View Full Version : OC USBKeys card not recognized in windows 7

08-08-2010, 10:54 PM
Hi guys,

well yet another problem i am hoping someone can help with, i have got the USBkeys card to use with the fmc, but as soon as i plug it into any computer i have here it brings up the windows cannot recognize the usb device, anyone else had this issue, or nknow of a fix for it



08-09-2010, 02:14 AM

This can be a common problem, not certain whether it is the OC USB interface or Windows. I found that the answer generally lies in making sure that you use a motherboard USB port and not thru a remote hub.



08-09-2010, 02:28 AM

This can be a common problem, not certain whether it is the OC USB interface or Windows. I found that the answer generally lies in making sure that you use a motherboard USB port and not thru a remote hub.



Hi David,

it is frustrating to say the least. i will try it on all the differnt usb ports i have on the pc and see if that makes any difference.

well i have just tried all the different usb ports, different usb cables and still no go, i am starting to get frustrated with these problems


08-09-2010, 05:05 AM

Sorry to hear that. I am not versant with Windows 7 (still on good old XP). If you have the usual control panel, then go into system, hardware, device manager, view. Select "show hidden devices" and then uninstall any "Unkown Devices" in the list of USB connections. Reboot and try again.

Good luck


08-09-2010, 10:18 PM

Sorry to hear that. I am not versant with Windows 7 (still on good old XP). If you have the usual control panel, then go into system, hardware, device manager, view. Select "show hidden devices" and then uninstall any "Unkown Devices" in the list of USB connections. Reboot and try again.

Good luck


Hi David,

thanks for the sugesstions, trued everything your have sugessted with no luck, i have currently got an email into open cockpits to see if they cann shed some light



Boeing 747 Flyer
08-10-2010, 10:55 AM
Hi Jason,

I use Windows 7 64-bit, USBKeys Card and SIOC together no problem.

I had no problems at all, it worked out of the box, and, in fact, I have it plugged in to a powered USB Hub. I have also tested "motherboard" USB Plugs, these give equally satisfying results.

Eve though windows does not recognise the device, does SIOC recognise it in the main window? Also, try connecting up some switches in the Matrix configuration and using the very latest USBKeys testing Software to drive the device.

I really hope you sort it out, but I can tell you that it definitely DOES work on W7 (at least for me and a few other users).

Best wishes,


08-10-2010, 06:57 PM
hi jack, have treid with soic with no luck,

i don't suppose you could tell me if all th numbers are the same on the two smaller ic's on your card? i only ask as some of the numbers are different on my ics and i am just wondering if maybe that has got something to do with it, it would at least allow me to cross something else of the list



Boeing 747 Flyer
08-11-2010, 09:09 AM
I'm very sorry Jason, I cannot physically see the card as I have mounted it on a bolted panel. And, since this panel is fixed against a wall, I cannot get to the card without unbolting it, which takes awhile.

08-11-2010, 10:29 AM
I'm very sorry Jason, I cannot physically see the card as I have mounted it on a bolted panel. And, since this panel is fixed against a wall, I cannot get to the card without unbolting it, which takes awhile.

thats ok was a bit of a long shot, i had a feeling that it would be buried ten layers deep :).

i guess my only course now will be to buy a pre assembled one from oc and see if that works.


08-11-2010, 02:55 PM
Hi Jason,
If this is a kit make sure that you have the correct value of resistor fitted to R1 R2 R3. Measure them to make sure. I built a usb i/f(not usb keys) and had fitted incorrect resistors that bias the data lines. With no chip in the board my card would say it was not recognised, till i fitted the correct resistors.
If you need confirmation on chip numbers (74hc541) have alook at their video. The number you need to wory about is 74HC541.
Can you give us hi res pic?
Hope this helps.
P.S do you still have your TRir 4 for sale.

08-11-2010, 08:11 PM
Hi Jason,
If this is a kit make sure that you have the correct value of resistor fitted to R1 R2 R3. Measure them to make sure. I built a usb i/f(not usb keys) and had fitted incorrect resistors that bias the data lines. With no chip in the board my card would say it was not recognised, till i fitted the correct resistors.
If you need confirmation on chip numbers (74hc541) have alook at their video. The number you need to wory about is 74HC541.
Can you give us hi res pic?
Hope this helps.
P.S do you still have your TRir 4 for sale.

Hi Les,

thanks for the idea, i will go and check the resistors now, you have confirmed what i thought about the ic's they are the correct ones supplied. i would have assumed that the resistors would be the corect ones that they supplied with the kit but i will check them anyway.

and yes i do still have the track ir for sale


edit: jsut checked all the resistors, capacitors etc, they are all the correct values, checked and rechecked the solder, still no go

08-12-2010, 01:04 AM
Have you tried it on another pc. One that hasnt had it lugged into.
Are you able to photograph both sides of pcb, we maybe able to see someting wrong.

08-14-2010, 02:51 AM
Hi Les,

sorry for the late reply, i have attached some pics of the card here,




Let me know if anything jumps out, also tried it in a computer that it haddn't been plugged into again with no luck, this pc was running win 7 32 bit, with no other usb devices plugged into it


(kiwi in Oz, go the all blacks!!!)

08-14-2010, 06:02 AM

The 40 pin connector has been soldered in the wrong way around. Check the assembly video as the notch should be facing towards the USB connector!

Sorry, good luck!


08-14-2010, 06:11 AM

The 40 pin connector has been soldered in the wrong way around. Check the assembly video as the notch should be facing towards the USB connector!

