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View Full Version : SPD INC / DEC using offsets?

Stephan Schwarz
12-01-2013, 09:40 AM

I cannot find an offset to increase or decrease SPD, ALT, HDG or V/S? Only CPTQNH and FOQNH are given in the manual.

Any idea how I can do this in FSUIPC? I need to avoid to use the FMGS Config tool!

Thank you

12-01-2013, 01:47 PM

There are no direct INC/DEC offsets for HDG/SPD/ALT/VS, because FSUIPC lacks the smoothness for these.
You can however use the "data pipe" function at offsets 73CC and 73CD. Please read the user guide for more info on these.


Stephan Schwarz
12-01-2013, 05:08 PM
Thank you for your reply. I have Seen this Data pipe but it Confuses me a lot. Can you please post me an example how this can be configures?

12-01-2013, 05:38 PM
This is easy, you have a "selection" offset and a "data" offset.
If you wanted to set the HDG window to 170 you'd write:
-offset 73CC ("selection"): 2
-offset 73CD ("data"): 170

If you wanted to set the ALT window to 35000 you'd write:
-offset 73CC ("selection"): 3
-offset 73CD ("data"): 350 (you need to divide by 100 the altitude)

If you want to increase the HDG window, store the value of the current HDG window (offset 73C3) then use the data pipe to increase it.
This method requires a relatively advanced usage of FSUIPC, but this the only viable way with FSUIPC and the way my software works.


Stephan Schwarz
12-02-2013, 04:38 AM
Once again, thank you for your support! I will give it a try, though I have currently no clue how to store an offset value ;-)

If you - or anyone else - has an example script, I would be very thankful.


12-02-2013, 06:07 AM
In what scripting language?? it would be more helpful to know with what hardware/language you want to interface...


Stephan Schwarz
12-02-2013, 09:38 AM
I have a self-build control panel with some rotary switches attached to an Arcaze inferface; each turn is recognized as a button press. This button shall be assigned in FSUIPC to change the value of HDG, ALT, etc.

12-02-2013, 12:54 PM
I'm affraid this is probably not possible to do that with that interface, unless you can program yourself the arcaze software?


Stephan Schwarz
12-02-2013, 04:26 PM
I just got another hint in the arcaze user forum. I will try to use Linda between Arcaze and Fsuipc. Thank you so far!

Stephan Schwarz
12-03-2013, 04:29 PM
JL, sorry but I have to bother you again. I have now setup Linda, including the Linda Package from your website. If I use a default plane and assign a joystick button f.e. "open atc window", it works fine.

If I load your airbus, and select the Jeehell module, nothing happens :/
When I click "FSX sync" it resets to "* FSX Default" ....

Any idea? Is there a short How-To for the Linda Module?


12-03-2013, 05:55 PM

sorry but I really cannot provide more support on linda than I already did on the forum, I do not use it, nor any hardware which would interface through it... You'll have bette chances with other people...