View Full Version : Idea for VERY Cheap LCD's

09-06-2009, 05:59 AM

I just stumbled across this:

You can modify the PS1 Screen (Which was used in car) to accept VGA. On eBay, you can pick these LCD's up for around £20. Perfect for GPS and things :).


No Longer Active
09-06-2009, 06:59 AM

Yeah this has been done thousands of times, it is quite an old article, there has been many pro's and con's for this, and it really isn't as easy as it is made out to be, due to the fact that you need the right graphics card, settings and software, some have had luck with this, some haven't......

This has been discussed many many of times, there is also another tutorial on the net exactly the same as this (someone stole the owners pictures).

From the feedback that I have had with many members is the fact the PS1 screens are not as cheap as people would like them, there is more that could go wrong that could go right, and it really is 50/50 if it works. plus you need a ton of patience, and preferably good soldering skills!

If yo feel confident with this mod, go for it pal !

Cheers for re-linking us with the post...many have forgot!

09-06-2009, 01:37 PM

from my expreience (and I tried the PS1 also) best is to use a 5" or 5,7" LED backlighting with a controller. You can get them from 120,00 Euros and they are industrial soliutions. Did you ever try to read the PS1 from FO side? It's impossible. You need to have monitors with 120° from all sides. Otherwise the polaristaion makes it nearly impossible to see anything from side or below and above.

greetings from Munich


09-06-2009, 01:48 PM
Hi guys,

Mike is right. I have used a Psone 5" for my fmc and the angle of view is really limited. I use the composite entry and it is working.
To convert it into a VGA-monitor you need the original PSone screen It does not work for replacements of the original PSone screen.