View Full Version : Goedemorgen, Hi from the Netherlands!

03-15-2013, 06:58 AM
Hi guys!

My name is **** Geuze and I am from the Netherlands, since my native language is not English but Dutch, there is a change that I will make some language erros...:D but I hope that my English for now is good enough.

Together with my father and my 2 brothers in law I am running a homecockpit project...

My father had his PPL but because the costs for flying in the Netherlands are so enormous high he quit flying..
He always has been a big aviatioin lover and started with Flight Simulator in his spare time.
A friend of my father is the owner of a small maintenance company for general avation airplane on the airport of Midden-Zeeland (EHMZ), recentyl my father went visiting him and he saw that he had stored a cessna 152, my father asked his friend what kind of plans he had in mind for the cessna 152 and the friend of my father told him that the cessna had made a crash landing in Belgium and that it was not the effort to repair it and that he was going the scrap the cessna. My father asked if he buy the cessna but my fathers friend told he couldn't buy but he could have the cessna for free:D.
After a lot of brainstorming we decided that we should build the cessna into home cockpit. Since the last two months we have being bussy in building and installing the instruments, the only bottlenecks we need to tackle are; a 180 degrees projection screen, the cockpit view mode in FSX and some other minor details.. but for now it goes very wel!!

I hope but I almost know for sure that this forum contains a lot of information to help us in building our home simulator! I am still figuring out how this forom works if it comes to uploading photo's etc.. But if you want to see a picture of the cessna 152 when it was still flying just click on the lick below!


Many thanks!


03-16-2013, 05:25 PM
Hi **** Geuze...

Great to see another ''zeeuw'' on the forum :). Im from Scherpenisse.
Do you build the Cessna in Nieuwerkerk or EHMZ? We would love some pictures of the project.
Im sure there are enough builders here who can help with the curved screen setup, and also with some other issues when needed.


Corné Kleppe

01-26-2014, 10:54 PM
Hi, I`m familiar with midden Zeeland ,
I purchased my Cessna 172 from Vliegwerk Holland , and nearly finished some interior work.
Looking now for some cessna seats
groet Henk Leiden

02-08-2014, 10:59 AM
Hi there!

Sorry that it took so long before i responded, but the good news is that the flight simulator is up and running.
For pictures of the flight sim please visit the following website: http://www.cessna152simulator.nl

Do you guys also build a flight simulator?

greetz from a fellow Flying Dutchman :cool:

02-09-2014, 08:09 AM
ja :) I`m building a cessna 172 S on a c 172 M fuselage ,
I`m using 3 Beamer set up and fly elise desktop pro,
I have all the bits and pieces to build an 2 dof pplatform, but waiting for the cockpit to be finished
greetz Henk from Leiden

02-09-2014, 08:44 AM
Great :)

So many Cessna 172 people!!!! I like so much this plain...and the navigation...

Please post here Pictures from your work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or your homepages.....

Cheers from Germany