Sorry, good luck!


that should not have any relevance on it as the pins are not connected to anything at the moment, i will unsolder it and spin it around, but i don't think it will make a difference. will let you know


08-14-2010, 06:26 AM
hi david,

i have swapped the 40pin connectore around, still no go, worth a shot i guess

i am windering if maybe the PIC has lost it's programming somehow, i am clutching at straws now


08-14-2010, 09:33 AM

The only other suggestion I can make, if you have not done so already, is to go over the all the soldered joints again with just the iron tip to make sure there are no dry joints. Just one other point - you have soldered the power connector in the wrong way round. Not a problem in itself, but could be later if you use other OC cards as it would be easy to get reverse polarity by mistake



08-14-2010, 04:21 PM
Hi Jason,
I agree with david again, double check you joints and in particular meter out the ciruit between usb connector data +-.
i tried to see what would happen with a blank pic in my servo bd, no message response. However if you want to satisfy yourself.
Plug your USBkeys pic into your usb expansion bd win 7 may then want to install driver, this recognition can be funny. then run USBcheck.
Definitely you should be able to put your Keys pic into the expansion card and USB check will show iocards usb.
Second thing is to make sure you are not using an usb extension cord. Try another cable directly in if you havnt already.
Im still tending to think its an assembly problem. If you exhaust everything and want me to have a look for you then let me know
and you can shoot it across the ditch. Im not sure what equipment you have or experience.
Hope this helps.

08-14-2010, 07:43 PM
Hi Les and David,

i have rechecked all my joint, and swapped the power plug to make it the same as everything else.

also tried your sugesstion of putting the usbkeys ic in the usb expansion, as soon as i plugged in the usb expansion with the usbkeys ic in it, windows would noit recogonize the device, and usb check failed to recognize it either, put the usb expansion ic back in the expansion card, everything works again.

would this confirm that maybe the usbkeys ic is shot??

thanks again for you help


08-14-2010, 08:35 PM
No not so. I found win 7 with usb detection funny. Can you put USBkeys pic in Usb expansion pcb and then plug this into a port that USB expansion has not been in before. When i did this it wanted to install a driver, then it was happy.
You could also put USB expansion pic into USBkeys pcb and check. After this point, you could take your two cards with the swapped chips and try in another pc.
Why i say this is, windows has always been funny with usb detection, i have had some strange goings on. Sometimes the more you play the more
confused Windows gets. So don t be in a hurry to discount anything. To recap if USBkeys pic is faulty then it should fault in both pcbs and USB exapnsion
should be happy with both ic's.


08-14-2010, 08:48 PM
hi les,

yes the ic does fault in both cards, and the usbexp works in both cards, doesn't matter what usb port it is plugged into or what pc it is plugged into it does the same no matter with card the usbkeys ic is inserted into, that is why i drew the conclusion that maybe the ic is faulty, as it doen't work in either card, but the usbexp does.

i agree with you that windows is a funny beast at the best of times. but i am starting to think that maybe windows is not at fault this time.

again thanks for your help it is starting to get me somewhere now


08-14-2010, 10:21 PM
Well done,It does look it bit like the pic maybe at fault. The bare chip is available at Rs and Farnell. Providing you can programe a new one its worth a try.

08-14-2010, 11:03 PM
hi les

thanks for the reply, i cannot programm a chip myself, i have got an email into open cockpits to see if they wil;l help out with the pic, might be able to buy a pic from them

will let you know how i get on



08-15-2010, 05:32 AM
If you have any trouble, i think i can program one for you.

Joe Lavery
08-15-2010, 07:08 AM
Hi Jason,

I managed to blow up the chip on my USBKeys card, Open Cockpits will sell you a new one, (for I think £7 in my memory serves) this is preprogrammed and their service is pretty quick.


08-15-2010, 08:36 AM
i will let you guys know what the outcome is, i might take you up on your offer les, will just see how oc will ehlp/charge



10-07-2010, 04:31 AM
I've been having the same problem with this card in XP Pro. I've tried on three different machines and even on a different motherboard (which uses VIA chipset instead of Intel).

Sometimes is detected then system can't load driver, other times shows up as "Unknown Device".

Just had suggested to me that problem may be the speed of USB2. Suggestion was to put a USB 1 hub between system and board. Will try tonight and report back.

I take it that, like me, you tried to get help from Opencockpits and they didn't respond. I also notice that the links to the circuit diagram and software for this board now don't work (they did yesterday).



10-08-2010, 03:47 AM
Hi again,

Tried card through a USB1 hub last night. Worked perfectly the first time, restarted the machine and it did detect properly but didn't recognise switch inputs.

Still no response from Opencockpits despite having sent a message twice and put a post on their forum.

10-12-2010, 08:04 AM
Have a possible solution to this problem....

Friend of mine who is in to the art of PICing had a look at the chip on my board. Compared it to the code downloaded from OC's site. The two were VERY different.

He burned the downloaded code in to a chip for me and so far I've plugged it in to 4 different systems and all have identified it properly (one was a Windows 7 system).

It looks as if they may be sending out kits/boards with old (or new) code that doesn't work properly. Chic said it was something to do with the Vendor ID code.

Will give it a thorough thrashing and report back.


10-13-2010, 03:56 AM
Hi again,

Well I can say without doubt that the code in the PIC chip WAS the problem. Ive plugged the board in to 2 different XP pro machines and 2 different Windows 7 machines and all detected it correctly. The board then worked perfectly on all of them. This was with the code downloaded from the website burned in to a PIC.

Hope this helps somebody in the future.
