View Full Version : using FS2Phidgets5 with 8/8/8 for TQ

03-16-2010, 11:08 PM
Hello folks

I need some help here please.

I intend to use the 8/8/8 + servo controller and relays to control my TQ.

Most of the data I have shows that you need to use outside logic gates, to power on or off the servos according to the Auto Throttle commands.

What I wish to know is, can the 8/8/8 be programmed by the new FS2Phidgets5 to work as a logic board ? Or do I need to use logic gates anway.

What I mean is - Can I somehow program the 8/8/8 to send a value based on A/T FSVariables to a relay - to turn on or off the power to the servos according to the A/T commands ?

Or is there any other way to control the power to the servos in order to be able use the throttles manualy ?

Thanks in advance


03-17-2010, 12:36 AM
Hi Isaac,

Yes. one can.

However, I would strongly recommend using Diego's autothrottle software.
It is designed to do what you require.
Has all the logic built in you need for TQ.


03-17-2010, 12:45 AM


Just noticed that you're a Kiwi.
Do you think Springboks have any chance against the All Blacks in next World Cup?

Diego lives in Oz. (Wallaby!)


03-17-2010, 12:54 AM
Hi Alan

Since I really need the SW from Diego - I will use my right to remain silent - Until I will see my throttles move :-)

I will try to contact Diego to see how I can get the SW.

Thank you for your awesome support for the sim guys out there.


03-17-2010, 01:47 AM
Ok - Have found the SW - took me some time to figure this one out.... :-)

Is there any help file or tutorial, or maybe a readme file ?

Will be lot easier for me since I am not too much into progrming :-(

Anyway - thanks for the support guys !


03-17-2010, 06:10 AM
Hi Isaac,

Hows it going? What part of NZ are you from. My girlfriends family lives in Wellington. Love going over there.

It looks like i forgot to drop the readme.txt in my latest upload. I need to upload a new version that has a small bug fix anyway, and will remember to stick the readme file in the upload. Either way the readme is pretty shocking.. and documentation is no where near as informative as Alans. The program is designed for tech savy people.. Either way hope i can get you started..

As Alan mentioned, the sole purpose of the program is to drive your 737 TQ with phidgets. The program is very specific. The hardware and logic cannot be varied like FS2Phidget. It will recognise your 8/8/8 and advanced servo card, also a HC motor card to drive your trim wheels. Relays are not needed. The power is cut to your servos when A/T is not in use. This is built into the logic of the program which leverages a power disconnect feature on your advance servo card.

You may connect a pot to any interface and then designate which FS values you would like the sensor to feed into. You will also see a section when configuring your interface card where you can select whether the sensor will be used for Flaps, Spoiler or reverse throttle. This will give you additional options...

The servos outputs however are hardcoded to specific functions. Servo output 0 and 1 must be connected to your servos which drive your throttle levers. Servo 2 needs to be connected to the servo which drivers your spoiler.

You should then calibrate the servos through the DVATX interface and specify min and max ranges. Best to do this without the levers connected first. Once this is done you can modify the smoothness of the movement through the ini file if you wish..

Hope that gets you started..

Let me know if you need any other help..



03-18-2010, 02:35 AM
Gidday Giego

I live in Wakefield which is a small beautiful village near Nelson - at the top of the SI. So whenever you cross the ditch - you are more then welcome to hop for a visit - coffee meals and accomodation on me - how about that ha ?

First - before I even start - I would like to thank you heaps for the time and effort you had put in this project - this is VERY helpful SW especialy for me since electronics and programming is not my cup of tea...

Once I will have all the data - with your permission and help - I am willing to spend some time to create a good tutorial/manual for your SW - this is where my skills are better :)

Few questions:

1. Do I need to to install and run FS2Phidets or DVATX only.

2. Do I need to install the Phidgets Library21 - or your DLL does it all ?

3. My reversers are switches not pots - I assume I can program the digital inputs via the INI file with the correct offsets - is that so ?

4. My 8/8/8 has a jack for power, 6-15V and 2 USB ports. To run the Servo card and the Motor card - can I hook the them to the 8/8/8 USB ports and power or each needs it's own power/USB to the PC ? (I know it's not a SW issue - but maybe you know someting about this too)

Cheers mate


03-18-2010, 04:52 AM
Hey Isaac,

Ill make sure i say hi next time im over, I love the south island too! and by all means if you want to write some doco, go for it!

