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View Full Version : A320 MCDU hardware

10-15-2009, 01:53 PM
Hello guys,

I would like to see what alternatives regarding A320 MCDUs are on the market. Therefore I made a little research and found the following suppliers:

Flightdeck Solutions http://www.flightdecksolutions.com/prod_info.php?id=560
Opencockpits http://www.opencockpits.com/catalog/mcdu-airbus-mounted-ready-p-257.html
Precision Flight Controls http://flypfc.com/fms%20panels/fms%20panels.html
Command Fliteware International http://www.commandfliteware.com/our_products/products/mcdu_mk3_fmc%10fmgc_colour.html
TEq.air http://www.teq-air.com/Trainings/MCDU_A320.html
Cockpitsonic http://www.cockpitsonic.de/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage_images.tpl&product_id=3&category_id=13&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=27

Do you know any other suppliers of the MCDU? It seems like Opencockpits is the only one providing the new Thales format.

An issue with some of the above MCDUs is that the LSKs are aligned at the middle of the display, but this is plain wrong, as you have a headline containing the title above the page there must be more space above the LSKs to the monitor frame than to the bottom. A good example for hardware that seems to be correct in this term is the Cockpitsonic MCDU. If it is not clear what I mean by that I can provide a picture for explanation.