View Full Version : Which Flight Sim?

07-03-2011, 02:45 PM
Hello all just wondering what flight sim software i should because i want the most realistic flight sim expirence.......if need be i am building a SAAB 340B.

Thanks in advance
Happy Flying

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07-08-2011, 04:13 AM
Go with FSX as you may find an add-on for your aircraft. Fsx is the latest sim out there!

07-08-2011, 10:29 AM
You might want to check out X-Plane. Support for the X-Plane based cockpit is growing fast with venders and programers stepping up to provide support for existing software and hardware. X-Plane costs $29 and there are thousands of free software, scenery and aircraft. A quick search of x-plane.org found this. (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=4734) Unlike other flight sim solutions out there that mimic the environment that aircraft travel thru, X-Plane simulates thru physics the movement of an object in the air. This provides for a more realistic environment for real weather and feels less like a game. And it's currently shipping product with tons of support and a major upgrade coming in a few months.


07-08-2011, 11:11 AM
You might want to check out X-Plane. Support for the X-Plane based cockpit is growing fast with venders and programers stepping up to provide support for existing software and hardware. X-Plane costs $29 and there are thousands of free software, scenery and aircraft. A quick search of x-plane.org found this. (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=4734) Unlike other flight sim solutions out there that mimic the environment that aircraft travel thru, X-Plane simulates thru physics the movement of an object in the air. This provides for a more realistic environment for real weather and feels less like a game. And it's currently shipping product with tons of support and a major upgrade coming in a few months.


The above statement is only true if you spend the BIG $$ on the commercial version of X-plane. The 29.00 version is just that, cheap and inferior to real flight qualities. Just my .02 from having flown real airplanes and having owned x-plane and FSX. Neither is perfect but a very slight edge goes to FSX for the time being.

07-08-2011, 12:46 PM
Sorry 737NUT, you are incorrect. The BIG $$ is required for FAA certification and thats all. It enables a flight control check before the sim starts (A requirement for FAA operation). I don't believe that this is too much of an issue due to the fact the MSFS has no provision for this anyway. The cheaper USB key unlocks the built in ability to support Dome screen projection. Again. not a requirement for for most users who use 3rd party software for their video output. Does MSFS even support dome projection in its stock config? The core operation , flight model and abilities are no different in each version. Actually, you start with the $29 version, and you purchase a USB key to unlock the FAA and dome features. Nothing is taken away , there is no such thing as a cheaper and inferior version. With that said, Lets talk a bit about MSFS. When was the last update, when will the next version come out? How is the support from Microsoft? I think Microsoft Flight is the next version and it looks to be a just a pretty game. So back to the initial discussion, It was asked what would provide the most realistic flying experience? If you want a true simulator with the capability to upgrade to FAA spec, and you want it supported and still in production, try X-Plane. Sorry if this thread turned into a "whats better, X-Plane or FS" debate, I was only trying to provide a solution.


07-08-2011, 02:45 PM
From my standpoint I would start from the aircraft out as you have the one you want to simulate already. Take a look at what is available for both X-Plane and FSX for the SAAB 340B. Both in freeware and payware. Not to say that freeware is better or worse just that in many instances more systems are modeled with payware models. Freeware models will get you using your sim on the computer the payware models are more likely to be more sim cockpit compatible. If you are looking to simulate more then just the flight operations ie aircraft operations.

If you find a model that does the greatest to simulate the aircraft you want then go with sim that the model works with.

With that in mind I did a little looking around for you.
A SAAB 340A is about to be released for X-Plane in the coming weeks currently being tested by actual SAAB pilots. For more info I refer to this X-Plane Thread (http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=1831.0). Some of their previous models look really quite spectacular X-Aviation (http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?search_in_description=1&keywords=SAAB&x=0&y=0)

X-Plane does have a few drawbacks I've heard. You'll need a top notch PC to run it. As you are perhaps building a sim cockpit I don't know if that can be mitigated by turning stuff off that say only a PC flyer would need (virtual cockpit and the like). Those that have used X-Plane could better describe it then I. I would look here at MyCockpit's X-Plane Forum (http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/forumdisplay.php/220-General-X-Plane-%28Laminar-Research%29) for more info.

Seems to me though if you have a pretty up to date machine. X-Plane might be the answer for you with the new model about to come out. It's not the 'B' model but perhaps a 'B' models differences could be added on in your cockpit and or modified in the models configuration.

Despite that info the only other SAAB 340 I could find was made by a company that is AFAIK out of business. There are of course the freeware models but you'll need to build and implement the systems yourself. Both FSX and X-Plane have a really robust command structure so controls can be added. There effect on the flight model may not be built into the model and/or simulated but you could test that for free of course.

Also what the previous poster said is correct. MS has stopped development of the flight sim series (letting go of the ACES staff that was the heart of that software). Where as X-Plane has a new version in the works. So development is ongoing. The popularity of FSX trumps X-Plane in aftermarket development though that perhaps is changing as those producers are moving to increase there market into the X-Plane area.

Hope I didn't confuse you to much. Hardware and interfaces are just that. The aftermarket has developed the connection (Cockpit - Flight Sim) for both FSX and X-Plane. Perhaps the one area where FSX shines a light on X-Plane is in the Scenery but that is changing too. RealScenery (http://www.realscenery.com/)

Based on the plane you want I would have to say if you have the right computer equipment to handle it X-Plane could be the sim for you. I'm an FSX user myself based on my aircraft of choice the Cessna A185F (currently not available for X-Plane).

07-08-2011, 02:47 PM
Hi Integraowner,
This has been flogged to death and if you want an answer, do a search and you will find your answer. There is not a definitive answer. I read replies from
real pilots and you will get differing opinions. They both have their advantages. Try them and make your own decision as everybody has different expectations and the price is not that great not to try for your self.
