View Full Version : for all airbus builders "what addon"

10-28-2009, 04:07 PM
hi guys again
if any can tell there expirence and opinion as you know we are building an airbus
my frend whanted to start with a 340-600 but know is into the 320 there are more things that can be found hardwere and so on we would like to here what addons you guys are using we are running fsx and going to build all of the cockpit so we whant an addon that can offer us the max and be reliabele we have tested wilco but we has a probleme one we istaled it wouldent play and after 1 week of fuss and 1 day at the tech workshop after 2 formats and paying 100 euros it worked we are serching for somthing better though
what do you guys use???

10-28-2009, 06:15 PM
I think the wilcopub is the most realistic on the market right now. Flying it gives a very realistic feeling i thin the are the pmdg under the airbus if you understand what i mean.

This means you quit your 747 classic cockpit, that really is a shame, I love those old birds.


10-29-2009, 02:00 AM
i am not building yhe cockpti i am helping a frend that dose not speak or write good english and i will help him:-D i have a set up tranner done as i quite the 747 project for my mep/ir rating but it is getting more and more expensive!!!!! my 747 would bee cheper;-);-)any way we have wilco airbus seires vol1 and vol2 is this the same as wilcopud???? i do not really like it so much is there anything better on the market????

real word viation is getting very very expencive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!