View Full Version : AMD Phenom II X4 965

06-19-2010, 10:19 AM
Hi there,
I have been struggling for years now to get a high framerate system for I'm a VFR enthusiast flying the "slow ones". I have tried everything from dual core 7500, 8400 etc. At this moment my simulator runs on a very high OC'd i7-920 with 6 Gigs of RAM.
Frame rate with all my add-on scenery packs is everage 17-27 fps. High density area 8-14 fps.
I am not running full sliders in FSX !! unfortunately.

I was wondering if someone tried and benchmarkt the new processor AMD Phenom II X4 965.
I'ts running 3.4 GHz stock and is not fixed on multiplier. I've read the CPU is easely clocked to 4 Gigs..... and for all it's cheap !!!

I am running a TH2Go on my i7. Changing to WideView with 3 i7's is quite expensive.
3 times an AMD Phenom II X4 965 would fit in more peoples budgets.
Regards. Nico

06-19-2010, 11:26 AM
I'm running FSX on Phenom 955 currently at 3.5Ghz (multiplier 17.5), 4Gb of 1600MHz CL8 Ram and it's running fine. To be honest, I was expecting more from my system byt FSX can't effectively use the 4 cores in my opinion. The FSX's performance depends hugely on the settings and tweaking in the fsx.cfg. I managed to get it working fine most of the time but on complicated airports like KJFK etc it still sometimes slows down to around 10fps.
I got my Phenom mainly due to price compared to others and I'm not complaining. However I never had a chance to compare it to i5 i7 etc.

06-19-2010, 11:56 AM
Hi Wojteku,
That's exactly the problem I face too. The i7 has 4 physical an 4 virtual cores. The virtual ones are not available to FSX for the program is to old or poor programming (if you prefer to point it out that way).
My i7 is performing marginly better than my E8400, both oc'd to 3.6 GHz. I even assume the better performance is due to the 6GB (faster) RAM compared to 4G's on the E8400.
As FSX is not using advanced features (as far as I know) from the processor, the processor speed would be the only criteria !! That would mean the Phenom 965 should perform better than any Intel processor on the market.

I've seen benchmarks comparing the i7 to the Phenom.... the i7 almost always performs better unless it's pure speed like rendering movie's. Farcry, ModernWarfair and so on perform better on an i7 (benchmark) but they are all of modern and processor feature demanding programming.

Please help us out here !!! Someone come up with the answers
regards, Nico

06-20-2010, 12:01 AM
Bump your clock up to 3.8 at a minimum, get the full amount of speed from your RAM. Your real aim is to get the QPI as high as you can (7.2 I believe)
With that and tweaking the config file I was able to get smooth performance and insane framerates (100 plus in rural areas and minimum of 28 in very dense areas with FTX)
I run 185 BLCK at 22 multi. 1333 RAM is 1459.
Main tweaks are really the Bandwidth_Multi to notice the difference.

Just remember, an AMD X4 is cheaper but you have to buy 3 of everything - RAM, processors, coolers, power supplies, motherboards, HDDs, cases, Wideview/FS. It won't exactly be a cheaper option.

06-20-2010, 04:39 AM
Hi ddoth,
TY for your reply, but my system gets instable when pushing it over 3.6 GHz. The i7-920 is a 2.66 GHz stock so the OC is already 33%.
I've tried every tweak in the book, and this is the best I can get.... BUT I WANT MORE !!!:)
My FSX PC has no other software installed then nesessary for FSX. I've tweaked Win7 so nothing unnesecary starts up or runs in the background.
FS software;
FSX Gold edition SP1 & 2
Carenado Cessna 182 RG
FS Global 2008/2010
UTX Europe (many features disabled for fps increase unfortunately)
NL2000V4 Dutch scenery (Huge, but outstandingly beautiful)
FSUIPC (registered) WideView FSX (registered)

My goal is to go to 5 37" HD TV's for outside vieuw, so the TH2G will have to go anyway. It means I'll need 5 identical PC's to drive the outside view. Now the choise; 5 i7's or ADM's ??????

regards, Nico

06-20-2010, 08:51 AM
Whilst saving for the new PCs (5 monitors are probably easier with 5 middle range computers than one super dooper) try something along these lines in your BIOS.
Multiplier 22
Speedstep Enabled
The next one enabled
175-185 BLCK
CPU Voltage 1.3
Make your RAM voltage 1.7 (If you are running 1333 mhz it will be overclocked and will need this)
Change your first 3 RAM timings down one, possibly 2 and the high one (should be something like 25 or there abouts) to 22.
If its unstable it is most likely your RAM causing the errors and stems from not enough voltage or the timings themselves, personally anyway.

On another note - that looks great !

06-20-2010, 03:04 PM
Still stands....
has anyone tried and/or benchmarkt the AMD Phenom for FSX ???

Kind regards, Nico