View Full Version : Need help with BUO836X setup

10-18-2009, 09:33 PM
Hi all
Leo's BUO836X arrived today along with 4 pots so I am eager to connect things up and see how it all works.
I am a total newbie at this and these sound like dumb questions but what side of the board do I hook the pots up too and what wires go where.

I also have a toggle switch that has two wires that I want too see if it works? where on the board do I attach those too.

I know these are basic question but I can't find any diagrams showing how to wire up the BUO836X
There is a wiring diagram for the BU0836 but I can't find a diagram or manual for the BUO836X
If any one has any simple pictures/diagrams showing the wiring setup for the BUO836X I would love to see them



10-19-2009, 12:07 AM
For a toggle switch (or any switch) it doesn't matter which wire goes to +5v and the ground. The toggle switch simply opens or closes the circuit.
So, one wire to the +5v (the B* terminals) and the other to ground (GND).

Ian's site has some details www.737ng.co.uk/overhead.htm

10-19-2009, 03:22 AM
Hi Rhys,
To connect a switch to this board,one terminal of the switch connects
to a termnal Labelled B.The other terminal connects to a terminal labeled
GND.The pots have 3 terminals,one outer terminal goes to a 5v terminal.The other outer one goes to a GND terminal.The middle one
goes to either of the terminals marked x y rx ry rz sld or Dial.
To test in XP got to Control panel Game Controllers and Properties test.
There you should see Buo386x and when you move a Pot you will see a
bar move.When you operate a switch one of the numbered button will flash red.
If you need a bit of help pm me and as i am a Kiwi i can explain some things if needed,maybe by phone .
Hope this helps

10-19-2009, 04:21 AM
Thanks Guys,

I think I have things sorted well almost. I have hooked up some genuine helicopter toggle switches and after some playing around I got the switch to work :mrgreen: I then assigned the switch to landing lights in flight sim and bingo it worked :p
Thanks iwik I was going to ask, if the pots has three connections where the middle wire was going to go.
The only problem with the switch was If I turn on the switch to turn the lights on I would have to operate the switch on and off again too turn the lights off, but its a start. I even got the helicopter start switch on the collective to show up on the Properties test.
Its all getting very exciting



10-19-2009, 11:48 AM
If you're using FSUIPC, you should be able to go to the drop down menu and find the light switch under "toggle" that should allow you to use the switch in two positions - one for on and one for off. If not use the mousetrapping option to set the switch.

Hope this helps


10-19-2009, 03:56 PM
Thanks mounty Will do that.
Should the bars in the properties test menue be visible like the botton and hat switch or only if you have a pot hooked up?


10-19-2009, 04:14 PM
Not sure, I only have switches hooked up and the test screen shows all switches and hat switch. The settings page doesn't highlight the "calibrate" entry on mine. I would expect the settings page to show calibrate if you have a pot hooked up.

Check with Ian Sissons site he has more info on this card.


10-19-2009, 05:23 PM
:pthis may help. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU1e-UuUSyw