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View Full Version : "Using older FS Scenery Data"

06-22-2014, 01:19 PM
I am starting the migration from FS9 to FSX right now. I am using the StarterFSX.exe now and I also changed the paths within \FMGS\Navdata\FSscenery.cfg on the server PC to point to the relevant FS folders.

When I am doing the usual order like
- starting FSX on server PC
- starting StarterFSX.exe on server PC
- starting Starter.exe on client PC

then I am getting the message "Using older FS Scenery Data / Restart FS if you installed new add-on scenery".

When I restart FS leaving the FMGS open, the message does not come up again. When I try the next day with the above order, I am getting this message again.

Am I missing anything or do I just need to start FMGS on server before I start FSX?


06-22-2014, 06:10 PM

it says "Using older FS Scenery Data / Restart FS if you installed new add-on scenery" so you should do that only if you installed new scenery addon(s) since last time you ran the software. It's not an error message, only a reminder...

You have to run the FMGS soft before FS only in the following case:
-first install of the software (that applies to new versions)
- if you installed new scenery addon(s)


Stephan Schwarz
06-23-2014, 04:25 AM
This question should really be added to the FAQ´s :-)

06-23-2014, 05:23 AM
This question should really be added to the FAQ´s :-)
This is already the case... http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27532 Q15.

02-11-2017, 04:18 AM

I am attempting to use FMGS on a dedicated computer (all components on one system) with simconnect.

Can NavData still reside on the dedicated computer?

Do we need to configure a shared network drive so FMGS can access "scenery.cfg" on the FSX/P3D computer?

Thank you.

02-12-2017, 04:42 AM

I have not tested that yet,it may work, but may fail or be very slow to process....
One possibility is to copy fmgs server folder over the p3d computer, then run it there to build navdata (so navigraph/aerosoft data required there) and copy the bins over the other computers.