also changed. Is this normal?.

As far as I know, each RMP can tune any communication radio. But usually RMP1 is dedicated to VHF1, RMP2 to VHF2 and RMP3 to VHF3 or HF. A SEL light illuminates (selection indicator) when a radio that is not dedicated to an RMP is selected. If you select for example VHF2 instead of VHF1 on RMP1 and change active frequency this will obviously also change the active frequency of VHF2 on RMP2 or vice versa.
The active frequencies should change only when transfer key is pressed. The standby frequency is specific to the RMP and not the radio currently being tuned. Meaning, if VHF2 is tuned from RMP1, previously active VHF2 on RMP2 will become standby frequency on RMP2. This way F/O can always get back his previous active VHF2 frequency on his RMP2.

You should check if on RMP`s you have selected same or different radios (VHF1, VHF2). If you tune VHF1 or RMP1 and you have VHF2 on RMP2 then nothing should change on RMP2.


Ivan M.
07-29-2015, 12:24 PM
Hello ,
if you have any news for what regards FScockpit and its hardware modules? Has been removed the limitation? I tried to install the radio module but always get this error: unable to establish a connection. Persistent Refusal of the destination computer :25252


07-29-2015, 01:20 PM
As far as I know, each RMP can tune any communication radio. But usually RMP1 is dedicated to VHF1, RMP2 to VHF2 and RMP3 to VHF3 or HF. A SEL light illuminates (selection indicator) when a radio that is not dedicated to an RMP is selected. If you select for example VHF2 instead of VHF1 on RMP1 and change active frequency this will obviously also change the active frequency of VHF2 on RMP2 or vice versa.
The active frequencies should change only when transfer key is pressed. The standby frequency is specific to the RMP and not the radio currently being tuned. Meaning, if VHF2 is tuned from RMP1, previously active VHF2 on RMP2 will become standby frequency on RMP2. This way F/O can always get back his previous active VHF2 frequency on his RMP2.

You should check if on RMP`s you have selected same or different radios (VHF1, VHF2). If you tune VHF1 or RMP1 and you have VHF2 on RMP2 then nothing should change on RMP2.


Hallo Simon,
thanks to explain this! I have been tested but there was no different. On the RMP2 i can´t change the VHF2 Frequencies also the VHF1. Only the RMP 1 can change this Frequencies.

07-30-2015, 08:00 AM
Hi Jeehell,
MCDU "active nav data base" and "second NAV data base" to "0000".
How to correct errors ..

07-30-2015, 08:20 AM
Hi Jeehell,
MCDU "active nav data base" and "second NAV data base" to "0000".
How to correct errors ..

Reading the user guide is a good start.

07-30-2015, 06:13 PM
B41 is out see http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php?t=29707&p=158024#post158024