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View Full Version : Did I fry my atc module ?

11-24-2010, 03:50 AM

I've had an Open Cockpits ATC module for some time now and it always worked flawlessly on a wideclient pc. I've not yet gotten around to using it with SIOC but it served to change squawk codes.
Yesterday however it didn't work anymore : With every two clicks of the encoder the number changed one position and on the next two clicks it changed back to the first number.
I tried reinstalling the IOcards software (I have the latest version) checked the ini file for mistakes, nothing.
The COMM and NAV modules work fine.
Has anyone else experienced this behaviour and if yes is there a remedy ?



11-29-2010, 09:45 AM
You should check the cables from the encoder to the input card. Seems one of the leads has come loose.


12-07-2010, 03:12 AM
Well, Opencockpits are very service minded, I just sent the module back to them after explaining the problem.