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View Full Version : Problems with FMGS Zip File for LINDA an MCP Combo 1

11-28-2013, 07:18 AM
Hello jeehell, i hope you can help me. I have a problem with the zip files for LINDA from you, for using MCP Combo 1 VRinsight with the FMGS A320 Software. I have created a new aircraft in Linda with the lua actions file from you, but it do not work. I have no connection via MCP Combo and the FMGS. On FCU the displays have other values as in the MCP Combo and the functions of the rotary do not work. with the default aircraft linda and MCP Combo works fine so there is no problem with the installation of this software. Your FMGS Software works all so fine with the fsx and fsuipc but the connection to MCP Combo do not work. The FCU from FMGS A320 i have installed on a third PC in Network an the MCP (Hardware) is connected via USB on the PC1 (installed is FSX,FSUIPC,Linda and your AP,Server, fsuipc connect aso.) Is there the Problem? is it a must to have FCU and the connected Hardware on the same PC ? Is there an other version of FMGS A320 to work with this files i have checked the offsets in the lua actions file and i can not see where the problem is. In the attached file i have included the fsuipc log file an there is a "lua error". I now that you are not the LUA programmer but i hope you can help me a little bit to find the issue. BR Veit

11-28-2013, 09:14 AM

I cannot help you much, I do not own any VRinsight moduls, I just did a quick try back when I created those LINDA files.
Did you install FSUIPC support for mysoftware (it is one of the choices during the installation of my software)? You must have the Hardware Connect software running with it's FSUIPC module loaded.


11-28-2013, 10:23 AM
Hi Jeehell, thanks for the quick answer, the hardware connect software is not installed because my idea was that the connection to the MCP Combo goes via LINDA and then direct to the fsuipc modul, so i can test it with hardware connect modul in the evening. Is there a problem when i use the FCU from your software and parallel the hardware modul from VRinsight is there a conflict or is that no problem? Best regards from DUS Airport Veit

11-28-2013, 12:13 PM
The software FCU is just a terminal, it won't be an issue. You just need to have Hardware Connect with FSUIPC support installed (it is not installed unless you chose that option during installation!) on the main computer..


11-29-2013, 04:50 AM
Hi Jean Luc,

i have tested yesterday and the hardware connect modul was not installed, so i have it installed too, the fsuipc modul was installed correctly. The result is "It do not work". I have a comprehension with the connection of the Hardware (MCP Combo) to the hardware connection modul from you software. The MCP Combo is installed on USB (Com3) and the applikation LINDA is connecting to this port. On the other side LINDA has a connection directly to the fsuipc and then to FSX so i have contact between MCP/LINDA/FSUIPC and FSX but where is your hardware connector in this path.

If i have you understood correctly the connection for the MCP Combo must via your hardware connection modul so LINDA must connect to this modul and not directly to fsuipc ? I hope you can discribe me the connecting rules for your hardware connecting modul in fsuipc mode.

I have attached a file with an overview about the modul connections a picture says more the thousand words.

BR from DUS Airport


11-29-2013, 06:56 AM
Hardware Connect is not linked directly to LINDA, it is only linked to FSUIPC via its own FSUIPC module.
Your MCP is connected through LINDA to FSUIPC as well.

you seem to have a rather complex setup. Can you try to make a simple test: run only the following:
- FSXCONNECT (by the way, with FSX the preferred way to connect is using FSXconnect, do you usually use starterFSX to run the soft?)
- OVHD (you can simply copy the OVHD folder from the PC
- HARDWARE CONNECT with only FSUIPC module (make a copy of the original folder, and delete the other DLL modules).
All that on the same computer.
Then start the APU or EXT PWR so you have ELEC juice going in.


12-02-2013, 03:32 AM
Hello Jean Luc, i have tested your config at the weekend the fsxconnect works good all other works good, but no connection via MCP Combo and your Software (the displays in MCP are not synchron with FCU and the Rotary button for example for HDG or SPD do not work. Can maybe a problem with the fsuipc versions i have installed the newest version. I have no idea at the moment but i think a full new installation with windows system and FSX and FMGS A320 is an attempt, but not my favorite because a lot of work :sad:. I hope you have once a nice idea. BR Veit

12-02-2013, 06:18 AM
There should be no need to reinstall windows...
Start again from scrath with the assignments of functions in LINDA. Start slowly with only one switch for example (CPT_EFIS_FD for example), and check the behaviour is correct in my software EFIS.
Then add a single dislpay (for example DispSPD).

And go on doing tests as you add more and more features.


12-02-2013, 06:49 AM
Hello JL i will do that, but i have one problem, who can i add a display function in LINDA? I think that the function of the displays are incl. in your actions file for LINDA, i donīt know to add a display function, can it be that this is my problem from all ? In the screenshot of LINDA you see the signed function "DispSPD(value)" in the past i have nothing configured with this function what should i do with them ? Sorry i think at the moment i have a blockhead;) but we are on the right way step by step. BR Veit

12-02-2013, 08:20 AM
maybe those are added automatically to the display, I really cannot help you more here , I do not use LINDA at all. Try at least the button, then if it works, try adding more buttons.
Then try contacting soemone who knows better how LINDA works... I barely just recoded a file used for another addon...


12-04-2013, 02:32 AM
Hello JL, now it works with the buttons, the HDG and the SPD Display and Rotary has a problem but in LINDA i can analyse it and change the parameters to the right. Thanks for help BR Veit

12-04-2013, 05:28 AM
Glad to read that.