View Full Version : Simkits Help

09-30-2011, 12:14 PM
Hello all,

Was wondering if anyone had any experience with Simkits product, namely the USB gauge interface board.

I need to know if these boards are specific to the 74 instrument types listed on there webpage, or if a builder can adapt them for larger aircraft, say a 4 engine jet design.

I need a board that can interface 4 X N1, N2, EGT, and FF.

Before anyone asks why I am not using Open Cockpits, I will answer that I am still considering that option.

The only pro I can find with Simkits so far, is that there is no requirement to program.


11-24-2012, 01:31 PM
I have some simkits gauges, and I believe they can be set to different engines. I know they are addressable on the actual gauge with a pair off dip switches, so you should be able to do four of them... However, I'm only mostly sure, still having software issues and the SIMKITs guys don't communicate very well through email.