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View Full Version : Plane 9 vs FSX

05-25-2010, 11:55 AM
I'm maybe starting my big open cockpit project and first I wanna know wich is better FSX or Plane 9. Please comment???


05-25-2010, 12:18 PM
Well i have both, i can say this, i have my pilots license, neither is perfect and x-plane isn't even close to what their diehards caim it to be. I can only speak from a single engine cessna and piper stand point. FSX overall is best but not by much.

05-25-2010, 12:22 PM
Ok thanks. I own Fsx and it's good

05-30-2010, 07:15 AM

FSX is quite an old engine with limited memory abilities. As computing turns 64bit with the possibility of more RAM and extra processor threads these improvements are not going to make it work any better. As MS have closed down the development team - then it will depend on third party developers - who are doing STUNNING work. But are limited by the core engine. Multiple monitor only depends on video cards and your processor speed.

X-Plane - frankly the graphics are much poorer but the flight dynamics seem more "fluid". An interesting way it keeps up the performance and frame rate is the design of the engine which uses a computer PER screen. You need more computers - but it flies WAY more smoothly as a result.

Personally I fly fighters and FSX WAY more using three monitors. X-plane a lot less. To get performance in FSX I set my central screen with 32-bit high color, anti-aliasing and detail. My side screens I turn the anti-aliasing off and dumb them down to 16-bit colors. Visually it doesn't matter so much as they are in the periphery of my vision and used to help co-ordinate turns and see what is coming next in the landing pattern. Seems to get it about right - for me.

05-31-2010, 01:29 PM
FSX all the way. I've used it for years, and it works great. It is sooooo much better than X-Plane period. And you don't have to buy scenery for the whole world!!! ... X-Plane. If you are going to use FSX buy REX 2.0 because it adds so much more to it.


p.s. Hope that helped. ;)

06-04-2010, 09:01 PM
I've run the X-plane demo. It was ok but I didn't like GUI. FSX beats it hands down if you have the right add-ons and a machine to do it justice. GEX, REX, and UTX will take FSX from a nice visual experience to a great one. Having a 4+Ghz machine running a 64 bit OS and at least 4 meg of ram helps keep the frame rate up over 25 FPS regardless of where your flying.