In answer to your questions.

1. All you need is DVATX. If you run both on the same system, which ever program sees the phidgets hardware first will grab it and the other program will not detect it. You may want this if your using other hardware that FS2Phidget can take advantage of such as an LED board. In this case you would need to open up DVATX first, so it can grab the 8/8/8, servo and motor cards.

2. As long as you have the DLL ive included in the same directory as DVATX, you do not need to install the library seperately

3. So short answer for this is no. The reverser value is actually variable in FSX so i chose to use a pot. In saying this even though a digital input is programmable via the ini file, there is logic in DVATX which prevents the forward thrust value of 0 (when in idle) overwriting the reverser value and vise versa. I probably havent coded this the best way, but it works. So for now you will need a reverse pot or AUTOBRAKE = MAX when you land. :) You can just use one pot and link them together by using the OFFSET2= variable in the ini file. Have a look in the ini file, you will see how its used.

4. You have one of the newer 8/8/8 ifkits. I hope my program detects it. I assume the extra ports just extend the usb hub on the PC, so short answer is YES. You should be able to connect all your phidgets through the usb ports on the 8/8/8 and connect the 8/8/8 to the PC. You will need to provide seperate power to your advance servo card and hc card. Just use an ATX power supply. Both cards have a built in regulator so you can drive 12v in both and they will regulate voltage.

Good luck,


03-18-2010, 06:22 AM
Hi Diego

Cheers for that.

The new ifkit works fine with your SW - as much as I can see. I am testing it with pots and switches on my desktop FS9 and non registerd FSUIPC (On my sim I have FSX, reg FSUIPC and PM)

As much as I am willing to do the documentation - I need to start somewhere - so I reckon your README file will be a good start when you will upload it. Then I will start writing and let you do the fixing. Its about time do do something for the community for a change.

One BIG problem though - I built my throttles handles so the Reverser switch is inside the handle (actually a micro-switch pushed by a lever actuated by the reversers handles) - no way I can change it now and there is no room for a pot even if I want to. I need a solution to activate the reversers via the microswitch so it will have 0 as OFF and -0496 as ON. In yor INI file the PARK brake and the TOGA have on values although they are digital inputs. Is there a way to do the same for the reversers ?

When playing with FS2Phidgets5 - I have noticed that you can change the ValueFunction from Proportional to Digital - can this help ?

After all the trouble I went into the reversers it will be a shame if I will have to do the AUTOBRAKE=MAX :(

Anyway - I hope you can find a solution



03-19-2010, 01:11 AM

You can control reversers with on-off switch using Fs2Phidget5.
I just sent an example to builder who wanted to control prop control with on-off switch.

Here's how to toggle analog (proportional) FSVariables, I will use the Engine 1 Throttle Lever as an example:
Create new circuit.
Add Fixed Value component and set the InitialValue property to -4096.
Add Digital Input (your on-off switch).
Add Text component (so we can see what circuit is doing).
Add FS Input component, do not set UsesRatio property to true and assign to Engine 1 Throttle.
Add Fixed Value component, in parallel to digital input and set the InitialValue property to 0.
Add Text component (so we can see what circuit is doing)..
Add FS Input component, do not set UsesRatio property to true and assign to Engine 1 Throttle.

03-19-2010, 02:08 AM
Hi Allan

THANKS YOU HEAPS for this - now I'll be able to sleep again :)

One thing if you please

I intend to use Diego's SW which is perfect for me. Question is: can I run Diego's SW and FS2Phidgets5 with your solution on the same 8/8/8 card ? (I understand I need to load the DVATX BEFORE I load the FS2PH5)

Diego wrote:
So short answer for this is no. The reverser value is actually variable in FSX so i chose to use a pot. In saying this even though a digital input is programmable via the ini file, there is logic in DVATX which prevents the forward thrust value of 0 (when in idle) overwriting the reverser value and vise versa. I probably havent coded this the best way, but it works. So for now you will need a reverse pot or AUTOBRAKE = MAX when you land. You can just use one pot and link them together by using the OFFSET2= variable in the ini file. Have a look in the ini file, you will see how its used

In case the answer is NO - I have another 8/8/8 card so I can run one with Diego's SW and the other with FS2Phidgets5 - I hope it can be done somehow on the same card.

