View Full Version : Do you fly other aircraft in your home cockpit?

07-09-2013, 08:02 AM
A question for those with home cockpits. if you have something like a 737 cockpit, can and do you fly other aircraft like a 747, 77 or dash 800?

07-09-2013, 09:24 AM
You can, to a limited degree. The problem is that systems differ from aircraft to aircraft, so you would still need a mouse and keyboard for many functions. I would just choose your favourite aircraft and build a cockpit out of it. You could always run it on another setup.

07-11-2013, 07:47 PM
I have a cockpit modeled off the T-38. I fly everything from small GA aircraft to the latest fighter. I do not fly airliners, however. I am not a tube liner guy.

Using LVars and FSUIPC, I can set the switches to match most FSX aircraft.

07-11-2013, 08:08 PM
But what if you're in a 747 cockpit, and you want to operate a triple 7's complex fly by wire systems? Or in a triple seven cockpit, and you want to use a 737's INS? There are many cases where it will not work.

Geremy Britton
07-11-2013, 08:39 PM
You can fly similar aircraft that are very similar, although for ultimate realism you generally stick to one aircraft.
It wouldn't be possible to attempt flying a cessna simulation in a boeing cockpit, for example.

Unfortunately a decision has to be made as to which is your favourite aircraft to fly and what is the supply of the sim parts for this chosen aircraft.

07-12-2013, 06:41 AM
Hi , You can fly a 737 in a C 172 cockpit:p
My anolog instruments from simkits are stopping when value s are greater then normal ,
speed instrument stops at 210 and engine rpm stops at 2500, turning again when value is less then max input
I use a rebuild cp products yoke and can use it for 737 also the throttle is used from simkits ,
but only one input I can not select motor 1 or 2 so power is simul. on both engines .
Bite strange to fly at fl 30 with a c 172

07-12-2013, 07:57 AM

I have a - still half-finished (for I do not know how many years now) - A340 cockpit, using FSX and PM.

As I have a 4 engine TQ there is no problem flying anything from the A318 - to the A340-600, depending on the config file for the PM MCDU and the FSX FDE.

Works very well every day. As a matter of fact, I have been flying mainly A330's and A320's lately.

07-19-2013, 11:27 AM
I posed the same question to myself when I started building my cockpit. I always enjoy flying a variety of aircraft, but I don't want to fly an aircraft not reflected in the equipment I have. (I'm a little bit OCD that way.) So I decided to build the cockpit of a 767, which is almost identical to the 757. In short, I'm building one cockpit, but can fly the 752, 753, 762, or 763/763ER.


08-27-2013, 10:05 AM
I spend most of my time in the cessna grand caravans, but some times in a vip 737,
so would kind of like to build something that could cater for both
any ideas?

08-28-2013, 03:04 PM
Hmmm... 737 and C-208 don't really have many cockpit elements in common. I have two thoughts:
1. Use just one or two screens for the mip, so that your panel can change to reflect the aircraft you are flying. You can use the same yoke and rudder pedals, and use a throttle quadrant whose knobs/levers can be removed and changed from a 737 to a C208.

2. You could also make a two person cockpit, with the left side being a representation of a 737, while the right side looks like a c208.

I have seen both of these techniques used, both with good results. I hope this gives you some ideas.


08-29-2013, 04:08 PM
The cockpit we designed has removable panels which can be used for almost any aircraft set up. Currently we fly an Antonov AN-32. a 737 or sometimes the Baron. For us there has to be some 'artists licence' but within a few minutes we can change from analog to digital instruments and fly local, national or continental dependant on time.