View Full Version : which switch

10-31-2011, 02:22 PM
Hi there,I have taken an old key board apart and have wired it to accept other buttons and switches of my choice to use in cojuction with fsuip's mouse trapping technique and wire the switches to an efis and mcp that I'm planning to build.Does it matter if the switches are momentry or not, for example (spst. off /(on) ) or (spst. off /on) because when using a key board the action is always momentry.Does it matter to the fs/pmdg software if a button or many buttons are kept pressed like the alt hold button for example or the flight director switch .I just can't get my head around it and I want to order the switches already.Can anyone help me on this one please,cheers John.

10-31-2011, 08:23 PM
If you're using a standard keyboard, you will need to use momentary, normally open switches. The chip inside the keyboard is a micro controller which continually scans the keyboard switch matrix. When it finds a character key down (i.e. the key switch is closed) for more than a few tenths of a second, it goes into repeat mode. You don't want this, so use momentary action switches.

If you have a programmable keyboard, you may be able to change its behavior. Better yet, get yourself a keyboard encoder like the xkeys unit.

11-01-2011, 08:57 AM
Hey Mike,I guess that put's that one to bed.Thank's for the input,John

11-01-2011, 06:19 PM
Hi Johncor,

Have a look at the Pokeys Cards here http://www.flightsimparts.eu/shop.html These should do everything you need and more. They are simple to use.

Kind Regards


11-02-2011, 09:56 AM
Wow bernie,that gadget certainly opens up a whole new realm of possibilities although after reading a little about it , it look's quite complicated to use compared to the leo bodnar buo836x controller card I'm using at the moment.I have to say i have unfortunitly no experience in programming whatsoever,no doubt I'm willing to learn.Do you know if it's possible to use it in conjuction with fsuipc mouse trapping or is every input/output read directly to fs?.I fly a pmdg 737/800 for ryrvirtual.Cheers john.

11-02-2011, 05:49 PM
Hi Johncor,

There is no programming required, there is a setup programme that comes with it. i am using this in conjunction with Prosim737 which has been designed to use this card as well as others. If you look at the site again and look at how you can use FSUIPC, you will find that it is easy. The owner of the site, Wendy, has a thread running here. http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php/23134-PoKeys-USB-Interface/page9 and how to tune a radio http://www.flightsimparts.eu/Simulator_PoKeys_Encoders.html There is a manual and a Demo of the setup software available.

Kind Regards


11-03-2011, 10:34 AM
Thank's again Bernie,shall definitly look in to it,cheers John.