View Full Version : 3D printing in generic GA pit build

12-04-2014, 07:46 AM
I've been mulling over a design for a simple generic GA simpit for my own use and have finally settled on one and started making bits.... It's loosely based on the single engine Pipestrel Panthera with X-Plane probably.

I've been really impressed at what can be done with a 3D printer (after a bit of trial and error) so I thought I'd share some of the early results.

Work has begun on the parts for the engine controls (standard single engine prop) - here are some pictures...

The lever arms are long because the mechanism sits a fair below the center pedestal trim level to give a fairly linear back/forward sliding movement for the three controls. All the plastic bits are 3D printed including the throttle, prop and mixture knobs. I was surprised at how well the gear segments and the small 1 module pot gears came out.

You can also see the center pedestal trim - also 3D printed, although these take a few hours each. 3D printing is pretty slow, but it works away without much attention most of the time.

For interest I'm using a Felix 3.0 printer - and have spent a fair bit of time getting to know it. The geometry of the parts needs to be designed to suit the printing process but that seems to be quite do-able... Quite pleased with the results overall!


11-26-2015, 05:50 PM
Not sure how i missed this post. I have been printing a few parts as well and have been very pleased with the results. Your parts look amazing, I'll be doing some research on that printer of yours, are you doing much post printing cleanup? I'd be interested in seeing some more pics if you have them.
