View Full Version : Networking Airbus A320 Avionics panels

04-14-2014, 07:36 PM
Hello everyone, it's been awhile since I've posted. My question is, does anyone know where I can find website or download a server based A320 avionics software. I have looked at Project Magenta avionics but my god it's so expensive. I'm looking for something inexpensive That I can use, download, that I can use across a network in my home or from a web server. I'm at a stand still. I have 737 server based avionics running on my 737 MOD. can anybody steer me in the right direction?

04-14-2014, 09:41 PM
You've come to the right place.

Jeehell FMGS -- http://fmgs.co.nr/

Its free, and there is a support forum right here.

04-15-2014, 12:23 AM
You've come to the right place.

Jeehell FMGS -- http://fmgs.co.nr/

Its free, and there is a support forum right here.

Man what a relief! Tank you soooo much.

04-18-2014, 03:56 PM
Hi, I have installed the A320 FMGS program I have also installed NavDataPro. when I load the A320 FMGS I get a constant error:

Navdapp: Accss volaton at address 00531Fa6 in module"NavDBapp.exe. Red of adres 00000038.

Can you please help me? I don't know hat t o from here.

04-18-2014, 06:10 PM
Make sure you've installed the jeehell navdata into the right directory. You have to create the jeehell install directory (navdatapro does not so so and will not install otherwise)

04-19-2014, 01:05 AM
Hello, I'm using one computer to run everything. I don't want to sound dumb, but I need to know where to send the NavDataPro. I see nav data 1 and Nav data 2. Do I extract NavDataPro into jeehill folder. I'm really confused.

04-19-2014, 07:51 AM
Hello, I'm using one computer to run everything. I don't want to sound dumb, but I need to know where to send the NavDataPro. I see nav data 1 and Nav data 2. Do I extract NavDataPro into jeehill folder. I'm really confused.

Run NavDataPro,

Click on the panel "All"

Look for 'JeeHellWare'

The navigation data should be installed into C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Roaming\JeehellWare

You should have 2 files in there -- cycle_info.txt, and navrecord.dat

NavDataPro sometimes has problems installing into the directory -- make sure you make the directory 'JeehellWare' first before running updating your datasets.

04-20-2014, 12:35 PM
Sorry, I don't get it. I unzipped NavDataPro1311 into a new folder on my desktop. When I open it, it shows a bunch of folders.
Airbus X Extended
Captain Sim
Digital Aviation
Flight1 ATR
Flight1 C182T
Flight 1 Fokker
Flight1 Islander
Flight Mustang
Flight1 Super80
Integrated SimAvionics

I don't see anything that says Setup, or Run, or panel All. I know their is something that I'm missing. Can you please explain from the download at Aerosoft.com Single version. I need to know the complete instructions from download to setup please, if you don't mind. I really would appreciate it. I have downloaded everything from http://fmgs.co.nr/. I already installed everything even including the sound file and was able to get everything working with the A320 FMGS including sound. Now I need to get the other part working correctly. Thank you.

04-20-2014, 05:26 PM
You need to install Aerosoft Nav Data Pro and run NavDataPro.exe

Did you download the latest NavDataPro datasets? JL software was only supported by Aerosoft NavData Pro in December,2013 I think.

Installation instructions here -- http://www.aerosoft2.de/downloads/navdatapro/Manual-NavDataPro-Deu-Eng.pdf

04-20-2014, 11:21 PM
Ok got it, Another question do I have to use the A320FMGS? or can I use lets say, Just Flight A320? Another problem that I have with the A320fmgsm is, when I scroll around side to side I don't see the plane wings , all I see are the lights on the wings flashing. Is that supposed to be like that? Am I not suppose to see the plane? Nothing in 2D nor 3D mode. Do I need to use one of the software companies listed like, Airbus X, FeelThere, iFly etc. I really appreciate all the help you are giving me. I can't say thank you enough. I own Just Flight Airbus A320. That is not listed and would like to know if I can use that program (FSX).

04-20-2014, 11:55 PM
Jeehell FMGS only supports Project Airbus which is installed in your Simobjects\airplanes directory by default.

There is no virtual cockpit as it only provides the avionics or glass interface.

You our can try and perhaps integrate the project airbus 2d panels and see if that works.

Also try posting in the jeehell fmgs forum on this website and you will get more help.

04-21-2014, 02:40 AM
If it is not included in the latest installer, you can download it here -- http://www.jeehell.org/A318toA321.zip

04-21-2014, 11:37 AM
Thank you, I will try that and further ask the forum.

If it is not included in the latest installer, you can download it here -- http://www.jeehell.org/A318toA321.zip