View Full Version : save my controls in fsx before formate my PC !!!!!!! Most help !!!!!!

A320 copilot
01-31-2014, 01:40 PM

Today i will formate my pc and before that I need to save the deleted controls from fsx (because I have alot of controls controlled by Fsuipc and in each time I go inside fsx----> controls and delete the controls which handled by fsuipc, its a so difficultto do that in each time I formate), now i have save my all controls with fsuipc, but i need also to save the controls which deleted and reprogramed inside FSX.

Could get any help friends !!!!!

02-01-2014, 03:27 AM
I think you must have a seperate look for a "file changing programm" for OS.
Locate were files safe. Then think about handle the " delete controls..."
I remember a tool from 1998, but donīt know the name anymore.