View Full Version : Where can I start

04-08-2015, 03:44 PM
So Hi first of all.
I'm from Germany and have been getting into FlightSims and stuff. I'm quite a newbie but sofar I'm using FSX:SE and getting along ok with a Logitech Joystick (pretty ****).
Since birth I've been fascinated by controling big things with loads of knobs and buttons.
And so I've been seeing a cockpit as the perfect thing to work on and to enjoy.
The problem I've got is that my electrical skills are pretty down to 0 but of course nowadays You can learn pretty much everything using the web so I can learn more and more.
My bigger problems are finding ressources or tools to build with and my low budget.
I own a workshed which is specialised for wood work only unfortunatly. But at least that could make a good frame.
So I'd appreciate any help with parts especially tutorial on how to process metal or acrylic into panels.
Now my only big question left is what cockpit to actually build.
I think a 737 would overwhelm me so a bombardier would maybe suit me better.
If you have any ideas I would be glad to hear them.

Thanks in advance

04-09-2015, 10:40 PM
My cockpit has been pretty inexpensive so far. I'd be glad to help you. By Bombardier do you mean the Q400?

04-14-2015, 02:49 PM
More of a Learjet but I think I'm just going to go with a cesna 172 or a beechcraft baron
somehow i like those old more 'manual' planes or cockpits

04-14-2015, 04:21 PM
If you like Learjets, but also like a more "analogue" style of flying, then maybe you should do a Learjet 24/25 type of build.

You could use the Lionheart Learjet software as a base, as it is apparently very realistic (but not difficult, as the real Learjet was designed for ease of use) and very inexpensive. Plus, you'll get much more speed than a Cessna.

It also wouldn't take up as much space as a newer Learjet, which is a plus.

04-15-2015, 02:07 PM
Sounds good
Thanks :)

04-15-2015, 04:58 PM
I would also recommend that you make sure you have these addons to help with your project:

FSUIPC (http://secure.simmarket.com/pete-dowson-fsuipc4.phtml) (Necessary to interface switches and helpful for interfacing LEDs)
WideFS (http://secure.simmarket.com/pete-dowson-widefs7.phtml) (Optional, can be bundled with FSUIPC for a discount)
FS Panel Studio (http://www.fspanelstudio.com/) (Extremely useful tool to edit aircraft panels. I use this to place gauges behind the holes in my panel. Notepad will do the same job, but it is more tedious)
A third party Weather Radar (The LH Lear does not come with one, so you should probably get the CS WxR (http://www.captainsim.com/products/r001/) or the RXP WxR (http://www.reality-xp.com/flightsim/wx500/))
Doug Dawson's Freeware XML Variable Debugger Gauge (http://www.douglassdawson.ca/files/XML_VARS.ZIP) (If the LH Lear has XML coded Gauges, this will help you find the variables for your switches/buttons)

There are probably more that I haven't thought of at the moment, but I would recommend all of those to make your cockpit building life easier.

If you don't understand some of the terms, don't worry, you'll very easily be able to learn your way through them. This forum and its members will help you.

I also put direct links to the addons in the post.