View Full Version : FREE PCB'S

No Longer Active
04-20-2010, 07:58 AM

I have 3 x FSBUS 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY PCB'S which I am giving away.

I have:


You just need to drill the holes, they are brand new and unused, I now have the OC pcb's as the holes were pre drilled.

All I ask is that you pay shipping.

PM me if interested.

Kind Regards.


04-20-2010, 08:24 AM
hi Alex, very generous of you. What system are they for, and are the common anode or common cathode?


04-20-2010, 08:29 AM
Duh! It says FSBUS doesn't it?!!



No Longer Active
04-20-2010, 09:28 AM
I am certain that they are common cathode, I will take a photo of the pcb's....

Buddy....the drilling of the pcb's scared me so pre drilled was the best option in the end..over to OC I went.


04-20-2010, 09:33 AM
Hey, thanks Alex. I have a small drill press for my dremel, and a regular drill press so that would be no prob, just trying to decide if I need anymore!


No Longer Active
04-20-2010, 09:40 AM
Well it's enough to display a NAV + COM + XPDR if you ever went that route, but Perf Board / Vero Board appears to be everyone's solution at the mo.

Your brave drilling these pcb's, I think you will need a 0.5mm drill bit....very fiddly!


04-20-2010, 09:52 AM
Nah, I use the OC boards too. No sense doing all that wiring when the cards are available. I am actually designing my own display boards right now, soon to have them made I think. I like the OC boards, but I want ot be able to use a single ribbon cable with the IDC header on it to connect them, rather than the 2 seperate connectors on the OC boards. I will have 3,4,5, and 6 digit versions. As soon as the new PCBs arrive for the Igor Plug I will know if I am going to make the displays boards with them. This is the first set of boards I have sent to this company. The price is very very good, so if the boards are ok I will be makeing lots more stuff... I think it's high time we had affordable PCBs for the EFIS and FCU panels, all that hand-wiring gets boring after the first 100 or so wires. An affordable, pre-drilled PCB with backlighting would have been awesome when I started building mine, not to mention more reliable in the long run.


No Longer Active
04-20-2010, 05:53 PM
Still Available if anyone would like them!

Kind Regards,


04-30-2010, 09:09 AM
Nah, I use the OC boards too. No sense doing all that wiring when the cards are available. I am actually designing my own display boards right now, soon to have them made I think. I like the OC boards, but I want ot be able to use a single ribbon cable with the IDC header on it to connect them, rather than the 2 seperate connectors on the OC boards. I will have 3,4,5, and 6 digit versions. As soon as the new PCBs arrive for the Igor Plug I will know if I am going to make the displays boards with them. This is the first set of boards I have sent to this company. The price is very very good, so if the boards are ok I will be makeing lots more stuff... I think it's high time we had affordable PCBs for the EFIS and FCU panels, all that hand-wiring gets boring after the first 100 or so wires. An affordable, pre-drilled PCB with backlighting would have been awesome when I started building mine, not to mention more reliable in the long run.


Hi Buddy,

If you do make these boards, remember to export connections for the decimal points if you can! Up to now, we always have to cut traces on the existing boards and solder an extra wire, which cannot be combined with any connector for the board...


04-30-2010, 10:28 AM
Ha! Yes, that was my first though too! I decided to put a dip switch or jumper pins on the board just
for that purpose, one for each digit. With a little work I think I can even make it with a "dime" switch, which is a miniature rotary switch, where you can select a digit position for the decimal point to appear, or none.


04-30-2010, 10:49 AM
The more I think about it the more sense it makes to do this now before I get any further with my build, as well as make a PBC for a header board to easily connect all of the different seven segment pcbs to the displays board. Maybe even make it a "motherboard" that the displays card plugs into, eliminating any cables in between the 2 boards.

Before we get too far down that road, any other features anyone wants to mention?
