View Full Version : Help with bu0836x

05-01-2014, 08:19 PM
Hi folks,

I was hoping someone could help me with a small, probably obvious, task. This is most likely electronics grade ten basic...but I don't want to fry the board, ....

I know how to connect a standard two pole switch to the bodnar card....but if that switch has a light in it (12v), how do I properly connect..?

The switch has three poles....LOAD, 12v , and GND .... When I connect my 12v psu to the GND and one of the poles, the light comes on...and turns off when I hit the switch....

so...if I connect to the card, do I split off from the ground and the 12v wire so as to connect to both the bodnar card as well as the 12v power supply?

thanks very much in advance for any guidance...


05-01-2014, 09:26 PM
What you need is a Double Pole single throw switch. That is a switch that has two switches included. One switch you wire as you have done. The other gets wired
to an input of the board.
Don't mix up Poles with Terminals. Switches are usually described as Poles and Throws. You need at minimum a Double Pole Single Throw. As said above one set of terminals
wired as you have and the other set wired to an input on the bodner board.
The switch you described is a Single pole Double throw if it only has 3 Terminals. The Pole is actually the Centre terminal.
Hope This helps. Just ask if you need any more help.

Lamp Wires (as u described) >--------o o-------> To Bodnar Board

Lamp Wires (as u described) >--------o o-------> To Bodnar Board Gnd

The Picture shows a Double Pole Single Throw which is all you need although a Double
Throw is ok.

05-01-2014, 09:46 PM
What you need is a Double Pole single throw switch. That is a switch that has two switches included. One switch you wire as you have done. The other gets wired
to an input of the board.
Don't mix up Poles with Terminals. Switches are usually described as Poles and Throws. You need at minimum a Double Pole Single Throw. As said above one set of terminals
wired as you have and the other set wired to an input on the bodner board.
The switch you described is a Single pole Double throw if it only has 3 Terminals. The Pole is actually the Centre terminal.
Hope This helps. Just ask if you need any more help.

Lamp Wires (as u described) >--------o o-------> To Bodnar Board

Lamp Wires (as u described) >--------o o-------> To Bodnar Board Gnd

The Picture shows a Double Pole Single Throw which is all you need although a Double
Throw is ok.

Thank you les! Although I am a bit more confused than before! Lol ...

ok...my yoke buttons work now....but you are saying that with those particular switches, I cannot have them light up? Which is not the end of the world because the fact that they light up is not necessary....

the thing is that they are wired inside the yokes now( which I hand built) and I have all three wires comin out from each switch....with a second ground wire coming out as well.. I guess, if I understand wh. You are saying, that I installed the wrong type of switch to both light up AND use as a switch?

thank you for your email and I apologize for my fledgling wiring knowledge! :)


05-02-2014, 01:14 AM
If your switch has only 2 or 3 terminals the you can either light a switch or have the switch thru the bodnar board tell fsx
what to do. The bodnar board needs clean contacts, no voltage. Currently your wired switches 12v to your lamp. If you can not
replace this with a double pole switch then you could use a relay to switch a light on and feed a second set of contacts to the Bodnar board. Can u show us what your switch looks like and we may be able to suggest something.

05-02-2014, 08:17 AM
If your switch has only 2 or 3 terminals the you can either light a switch or have the switch thru the bodnar board tell fsx
what to do. The bodnar board needs clean contacts, no voltage. Currently your wired switches 12v to your lamp. If you can not
replace this with a double pole switch then you could use a relay to switch a light on and feed a second set of contacts to the Bodnar board. Can u show us what your switch looks like and we may be able to suggest something.

Hi les... Here is a pic of the switch.... Thanks very much for the help

05-02-2014, 02:45 PM
From what I can see, you have two switches mounted. One is Black and the other is red, is this correct.. If these are two individual switches then you have what is called a Single Pole double throw. The only way you could use this would be to have a 12v relay operate from the voltage you are supplying to the lamp. So when you put volts on your lamp, at the same time voltage is applied to
a relay whose contacts close and signal to the Bodnar board.
Is this correct if so tell me where the lamp is and how is it wired?.

05-02-2014, 03:12 PM
Posted in error

06-15-2014, 04:34 PM
Maybe you guys have solved this already but this is what I do in my C441 for BU0836 inputs

The switch with light looks like what you have.

Regards Ken K