At any case - I am very happy since I will not have to rebuild my throttles.

All the best


03-19-2010, 08:28 PM

Good question. I do not honestly know. Will try it out and also confer with Diego (he's a lot smarter than me) and l will let you know what I find out.


03-20-2010, 01:24 AM

Good question. I do not honestly know. Will try it out and also confer with Diego (he's a lot smarter than me) and l will let you know what I find out.


Hi Allan

Tried this yesterday with my desktop - First loaded DVATX. DVATX loaded fine but FS2P5 loaded but could not recognize the card, and no inputs, outputs or analogs on the drop-downs.

Did again the other way around - PS2P5 loaded OK - but DVATX did not recognize the card.

Since these are truly amazing SWs - I hope you guys can find a way to combine them so we can have Diego's logic, servos,pots etc -and have the ability to have the full options FS2P5 gives for the digital inputs.

For example - if you can find a way to load them both and use the unused inputs in DVATX with PS2P5 - but any solution will be good.

Thank you for your kind support


03-20-2010, 01:27 AM
Yup. You are correct. One Phidget, One Process.

03-20-2010, 03:05 AM
Good Luck :)

03-20-2010, 07:24 AM
lol. Don't know about smarter. But yes only one program can own the handle to a card at any particular point in time. FS2P however recognises multiple cards of same type by serial (thats smart), so it could be possible to run both programs and have each proggy talk to a particular ifkit card. In saying that... as mentioned Ill code in an option to allow digital inputs to be used as a reverser input. It should be very straight forward to do as a switch is either on or off, so dont really need the complicated logic to work out which sensor has priority, the forward sensors or reverser sensors.



03-20-2010, 04:52 PM
Hi Diego

Thanks mate - this will make things easier by far.

Question: The A/T disengage and TOGA switches are momentary switches in the real bird, hence I did them alike in my TQ.

When using DVATX inputs for these tasks, does the logic built in the SW support this ? What I mean is - when pressing the A/T disengage switch once - does the logic "lock" the OFF state when releasing the switch?

And for the TOGA - when pressing the switch - does it "lock" the ON state until pressing again (like the LATCH) option in PS2P5. ?



03-21-2010, 01:34 AM
Told you he was smarter.

03-21-2010, 06:22 AM
Hi Isaac,

Yes you can specify switch on and off values. If the off value is not specified, the value is not changed ( ie. locked ) when the switch is in the off state.. TOGA and A/T disconnect all work fine with SIM-A and PM.



03-22-2010, 02:26 AM
Hi Diego

Thank you - I did not know this till now.

A amall suggestion if I may - The remark on top of the Digital input section in the INI file on this issue is not very clear. Your post here makes it clearer.

BTW - I did not ge the README file in case you sent it.

Cheers mate


04-20-2010, 11:57 PM
Hi All -

Where can I find Diego's DVATX software discussed here?


04-21-2010, 12:16 AM
Hi Fred


This is the latest one so far. I know Diego is working on a new version.

Have fun


04-21-2010, 07:31 PM
Hi Isaac -

Thanks very much. It is odd that it did not pop-up in a forum search.


08-19-2010, 10:11 PM
Hi Diego

Thanks mate - this will make things easier by far.

Question: The A/T disengage and TOGA switches are momentary switches in the real bird, hence I did them alike in my TQ.

When using DVATX inputs for these tasks, does the logic built in the SW support this ? What I mean is - when pressing the A/T disengage switch once - does the logic "lock" the OFF state when releasing the switch?

And for the TOGA - when pressing the switch - does it "lock" the ON state until pressing again (like the LATCH) option in PS2P5. ?



lol. Don't know about smarter. But yes only one program can own the handle to a card at any particular point in time. FS2P however recognises multiple cards of same type by serial (thats smart), so it could be possible to run both programs and have each proggy talk to a particular ifkit card. In saying that... as mentioned Ill code in an option to allow digital inputs to be used as a reverser input. It should be very straight forward to do as a switch is either on or off, so dont really need the complicated logic to work out which sensor has priority, the forward sensors or reverser sensors.
