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Chris Baker
01-14-2010, 05:56 AM
Hi all ,

I have been around a while just never introduced myself.Chris Baker is the name ,a sparkie by trade but I sell welding equipment.
I am building a Aerowrox KingAir B200 sim.
I am setting up a photo Album & I can't get them in order?

I upload them - sort into order by name eg KAB200 Frame 001- Drag down to attachments & the order changes? So when they go into the album order is wrong.How do you get the right order in the albums?

Chris :D

01-14-2010, 07:48 AM
Hi Chris and welcome... nice to see another Aussie join the crew



01-14-2010, 08:19 AM
Hi all ,

I have been around a while just never introduced myself.Chris Baker is the name ,a sparkie by trade but I sell welding equipment.
I am building a Aerowrox KingAir B200 sim.
I am setting up a photo Album & I can't get them in order?

I upload them - sort into order by name eg KAB200 Frame 001- Drag down to attachments & the order changes? So when they go into the album order is wrong.How do you get the right order in the albums?

Chris :D
Hi Chris,

Welcome to the best sim forum on the planet. And also welcome from the West Coast.

As for you photo issue, I think the photos sort by order of upload but I could be wrong. I've never tried to sort after the fact just upload in order of photo.
