View Full Version : problem with gauges

12-10-2014, 07:51 PM
Hello All ,Im Props im in the process of rebuilding my sim all 7 computers are talking to each other by manual IP adreess i downloaded from this site FreeFD flight Instrument and when i bring everything on line i hav the gauges but they all say INOP IN RED I have a registered fusipc and wideview what am i missing everything worked fine before i made my house move im lost can someone shed some light? thanks so much Props

12-11-2014, 03:53 AM
Are the FreeFD running in a second PC (not the sim PC)?
You need a registered WideFS, not Wideview.

12-11-2014, 01:40 PM
Yes the FreeFD is running on all 6 computers pilot, copilot, upper and lower Eicas. Left view and right view and yes the fuspic. Wide fs. and wide view are all registered what else can I do?