View Full Version : Sim safety

01-20-2010, 02:51 PM
Just wondering if there's anybody taking safety measures in/around the sim. Suppose you made a miscalculation and one of your interfaces catches fire, how soon will you notice and what do you do? Do you have an escape plan, fire extuinguisher? What if you are in a completely closed and noisy sim and something happens elsewhere in your home? And if you have a motion platform, how do you prevent people outside the sim to get hurt? (I have seen some situations on FSWeekend where I thougt: glad there are no safety officials on this booth). And what about a motion platform going out of control?

Just being curious because it's one of the things I feel I must consider in the build of my own sim.

Steve A
01-20-2010, 03:05 PM
When i leave my sim i make sure every plug is switched off, My sim is housed on the top floor of the house and i struggle hearing the missus calling upto me. I do have a fire extinguisher in the sim but i hope it is only for show.
Its one thing about sim safety but i can tell you a funny story about sim protection.
The top floor is accessed by an open plan staircase at my house and we have 6 cats who when we are out at work think its marvelous to use my sim as an adventure playground. I came home a few weeks ago to find the switches on my overhead acting strange. The cats had pulled out most of the wires and i had to re-do it. Last week i came home to find my projector smashed to bits on the floor.... the casing was cracked in 2 but miraculously it still works. My solution involves a large bag and some water but the missus would leave me lol so i have clamped the pj securely now to prevent it happening again but im still trying to find a solution to the cats getting in my sim room.

01-20-2010, 05:31 PM
You must have smoke/firedetection installed in your house,it is a important feature in my house because I have childeren.
Also I installed an emergency switch in my sim , I can hit whenever I feel the need .
And will cut off any current .
Also my sim-room is locked and fully cut off of any electricity whenever I`m not at home , and is a no no for my childeren.
Although I`m very carefully accidents can happen,therefore I have a first aid kit standing by in the house .

Geremy Britton
01-20-2010, 05:35 PM
This is a very relevent topic and not something that has cropped up before. The points you are suggesting is something we should think about. I have the sim very well secured (Keypad alarm, cameras, etc) As well as this preventing access it also helps to secure the sim. The sim doesn't have a firedoor but this could be something that maybe we should think about.

Also regarding your cats Steve, i can only say ... hurry up and get some windows in and a flightdeck door and it'll be a secure unit :mrgreen:

Failing that, stick a fake mouse downstairs then there shouldn't be any need for the cats to venture upstairs. :lol: LOL

01-21-2010, 06:45 AM
It seems you can buy sprinklers with motion detectors. Originally for in the garden but why not in your home? Cats associate punishment from you with your presence. In other words, when you're not there, they think it's ok to do what you normally punish them for. When you're not around but something strange sprays them wet, they'll think twice to go there again.