View Full Version : Leo Bodnar's Universal Joystick Controller BU0836X Software: BU0836 Rotary Configuration/DiView

09-05-2011, 12:13 AM
Hello. I purchased Leo Bodnar's Universal Joystick Controller. I connected a rotary encoder to it successfully, but when I test it by turning it, encoder activated digital inputs 1 & 2 two in an alternating fashion when I twisted the knob in one direction. So I then downloaded the two different software’s on his web site, BU0836 Rotary Configuration and DiView. However, I can't figure out how to use the software, and can't find any instructions.

How do I use the software, and/or connect the encoder so that it will only trigger one digital input at a time?

09-06-2011, 10:46 AM
Any ideas?

09-06-2011, 02:41 PM
Hi Marcel,
To use the Encoder config software just run it and select which pair of inputs you want to use for Encoder. Connect usually the center to common and other pins to inputs 1-2 or 3-4 ect. Depending on the encoder you may have to play with the Pulse width value to get reliable operation. Ive found Leos card to be very tolerant for many typed of encoders.Just exit the program and everything is saved. By default its not configured for encoders but for switches.
Hope this helps.
P.S just let us know if you still have troubles, well sort you out.

09-08-2011, 11:51 PM
I have the encoder wired with the ground and B32. When I turn the encoder left or write it acitvates both 31 and 32 consecutively. Why does it do this?


09-10-2011, 10:24 AM
hello marcel............
you say you have the encoder wired to B32 and GND.
what you need to do is this...........
first choose a 'button pair' that you want to use for the encoder. this will start with an odd number and finish with an even number.
for example 1 & 2, 7 & 8 or 31 & 32.
now your encoder will have three pins on it. usually the centre pin is the common, but please check the datasheet for your encoder to confirm this.
the other two pins will be the two channels A & B.
you connect the two channels to the button inputs and the common to either of the GND inputs for the button pair you have chosen. lets just say you chose buttons 31 & 32. one channel is connected to the B31 input and the other to the B32 input. the common is connected to the GND input of either B31 or B32.
now there are different types of encoders which send the signal using different timings. i think your problem may be that the card inputs are either not set for encoders or they are set for the wrong type.
when you have the card plugged in, run encoders.exe. this will show you your card inputs. in our example we chose button pair 31 & 32.
in the encoders.exe menu each pair of buttons has a dropdown menu. this menu lets you select between OFF 1:1 1:2 & 1:4.
off means the inputs will act as normal joystick buttons. the remaining 3 options are for encoders.
select 1:1, close the application (the button pair selection is saved to the card) and try your encoder. try each of the options in turn until you find the one that gives you the desired result.
sorry i can't be any more help than that because i don't know which encoders you have.
hope that helps you out captain.......


09-10-2011, 11:22 PM
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Ireally appreciate your efforts. However, I've previously accomplished the the above listed items. I've wired two different rotary encoders and have downloaded encoders.exe. I've adjusted the configuration to 1:1. One of the encoders is from LEO'S web page. For both encoders, when I turn the encoder left or right it acitvates both 31 and 32 consecutively.
What do you think I need to do next?

09-11-2011, 03:53 PM
Hi Marcel,
Have tried setting these two inputs back to non encoder inputs and see if they work as they should?.Also have you tried anothet set of inputs just to disprove a faulty input.
P.S Can you tell me what encoder you got from leo (type number).

09-13-2011, 08:11 PM
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I originally tested it without the encoder.exe running and received the same result. I then ran the encoder.exe and pretty much got the same result except no skipping when set to 1:1. I don't see any drop down were I can specify that it is an encoder. I'm simply running the encoder.exe and set the ratio to 1:1 for the corresponding inputs. Am I missing a step? Note the pots I'm using work great. The encoder I using is ELMA E37. Solid detents when I move it with no skipping. Just alternating input signals(31&32).

09-14-2011, 02:23 AM
Can you reprogram inputs 1 and 2 to be ordinary switches. Dont use the inputs you had.
Connect each one of these in turn to gnd and make sure only the input that is closed indicates. The other one shouldnt.
If it operates more than one then the module is faulty.
Please let us know how it goes.
P.s there is no drop down menu, by running the encoder.exe it gives you the choice of encoder or switches .
Selection between encoders and switches depends on the selection of off or input pairs.

09-14-2011, 01:10 PM
Hi Marcel
With the Elma E37 encoder the 2 inputs will go on and off in a set pattern as you rotate e.g
and vice versa in the opposite direction
Same for the second half of the encoder which is connected to another pair of inputs.

09-14-2011, 08:39 PM
Thanks for letting me know that. But I don't know what this means. I made the following link to describe my problem a little better.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYH3L3ByXP4

09-15-2011, 01:59 AM
Just looked at your video and you have the correct software configured ie 31 and 32 as you encoder inputs. All the others show OFF witch sets them as
ordinary switches.
The only thing that may make some difference is that when wiring a Rotary encoder it is normal practice to connect both the two outside pins to the two
inputs. That is one outside pin to 31 and the other pin to 32 and center pin to GND.
I dont know how much difference this will make but an encoder input expects two contacts to be operating at the same time as it measures the PHASE
difference bewteen the two inputs. So having only one connected could confuse it. I use the E37 on the BUO836 and it works fine.
So try connecting up both pins and then rotate it both ways and see what happens. You may have to adjust Pulse width.
Let Us know how it goes.

09-15-2011, 08:03 PM
Perfecto! It works really well. Thanks for all your help.

See Ya,


09-16-2011, 02:39 AM
Geat news Marcel,