View Full Version : Building a 737NG cockpit on a small budget

05-26-2015, 11:35 AM
Hi there,

This is my first post here, and I recently joined not only to be a part of a community but also to seek some help on constructing a 737NG cockpit on a low budget as I'm only a high school student :p

There are a few parameters I have in mind, these are the things I would certainly like:
1) A budget of around £400 and absolute maximum of £500 (At this time, though can add over the years and make better)

2) Be realistic but not fully accurate, with key things only at the start- E.G: Yoke, Throttle

3) I am flexible to start off with a few things like a keyboard overhead panel (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_kompjMFqug)

4) Being able to seat one person, with enough room for me to hook up my old joystick for my brother to fly with me (Not with a set of instruments) just enough room for a normal chair to squeeze in ;)

5) Be able to use on screen as my pc should I still need to do work and things..

Some must haves: Yoke, 737 Throttle (I've seen clips for the saitek yoke (things like this fine) some kind of overhead (a keyboard sort of setup at first would be ok) gear lever, and rudder pedals. Things like Nav radios and every switch working and LCD screens aren't needed.

I haven't really got much equipment, I've got a Saitek Joystick, three pc monitors (of decent size) and a 28" (I think) TV monitor. I've got a fairly decent headset a good pc with 6 USB 2.0 ports

Im decent at handiwork but my dad will be able to help me with it. I've got partial experience with hand tools and a few basic powered ones.

Thanks ks for your help in advance ;)

05-27-2015, 04:21 AM

Interesting project! Have you considered Simworld's 737 kits? Main advantage is that you can buy panel per panel and you will not have to spend a lot of money at once!

You can find more information here (http://aviosim.org/Shop/index.php/simworld/forward-overhead-panel)