View Full Version : Hello from Toronto, Canada

06-13-2010, 09:35 PM
Hi all

I am new but love flying, so I am building my first personal cockpit and looking for some help !

this is not a large cockpit but a very small version or hoping of the new Diamond D-Jet small and personal, but at the same time everyday use.

what I am looking for is small LCD for the glass cockpit , I am trying to use 19" but it seams to be too big, can anyone help on suggestion.

thank you

06-13-2010, 10:20 PM
Welcome. What size LCD are you looking for? There are various places to get them.

I've had great luck with this company, and they have great prices. See if there is anything there that will work:



06-13-2010, 10:31 PM
Thanks fsaviator I was hoping to find something like a 16" widescreen or something like that but love the site great idea for other sizes.

06-21-2010, 03:43 PM
I would like to know if anyone on here is using the 10" LCD screen and how does it work with flight sim?

06-22-2010, 04:13 AM
Welcome to mycockpit.org.. Nice to see another person from Ontario here at the board..

One of the places I go for computer stuff is Kijjiji Toronto (GTA) (http://toronto.kijiji.ca/) for monitors and the like it's great. People are upgrading from older (smaller) monitors and you might be able to find one small enough. You can depending on you VC turn your monitor so it's in portrait mode (long sides vertical). That way you can fit the monitor even if it's a bit big the other way into your cockpit. There is space above your 'monitor' for it to fit (in the D-Jet cockpit)

From the view of the Cockpit...

They don't have much in the way of backup gauges? So you indeed need to have a glass cockpit. The center monitor can have the backup gauges and the 'dummy' vents.

They build the D-Jet in London 'where I live'. If out at the airport it's all you can hear overhead sometimes. Sales must be good. The last time I was out at Diamond they did have a D-Jet sim set up there but it's only for perspective clients (test drive before you buy). That was about a year ago now. They also make the Twin-Star here too. It's smaller Twin Turbines make a whine that's a bit hard on the ears.. Don't know what it's like in the cockpit but when it's overhead you know instantly what that is...

I've looked for a drawing of the D-Jet but none are out there AFAIK? Lots of pics though. They do have parts catalogs of there other aircraft perhaps as that one grows a bit more such docs will be online like the others?

Best of luck with your pit looks like a cool jet to model but could be a complex build. I would suggest you take a look at the G1000 Thread (http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/showthread.php/20058-Garmin-G1000) here at mycockpit and glean all you can from it.

There is a ton of help though too. So even though a challenge you aren't without many people here that have been there and done that.. (to coin a phrase) hehe..


06-22-2010, 06:23 AM
Hey Ron

I am glade to see anther Ontario person on here to I think there is a couple of use on here, I love the new D-jet and hope one day just to drive down and see in person, T believe that had one at the Oshawa airshow but don't quote me on that. I will try your suggestion on the panel the g1000 is really were I want to go so lets see.