View Full Version : Little Help with BU0836 and potentiometer connection

07-03-2013, 09:28 AM

Hi guys, I´m new aroud here and I need your help!!!!

I´m building a console for a naval simulator! I know that you guys are form the air and I´m from the water.... but I really need your help, and I hope that is ok!!!

This will be my first console DIY so I do have some basic doubts about how to build the electrical part of it.

I bought the Leobodnar BU0836x to connect every thing, but I don´t know if it will be enough! I will try explain:

In my console I will have differet types of controllers for steering and engine for different types of vessels. I know that here you guys build each console specific for each kind of airplane, but in my simulator I can use a lot of differents vessel with differents characteristics.

So, I will have 4 different steering/engine control, any I will use one of them in each simulation, and the oders wouldn´t be activated (I will use a selector swicth to define which system will function each time).

In those 4 system I will use:
1° system- One 3 axis joystisk (Aliexpress.com : Buy D joystick and potentiometer, the resistance 10K, carbon angle of 50 degrees from Reliable joystick potentiometer suppliers on fengyu zhang's store (http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/D-joystick-and-potentiometer-the-resistance-10K-carbon-angle-of-50-degrees/336162_955850499.html))
2° system - Two 2 axis joystiks (Aliexpress.com : Buy Two dimensional joystick potentiometer, the resistance 10K, carbon angle of 50 degrees from Reliable joystick potentiometer suppliers on fengyu zhang's store (http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Two-dimensional-joystick-potentiometer-the-resistance-10K-carbon-angle-of-50-degrees/336162_955825343.html))
3° system -2 potentiometers for engine and 1 for steering
4° system - 2 DIY joystick with one potentiometer and one rotary encoder EACH.

As I said before when I will be using one of then, the 3 orders won´t have "power" - selector swicth.

At the same time, my console will have (for anytime) one 3 axis joystick for camara and zoom, a toggle swicth on/off/on, and a throttle with 2 potentiometer for thrustter and some push buttons.

Can I connect all of this in ONE Leobodnar board BU0836x?

Another issue: I have been told to take care in using every thing in just one board, because the USB connection of 5volts could not be anough to support all of it and it could "burn" my mother board. Is that correct? What can I do so solve it, if it is true?

I truly need your help!!!!

My best regards for all of you!!!!

07-11-2013, 08:01 PM
Will this be with FSX? The BU0836 will accept up to 8 axises and 32 buttons or switches. That will allow you to connect setups 1 & 2. However, by using FSUIPC's Specific profiles, you can use the same two joysticks and their axises to replicate many different boats, airplanes, etc.

If you are using a different software simulator, I can't help you.

If you connect your boards to a powered USB hub and then connect the hub to the computer, you can rum many. I run two BU0836, one Opencockpits card, a rudder card made by Leo, and the control stick/throttle setup through the same USB hub.