View Full Version : Looking for measurements and advice for projection display systems.

01-06-2010, 01:13 PM
Hi- This is my first post here and would like to say hello to this community. I am most inspired by the fantastic work done and shown here.

I'm currently building a 767 cockpit to scale. I currently use 4 42inch hdtvs and "Wideview" and FSX software; however, after seeing the seamless projection systems here and elsewhere, I am inclined to believe that a curved or semi dome screen and multi projectors is the way to go.

I have read some interesting topics on the web to provide as many options as possible in order to have the most realistic, "out of window" effect as my budget can allow.

I have read some of Paul Bourke's work with inexpensive Dome projection with a convex mirror and have seen demos on the web with "virtual windows" using head tracking devices( e.g. Johny Lee's Wii Remote on You Tube and Dinther Productions API TrackIr).

Seems I am at a point that some further suggestions may be useful. I believe perhaps due to budget limits the best option is building a curved or semi dome screen and using Sol7 software is the best( for the money) option out there.

If this is the direction, is rear projection better than front or the opposite? Does anyone know if plans are available for construction on the web or on this forum? Info about materials, links etc. would be helpful.

Any other advise would be greatly appreciated.

Eugene, Oregon

Sean Nixon
01-06-2010, 02:01 PM
Hi Mike, welcome to MyCockpit. Nice pit you got coming along there.

This topic is relevant to me also at the moment. I'm keen to get some good looking visuals up and running as quick as I can and have researched til the cows come home. Although there is a lot of information out there, a lot on this site, I just couldn't find the answers I needed. I guess this has a lot to do with the lack on any 'standards' in our hobby. Virtually everyone here is a novice (not wanting to offend the experts tho ;) ). There just aren't enough builders out there.

So with much trepeditaion, I purchased 3 short throw projectors and a TH2G about a fortnight ago with a view to experimenting for myself. I've also got hold of the SOL7 demo.

I'll be building my own screen, probably curved, but at least I can now begin to have a play around. That's where I am at the moment, planning the construction of the Mk1 screen.

Naturally, I'll post my finding here, plus answer any questions like yours once I have a little more knowledge on the subject.

I'm assuming you've serached this site using keywords like 'projectors', 'th2g' and 'sol7'?


01-06-2010, 03:39 PM
Thanks very much. It's still rather crude at this stage; however will continue to post as it evolves.

I found the same regarding the search. Looked at what seems every permutation of concepts and search terms related to this. While some interesting sites are there, seems they provide more inspiration than guidance. (Give or take.) Right now I'm somewhat slowed in the development because I will need to know the dimensions of the screen and placement before my pit gets to heavy or difficult to move.

Sean Nixon
01-06-2010, 05:12 PM
more inspiration than guidance.

Excellent way of putting it.

That's the great thing about sites like this. Sharing is the key!

BTW, I plan on using front projection, using 3 x short throw projectors at a throw distance in the region of 7-8ft, giving a curved screen of around 15ft diameter. Don't think I'll get a full 180 degree FOV, but we'll soon find out. That's the plan anyway!

One question I have regarding curved screens is that I've seen several designs where the screen is curved in both lateral dimensions, i.e. top to bottom, as well as side to side, like the following pic. Any projection specialists (Brad ;) ) know the reasons/benefits of this?



01-06-2010, 07:24 PM

I also found this.
An email reply to me:
" The current price for the150 degree screen is $3300 and the 200 degree is $3800.
The 150 degree screen is 12' across at the top but we could shorten that to the 10' you would need giving you about 120 degrees. Both screens are designed for any average off the shelf projectors with 16 x 9 ratio. Most customers so far are using the sol7 software. "