View Full Version : FSSymphony Version 2.0 released

03-02-2014, 07:10 AM
Dear cockpitbuilders,
today I released version 2.0. The program acts as smart interface between the Flight Simulator, FSUIPC and the PoKeys56E ® Ethernet interface. FSSymphony V2.0 is compatible to the following flight simulators: FS2004, FSX, Prepar3D ® V1.4 and V2.1. FSSymphony V2.0 supports both cockpit builders with no programming experience just by let them select the required function from a drop-down list, as well as user who want to get deeper in functionality. They can define own functions, including manipulating offsets and doing logical comparison.

The program can also act as bridge to the SIOC programming language. Each of the PoKeys56E ® digital inputs, outputs, analog inputs, and encoders can be assigned to a SIOC variable. This gives cockpit builders a maximum of flexibility and the opportunity to interface SIOC scripts to the PoKeys56E ® interface.

Furthermore the PoExtBus for up to 80 additional output ports is supported and I2C bus has been introduced for 12 additional servo outputs.

The combination of these features gives cockpit builders a maximum of flexibility and the opportunity to interface none standard FS controls and own SIOC scripts to the PoKeys56E® interface. It also opens the access to the offsets of Project Magenta or IFly, to name just two.

A variety of examples for user defined functions and comprehensive description are included in the download package.

FSSymphony V2.0 is still published as freeware and my contribution to the community.

For those who are interesed, the documentation is available here:


If you like to get the software, drop me an email: contact@flying-the-winglets.de


Visit: http://www.flying-the-winglets.de