View Full Version : Opinion on TV interfacing

05-03-2010, 07:10 AM
Ok, I "acquired" (was given) and old HP computer that I am turning into a media center server. Put WIn7 on it, and it really is remarkable what that program can do :shock:. anyways, I want to interface to an analog tv. This pc has no agp/pci-e slots, only pci. Would it be better to get a pci video card with an s-video out or one of those vga adapter boxes and use the integrated graphics card? Which would provide a clearer picture? I dont want to dump TO much money into this, but I am open to suggestions as what would be the better solution. Thanx in advance.

05-03-2010, 11:41 AM
You may want to check the basic hardware requirements for Win7 to make sure the computer is up to it?
If that is true then you have to make sure you can get drivers for the various parts that are Win7 compatible including the VC.
Then if replacing the card to get a TV usable signal (S-Video)? That card has to have Win7 drivers. If not..
Then a VGA to TV Analog adapter might be your best shot.

S-Video should provide a clearer picture. That also depends on the TV you're connecting it to. You will still need audio as well as either choice only provides the video signal.

Hope that helps.

05-04-2010, 03:42 AM
Win7 is loaded and running good, it updated itself with all the drivers and everything. I am looking at 8400GS with an s-video out to go with.

05-04-2010, 11:02 AM
Cool. I wasn't sure how far you had gone in the process of building a media center.

I have Win7 myself and I know it has what used to be in the XP days the windows media center. I have my computer connected to a 32' Sharp CRT (S-Video). One of the last great CRT's before the LCD's started hitting the market place. Still works great and I've never had to repair the TV once. I don't think you can even buy a large CRT TV new these days..

A few tips.

When you connect your VC to your TV it will give you a few options. Clone or Extend. Clone will duplicate your computer monitor output to your TV this is fine if your computer monitor is the same or lower resolution as your TV. If it's higher however it will want to reduce your computer monitor resolution to match that of the TV. If that happens it's like reseting your monitors res on your computer settings (changing your desktop configuration). This is only temporary of course till you turn off your TV output signal (in your card settings or you unplug the S-Video from your VC).

I find if you use Extend instead (this makes your monitor extend to your TV). So your desktop stays the same and your TV video is added to the right side of your monitor (as if you had your TV sitting to right of your computer monitor). You can then drag your video player over to your TV and play your media. You can still use your computer at the same time.. A cool bonus if your putting on something for the kids to watch that you aren't to keen on. This also works best with a wireless mouse so you can sit and watch (change your media) without having to go to the computer to do that. Don't forget to drag the media player back to your monitor though or it will remember you have it on your TV (very right side of your monitor remember) the next time you want to play something using the player on your computer...
