View Full Version : 737 homemade annunciators help

04-10-2010, 02:52 AM
Hi everyone,

I need some info on how to make these, and connect it to FSX so that it would actually work (like gear transit/down). Currently i have no idea what to use or how to do it.

So now I'm thinking of mounting LEDs in small boxes covered with some sort of semi-transparent material with a printed message on it. Most of the tutorials I've seen so far involve plexiglass, but I don't know how to cut it or even where to get it.
Also, I don't want to spend $4-5 buying each annunciator ready made (do they really cost that much?) but if there are some out there that are cheaper i might consider it.

For the interface part, are these annunciators connected to I/O boards? If so, I also need more information on how the board can communicate with FSX to send the signal to the light.



04-10-2010, 06:12 AM
To make a interface with FSX and your leds, switchs and etc... you need cards IO like FSBUS or IOCARDS.

If you use Iocards one Master card give to you connections for leds and switchs. (www.opencockipts.com (http://www.opencockpits.com/catalog/tarjetas-electronicas-iocards-master-entradassalidas-digit-c-21_27.html))

If you use FSBUS you need 3 boards, one FSCOM (Controller), one IO64 (inputs) and one DO64 (Leds). (www.brpanels.com.br (http://brpanels.com.br/br/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=12&Treeid=11&Itemid=1))

04-10-2010, 09:00 AM
Thanks for replying
I think i'll go with IO Cards, so I now plan to buy the USB expansion card, a master card and a display card (for MCP).
Are there any good tutorials or anything around, because now I need help with the software part of it.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction

04-10-2010, 09:20 AM
Here ya go,

04-10-2010, 09:31 AM
Thanks, I'll have a look there.

12-15-2011, 06:26 AM
Hi Brian

I can recommend the USB Output board from OC. It's very easy to use, and you can control 64 LED outputs, via
the SIOC software.


Don't know which Aircraft you are using, I'm for the time being writing a tutorial for connecting the annunciators from iFly 737NG to work with this board.


12-15-2011, 06:54 AM
Have a look here
they even do a full set of legends for the 737