View Full Version : OpenCockpits Overhead SIOC Script

12-10-2011, 01:04 AM
I purchased the Opencockpits Overhead (fully assembled) and received it over 10 days ago. I have no clue whatsoever how to interface it to Prosim737 and FSX. No documentation found anywhere, no references. I'm just guessing and fishing for info to make it work. I'm assuming that it is done via the SIOC with a script. Can anyone please tell me where to find at least a basic startup script and how to make sure I have it configured properly. Any help appreciated. I'm surprised that such a sizeable investment does not come with one piece of paper or document to explain anything or any instructions or basic guidelines. I'm enjoying looking at it all lit up for the past 10 days. I've searched the net and still searching. It's getting very frustrating. If anyone can help, I would really appreciate it.


12-10-2011, 02:53 AM
in your prosim folder theres a folder called opencockpits, in it theres an overhead soic file, load this file with soic, it should work provided you take carefule note of the instructions at the start of the file regarding device numbers. there is a .txt version for you to read as well. hopefully you have some understanding in using soic, i havnt played around with it very much yet

12-10-2011, 05:18 AM
Wow ... I searched for this file and never saw it until you mentioned it. I can't believe I missed it, maybe because it is in a subfolder under Prosim main folder. This is a breakthrough for me, thank you so much .... really appreciate it.

01-22-2012, 04:31 PM
just want to know, if the OVH Panel is now working.

Thanks for your reply, Götz

01-23-2012, 01:29 AM
Absolutely. I got switches, outputs, and guages from Opencockpits Overhead talking via SIOC to Prosim and Prosim configured properly. I had great help from Prosim support and Opencockpits support. We now posted a help file/Guide on Opencockpit manuals page "10 STEPS QUICK CONFIGURATION GUIDE FOR OVERHEAD WITH PROSIM By Rob Zeineddine"


The process is simple actually once you know how to do it of course. I'm posting in this forum very soon a spreadsheet that will also assist in the mapping between Opencockpits overhead and Prosim.


01-23-2012, 08:45 AM
We try to do most tedious work for you by providing ready made scripts. Our new manual is being worked on, which should prevent you from getting lost.

Also note that in addition to the overhead SIOC file, ProSim comes with configuration imports. These are in the "Configuration imports" folder. In here you will find an import to set all ProSim737 overhead switches to the corresponding SIOC variables at once. This saves you from doing it all by hand. You can load these imports from the File -> Import Configuration menu selection.


01-23-2012, 09:41 AM
That's great Marty. I'll try that for sure. Actually I got all the naming references from the XML file in my spreadsheet to cross reference with actual IO values. I'll finish the IOCP variables with the import. Thanks


04-20-2012, 11:45 AM
Hello Rob,

Since you posted all this a while ago I was wondering if anything went well now? I understood you got the OVH working? I suppose you are already able to fly in your simulator now? Any pictures of course will be appreciated here :) Always nice to say what happens to the products we sold :)

Aviosim NL

04-23-2012, 06:03 AM
Thanks Damien. Yes the OC Overhead is fully functional now. I also purchased the AFT overhead from SimWorld and just set it up on the overhead panel next to the FWD overhead. They match in width properly. I still have to do the electronics connections on the AFT overhead. But my priority is getting backlighting and the annunciators working on the MIP. I just haven't spent much time on it since I've been very busy at work. I'll post pictures soon. I posting some current status pics now.


04-23-2012, 07:29 AM
How does the SimWorld Aft overhead interface? I'm really interested, because I just made support for the SimWorld Forward overhead panel, which is a direct USB connection. If the aft overhead panel has an identical interface, I'll have to create similar support.

04-25-2012, 04:33 AM
I have no IO Cards setup for the AFT overhead. What I was hoping to do is to use the IO cards and master cards on the FWD Overhead from OpenCockpits. There are many IO positions open unused on the cards on the FWD overhead. I figured I connect some of the AFT components to them and configure them from their IO values in SIOC with variables in the ssi file then map them to Prosim configurations. I'm guessing that should work. Haven't tried it yet.