View Full Version : Lighting a Led from Bodnar card

01-21-2013, 10:20 AM
Hello everyone,

I am wondering if lighting a 12v minature led (for my throttle brake) will cause damage to my Bodnar card. Electronics is not my strong suit. I can light the led on the 5 volt output and it's bright enough to satisfy me. Would it be possible to light more than one led off the card or will that really put me in danger of frying the Bodnar card.

All the best,

01-21-2013, 12:19 PM
Which Bodnar card are you referring to? The BU0836 versions don't have outputs only inputs so you should not connect leds to them. Use an output card such as OpenCockpits

01-21-2013, 12:24 PM
Which Bodnar card are you referring to? The BU0836 versions don't have outputs only inputs so you should not connect leds to them. Use an output card such as OpenCockpits

Hi Geoff,

Yes, referring to the BU0836X card. It has +5 and neg contacts along the upper left. I agree about using output cards, but dont currently have one on hand at the moment. Still trying to research which output card would suit me best. I am only interested at the moment of lighting the switch threw a dpst switch.

The best,

01-21-2013, 12:39 PM
If you are simply looking to light an led continuously then connect it to the USB 5volt supply which is available from all USB ports. Make sure you have a current limiting resistor fitted in series with your led!!! Don't use more than 100mA from each USB port. Yes I know it's possible to get more but do you really want to screw up the USB port? If you are building a cockpit get hold of a "standard" PC power supply which has 5v and 12V in abundance


01-21-2013, 01:08 PM
For the USB power, does one cut one end of the usb cable and splice into that for power. I do have an extra pc power pack ready for use, but I hate to run that for one led. Big waste of power. I do understand the part about a resistor with the led, but thought it wouldn't be necessary feeding a 12v led with a 5v supply. I'm still in the very early stages of cockpit build. But I think an output card is the best way to go.

Thanks for your input