View Full Version : Dual concentric rotary encoder with pushbutton

03-20-2013, 09:23 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for a source for dual concentric encoders with push button and threaded neck. Leo is sold out.

03-21-2013, 04:54 AM
Opencockpits sell them

03-21-2013, 09:42 AM
Opencockpits sell them

Thanks for your reply, but it seems they only sell the CTS288's. (single shaft)

03-21-2013, 01:44 PM
sorry another senior moment :D

03-21-2013, 03:46 PM
sorry another senior moment :D

You were trying to help. No worries:-) Get those myself..too often it seems :-)

04-04-2013, 08:59 AM
Depending on how badly you want/need them and are willing to pay, I know you can contact the sales department of Elma USA and make an order inquiry. Last I checked, they required a $100USD minimum order but were very friendly and helpful about it, even though it would've been a personal purchase (vs. corp purchase). At that minimum, you'd probably have an extra encoder and knob/cap left over for future use....good motivation for another future project ;) lol.

If you go that route and can't find the email address on their website, PM me and I may still have it somewhere. Good luck!!

04-04-2013, 10:30 AM
Stock is expected towards the end of April:

EC11EBB24C03 Alps Electric | Mechanical Encoders EC11EBB24C03 | Onlinecomponents.com (http://www.onlinecomponents.com/alps-electric-ec11ebb24c03.html?p=10113588)


04-04-2013, 11:04 AM
Thanks very much for this info. I will contact them and try to place an order. $100 US isn't to steep an order as these items I think sell for around 12 to 15 dollars each and I need quite a few of them.

04-04-2013, 11:17 AM
Stock is expected towards the end of April:

EC11EBB24C03 Alps Electric | Mechanical Encoders EC11EBB24C03 | Onlinecomponents.com (http://www.onlinecomponents.com/alps-electric-ec11ebb24c03.html?p=10113588)


FYI regarding these encoders and OpenCockpits. These are the same ones I got with my ProSimParts radio panels. Out of the box they were pulsing twice per detent because they are 1/2 cycle encoders.

In order to get them to work correctly I needed to buy the OpenCockpits Encoder cards and reprogram the PIC chip with this code (http://overkillsystems.com/id12.html) so they would only pulse 1 time per detent.

04-04-2013, 11:37 AM
FYI regarding these encoders and OpenCockpits. These are the same ones I got with my ProSimParts radio panels. Out of the box they were pulsing twice per detent because they are 1/2 cycle encoders.

In order to get them to work correctly I needed to buy the OpenCockpits Encoder cards and reprogram the PIC chip with this code (http://overkillsystems.com/id12.html) so they would only pulse 1 time per detent.

Thanks for info. Sounds complicated. I'm going to avoid that path if at all possible. I would like to get the Elma E37 duel concentric encoders with 16 detents on each shaft. Going to contact Elma and see if they will do a non commercial order.

04-06-2013, 06:07 AM

A friend of mine has a pedestalīs modules from Sismo soluciones, and he has the Elma e37 dual conc encoder. They sell it also alone.

04-09-2013, 10:37 PM

A friend of mine has a pedestalīs modules from Sismo soluciones, and he has the Elma e37 dual conc encoder. They sell it also alone.

Thank you Mapadon. I have book marked the sight.

07-25-2016, 09:44 PM
I found dual concentric encoders on propwashsim (dot) com . $7.00 per encoder and includes the knob and pc board. They are in the USA and have a good rating on tindie. They are supposed to have the dual encoders with pushbutton in a week for $9.50. Less than 1/2 the price of other retailers with knobs!

07-26-2016, 01:22 AM
Leo Bodnar also sells them :