View Full Version : Hello! I'm new and starting an A320 build.

09-07-2010, 08:54 PM
Hello everyone!

I've been lurking for quite some time and have been dreaming of an A320 setup for a while and am finally biting the bullet. I always wanted to save up and dive in with a full on FDS setup but reading this site showed me that I can actually make some of the components (I was a little too harsh on my own craftsmanship!), but nonetheless I'm finally starting my setup. I had initially wanted to wait until I moved, one of my criteria being a large space I would've reserved for the project as I planned on creating a 6DOF platform along with a sim which as I mentioned I had planned to buy. BUT being more realistic I decided to start by building a fixed base A320 crafting as many of the parts as I can myself. In the longer run, I plan on upgrading as I save up (truth be told, it's a project of love but behind the ranks on some bigger things monetarily), but nonetheless, I've been learning like a sponge, reading all the wonderful details and seeing the wonderful community here. Thanks to everyone for all the great information and I hope to document this project as I go. It might be a little slow but I'm trying to be as realistic as possible.

No Longer Active
09-08-2010, 04:16 AM
Welcome Aboard,

There are plenty of A320 builders here, so plenty of help on hand.

Cant wait to see the progress....

I am a Cessna builder but help on an A320 project every now and again, so great to meet you!


09-08-2010, 04:20 PM
Welcome aboard. SOunds like a fun build!

09-09-2010, 02:43 AM
Thanks everyone! I'm really excited, I'm currently mapping out the measurements. My first step should be to build a wood frame (most likely out of 2x4's) and then construct the MIP for a captain/f.o and the center with ecam. I'm planning on using a thin (possibly around 1/8th?) wood to create the panel and plexi behind the cut outs for the instruments panels. I figured the A320 MIP isn't too complex and has around 12 switches I think so it should be a good way to dive in! I also have to finish budgeting items like the total amount of switches I'll need and how many of each kind and other components as well. I do want to document it as well, I hope this goes smooth! :D
