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View Full Version : VC panning

06-04-2010, 02:07 PM
I am trying to find out how to get the VC to line up across three monitors. I was able to modify the panel.cfg to line up the horizons in 2D. I just bought a Trackir 5 and saw on Youtube several setups were the VC and horizon lined up perfectly. I am able to pan all three monitors together but the view isn't continuous. This is what I'm trying to achieve. www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e5KpKyAweE

If it helps I have 2 Nvidia Geforce 800GT's


06-04-2010, 06:41 PM
Don't know if it helps, but have you had a look at the software based Triplehead2go at http://www.kegetys.net/SoftTH/
Maybe that will help get the screens aligned.


06-04-2010, 06:45 PM
Thanks but the program doesn't work on FSX

06-05-2010, 02:26 AM

I have two TH2GO and I do not have any issues lined up. Can you post a pic so we can understand your problem ?



06-05-2010, 03:30 AM
Sorry, I remember looking at it over a year ago and it didn't work with FSX then I just thought that by now it would have.

06-05-2010, 05:22 PM

I have two TH2GO and I do not have any issues lined up. Can you post a pic so we can understand your problem ?



NicK. I dont have a TH2GO. I cant get the same resolution as you (5040x1050) so i was hoping that i could modify a CGF file or change the camera position to get a smooth transition between monitors. So far no luck.


06-05-2010, 10:11 PM
Doesn't need any software or utilities - it is built in but poorly documented.

Go to keyassignments - assign a spare key to VIEW LINK ALL (toggle)

Open the three VC view windows.
Drag one to left screen, one to right and leave one center.
Now it all depends on the FOCUS - ie - which screen you are clicked into.

FOCUS - central screen - set up the view to your liking with your tophat. Or hold down spacebar and move mouse around.
FOCUS - left screen. - Hold down SPACEBAR and then mouse in the area of the center screen. Mouse till left screen comes into the alignment you want on the center screen. Let go Spacebar.
FOCUS - right screen - Hold down SPACEBAR and then mouse in the area of the center screen. Mouse till right screen comes into the alignment you want on the center screen. Let go Spacebar.

Use your key assignment to lock the three screens together (It is a toggle - click to lock, click to unlock.)

If using TrackIR - make sure you stay clicked into central screen.

06-06-2010, 04:00 AM
Good information Graeme, thanks.

Has anyone else used this method?


06-06-2010, 09:31 AM
Sorry that assignment is - VIEW LINK ALL (toggle)

I was working from faulty memory - today I looked.

The beauty of this compared to a software utility program is that there is no additional software overhead.

06-06-2010, 11:58 PM

That is what I have been doing. The problem is that if you look up or down the cockpit is not continuous. If I look up the horizon seems to bend like a smile. If I look down the horizon frowns. The horizon and continuity of the cockpit gets worse the farther I get from my beginning point. Any suggestions? Thanks.

06-07-2010, 07:57 AM
I agree that my approach does create the effect you describe. You can ameliorate it to a degree by adjusting the zoom level of each screen (1.00 for all seems to work best) but you can't eliminate it. I adjust my horizon at the outset so that there is a band of acceptable vision from look out the window to look about 30 degrees above the horizon. This works well when looking up and left (or right) for the runway on the crosswind leg on a curved taildragger approach. Looking down into the cockpit tends to look dreadful if you look at the side screeens - but again (for me) in a single engined central seat taildragger - you look down and center and don't look at the side screens.

I'm taking delivery of a 24" 1900 x 1200 touch screen this week for center screen. That way I hope that I can look down and flick switches and adjust trim wheels by touching the correct thing on screen and I will be forced to look center screen even more so the effect on side screens will be not worth worrying about.

3 puns in the first two sentences!

06-07-2010, 07:59 AM
My cat got fascinated by your crawling bug in your profile pic while watching the screen today. There are a lot of paw prints on screen need cleaning off now!