View Full Version : DC3 Cockpit anolog dials

07-28-2011, 03:18 PM
I'm looking to build a DC3 simcockpit, and I wondered if anyone knew where I could get anolog dials/potentiomers from. I'm researching the possiblity of building a radio panel like this one.


11-13-2011, 02:48 PM
I've decided to build this using opencpckpit hardware.
I think I'm going to need to purchase a master card,
1 x USB card
2 x LCD display cards
4 x 5 (7 seg) displays
1 x 4 (7 seg) displays
6 x dual concentric encoders
30 toggle switches

Can anyone offer any advice before I make purchase?

Will I need to use SIOC to operate LCD displays?

Will I need to use sioc to make the LCDs work ?

Can anyone offer any advice before I make my purchase .

1 x 3 (7 seg) display

11-13-2011, 04:49 PM
see these - not exactly what you want but a good compromise at affordable price

11-13-2011, 05:02 PM
dont understand the lcd card from your picture
the vhf radio's want 4 * 5 display cards (7 segment)
adf needs 1*4 (many airfields now use the decimal function)
transponder needs 1 * 4
display cards need to be driven by display2 cards - driven by master card - driven by usb expansion card
each display2 card can drive 16 7segment displays - i know some go for not powering the 100Mhz digit by encoder since it is always 1 but the ease of making it dimmable migfht outway the small cost penalty. - make sure you get all 7 segments in 1 purchase - they have different colours / background for same code number
sioc is easy to use once you have your head around the 'event driven' logic
good luck - Mike

11-13-2011, 05:19 PM
Mike, thanks for the reply, I like the analogue switches but think 7seg displays will be easier. It's the Sioc that I'm concerned about. But I'm sure someone will be able to assist if I get stuck. Cheers for the support.

11-13-2011, 05:26 PM
here to help - and if sioc is an issue I would be happy to help out and start coding for you - we are in the same part of the world so contact is not an issue -

11-14-2011, 03:24 PM
Thanks mike, might call on you after Xmas. Darren.