View Full Version : FSX SDK Simconnect troubles

02-27-2010, 05:36 AM
I want to evaluate the ATC assigned taxiway for a user plane.
But i dont know how to do this.
Which API functions are involved in this query?
Is there a way to tell all possible taxiways that defined for a certain airport?


Peter Dowson
02-27-2010, 12:10 PM
I want to evaluate the ATC assigned taxiway for a user plane.
But i dont know how to do this.
Nor do I. It isn't a facility offered by SimConnect. Some programmers have obviously found out how to dig this sort of information out of FSX's ATC -- as Daniel van Os's "FollowMe" program demonstrates.

Is there a way to tell all possible taxiways that defined for a certain airport?
AFAIK, only by reading the taxiway definitions in the scenery files. My freeware MakeRunways program provides such information in one of the databases it produces. But there again, in FSX the "FollowMe" program seems to be able to get it for the current airport more directly.

A lot of hacking is involved I suspect. It isn't an area I've delved into I'm afraid.
