View Full Version : Controlador error???

12-11-2010, 01:34 PM

Just testing my converted OH from FSbus to OC cards and have a strange issue that I am not sure is a problem or not...

I have a USB expansion card with 2 Master Cards connected. In the controlador program when I click the 'All ON' button all the LED's come on as expected but also a number of the input variables show up as on in the window even though they are actually off... If I reset all the LED's go off but it still shows the group of switches as still being on even though they are off. If I turn the switches on it then correctly shows that switch numbers for the switches that are on. The switches that are showing on are all in the same 'group' i.e. numbers 72 - 78.
The question I suppose would be is this a problem with controlador rather than my setup?


12-11-2010, 03:21 PM

Some quick and simple questions to eliminate some possibilities

Have you amended the controlador.ini file to show that two mastercards are connected ie NCards=2?

Are the mastercards running on their own 5volt supply and not through the USB?

The input numbers that are stuck on are within the first set of nine on the second card - though if there was a fault on the card I would expect all the first set of inputs ie 72 to 80 to be affected. Have you tried swopping over the mastercards to see if the "problem" moves with the card?


12-11-2010, 07:15 PM
Hi David,

1 - controlador recognises both mastercards
2 - both have their own 5v supply connected via the pins on the boards
3 - will try a swap over tomorrow and see what occurs

Its a strange one as i can get the specific inputs to be recognised correctly if i do not turn on all the led's...


12-12-2010, 05:13 AM

I wonder whether the leds are drawing too much current? Do you have the same number of leds connected to each card or is the card with the stuck inputs powering more leds? If so, do you know how much current each led is taking? The maximum per led output is 20ma .



12-12-2010, 08:31 AM

Problem solved...

Note to self: Do not plug the 5v power lead onto the USB card instead of the Mastercard....

Thanks for your help David - think you mentioned that earlier! I did have 2 x 5v power supplies, just not both connected to the correct place... Now on with SIOC


12-12-2010, 08:35 AM

You are not the first and will not be the last! It is generally the little things :)
Good luck and press on

