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View Full Version : cockpit door question

06-22-2013, 12:27 PM
Hi members,

I am not a cockpit builder but joined hoping someone can help me identify a cockpit door i received. I was told is was from a 747 which had its doors replaced after 9-11. Not very tech savvy so i hope the pics are viewable. Thank you.

Geremy Britton
06-22-2013, 12:57 PM
Hi Yes is very probably a B747 cockpit door.
You will tell if it was pre/post 9/11 by it's weight. The new ones weight a tonne as they are quite literally almost bomb proof.

Best Regards

06-22-2013, 01:30 PM
thank you for your fast reply. not sure what i am going to do with it yet. any idea what the value is if i wanted to sell it?


06-22-2013, 04:40 PM
You can do quite stylish house entrance for yourself if you wish :)


No Longer Active
06-24-2013, 11:23 AM
I'd turn it into a locker, that would look unique!


06-24-2013, 11:57 AM
any ideas of how much to ask for it if i sell it?

Geremy Britton
06-24-2013, 04:44 PM
if it's post 9/11 the thing will weight a tonne so shipping will be prohibitive other than to local people that can collect. If it's not too heavy and can be posted worldwide i'd expect £200-400.00

06-25-2013, 05:29 AM
Your door looks more like it is from a B737 because I have one exactly like it. You'll notice the grey paint on the back, as well as the white face paint (cabin side of door). However, the color is not the give away, because it could be the same color for a B747. Still, I am guessing it came from a B737-200; although, the B727 doors look almost the same... Where did you get the door from? As for a selling price, it looks a little rough, and it is the pre 9-11 style for sure. A post 9-11 looks totally different and it goes for about $1,000 US. Your door would go for about $500, but a good price would be about $300. Why? Because the condition it is in and the size of the door is pretty big to ship in regards to inches by inches, the weight is light, but the size in dimensions is what gets costly; therefore, someone would have to pay extra. Thus, it'd be harder for you to charge more. I'd be game to purchase it for the $300 or offer you a trade of some kind, I could use it for my other cockpit in storage (at least for another year or two). Still, it just depends on the shipping cost... PM me.